Beeatrize |
I'm building a Chelish diva bard and I'm in debate with my group about an aspect of the archetype.
"A Chelish diva gains the following bardic performances. This can never be performed more quickly than a standard action."
So the replacement performance types the diva gets can never be more than standard actions ok. BUT does the above apply to all performance types - inspire courage, inspire greatness etc - when the diva progresses to 7th level can these be done as a move action, then swift at 13th? Or are all performances for the diva locked to standard actions?
Azothath |
Chelish Diva Bard archetype.
APG FAQ: Archetype stacking - mentions Bard "In general, if a class feature grants multiple subfeatures, it’s OK to take two archetypes that only change two separate subfeatures. This includes two bard archetypes that alter or replace different bardic performances (even though bardic performance is technically a single class feature) ..." and takes some consideration. Inr Sea Mag was published in 2011 before the FAQ in 2015. So the FAQ is applicable and, uh, timely.
What is going for you is on the Bard Archetypes table Replaces column, Bardic Knowledge, Well-Versed, Lore Master, Inspire Competence, Dirge of Doom is Bardic Performance (parent class feature) is not on the list which says this is Replacing two bardic performances (inspire confidence, dirge of doom {subfeatures}) rather than altering the parent class feature. So it looks like the two replacement performances cannot benefit from quicker starting times as the Bard levels up. Had it said "These" rather that "This" it would have been clear.
Chelish Diva thread 2012 with link to designer comment for ease ->comment