Elder Mythos Cultist + Holy Vindicator

Rules Questions

What problems can you see in this idea?

The first problem that I encountered: stacking with channel energy class. The original cultist looses 3d6 of channel because of maddening gaze, but what if we take prestige class on 9th level? Still losing, or gaining every 2 level?

And more questions: holy (UNHOLY?) vindicator-undead...

How stigmata works? Does it work? (I know in other thread they said it does not, but may be other ideas)
What about healing? It emopwers healing spells on itself, but can it be inflict?

most of this is in the books. Generally prestige classes don't add to the base class abilities unless they say they do. Reference Mystic Theurge and the base class abilities and feats.

So, what does it mean?

If archetype ability says I loose channel increase on 5th, 11th and 19th level, I still lose it in prestige class? And if so, do I get these ability increase (I think. no, but maybe?)?

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Holy Vindicator wrote:
Channel Energy (Su): The vindicator's class level stacks with levels in any other class that grants the channel energy ability.

If you're an elder mythos cleric 7 / holy vindicator 4 then you channel energy as if you were an elder mythos cleric 11. Including losing the 11th level channel energy increase. However, you don't get the 11th level archetype ability upgrading maddening gaze - PF prestige classes are like that.

avr wrote:
If you're an elder mythos cleric 7 / holy vindicator 4 then you channel energy as if you were an elder mythos cleric 11. Including losing the 11th level channel energy increase.

This seems logical to me, but I can't find it explicitly stated anywhere.

Ok, thanks, but if you pull some links here - I'll be very happy.

And what about healing and stigmata's?

Anybody? What about empowered healing with inflict spells?

If Holy Vindicator explicity gave you channel dice, say +1d6 channel at level 2, + 1d6 at level 4 etc. then you would just get the bonus. Instead, Holy Vindicator says that it stacks your levels in the class with your other class, so it adds the X levels of Holy Vindicator to the Elder Mythos class levels to determine channel, so you would channel as if your levels from both classes were Elder Mythos levels.

Generally speaking I believe, if you can't be subject to a cost you can't activate that ability, I seem to recall a FAQ clarify this, but I can't find it right now.

Cure wounds and inflict spells are different things. An ability that empowers cure spells doesn't do anything for inflict spells.

Unfortunately, the inability to cure the bleed damage from stigmata is worded differently, being 'curative' magic, rather then 'cure spells' and is a more general term. Therefore if you were something that could take bleed damage, but where healed by inflict spells, they still wouldn't stop the bleed damage as they are curative magic for you.

Hm. It's totally useless for "true evil" character's, I think: stigmata will not bleed, if I'm immune to bleed (undead), so most abilities will not work. However I thought, that "cure spells" will reverse to inflict when you are undead or dhamphir, for example.

Oh, well... :(

Something like a Dhamphir is healed by an inflict spell. That doesn't make the Inflict Wounds spell a Cure Wounds spell though.

There are of course plenty of 'true evil' characters that are healed by cure spells.

Beyond that 'Holy Vindicator' is not really an evil focused prestige class. It certainly allows for evil Holy Vindicators, but the flavor is more fitting (note the 'Holy' part) for a champion of Good rather than a champion of evil.

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