Planning to run Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Using PF 1E rules and Golarion.

Where would a good place to place the Temple?

What god(s) would I be using? Obviously Erastil and Iomedae are sure to play a important part.

My players sometimes like to take a location that they freed from monsters and make a base out of it. I can see them doing that with the moathouse. would it imbalance the game?

Any other advice especially from those who have run it, are running it?

Thank you for all your advice.

The concept of Return is not dissimilar to Rise of the Runelords, so Varisia is a pretty obvious place. The River Kingdoms is fairly generic so that could work out too, in particular if you stuck the Temple in the stolen lands you could crib from the Kingmaker path if you want to go for more that just a base into a full fledged kingdom.

Rise of the Lords was the first thing I wanted to use yet the group I have played halfway to three quarters of that AP and would rather try something new. I was thinking of using the River kingdoms and the stolen lands to insert the village of Hommlet. Is the river kingdoms book still in print? Or updated to Pathfinder rules?

Silver Crusade

I would think Belkzen would work, a staging point for the orcs to attack. Tharizdun and Rovagug would be decent equivalencies. Alternatively, instead of a god, maybe Tharizdun is the Whispering Tyrant. Another possible location for the temple is in the Mana Wastes between Geb and Nex, a remnant of a stronghold from that ancient war. Personally, I would go for Belkzen.

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What god would you use instead of Tharizdun? I'm thinking Rovagug as he is pretty similar.

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Tharizdun wants to destroy the universe and has been chained in eternal sleep, I think that Rovagug is a perfect substitution.

again thank you for your response.

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I have most of this module on my hard drive. I spent 3 months converting it to Pathfinder lol

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I ran this module in PF several years ago unfortunatly I moved it to the WFRP World rather than Golarion.

I think that the moathouse is fine as a base except for the fact that for most of the campaign it is in the wrong place near the ruins of the old temple were the finale occures but not near the main temple where most of the action occcures so it should not cause any issues.

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