Dragon Style TWF

Rules Questions

In the case of having both Dragon Style and Two Weapon Fighting, what is the STR multiplier for Dragon Style when using:

* manufactured weapon (1st attack) and unarmed strike (off-hand Dragon Style)

...does off-hand 0.5x override Dragon Style, or Dragon Style's 1.5x override off-hand, or some Option C?

The character is not a monk and is not flurrying.

(C) Read Dragon Style's "you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus [instead of 1x] on..." as "you add an additional 0.5xStr to your damage [beyond whatever you'd usually add]."

Therefore 0.5xStr for off-hand plus 0.5xStr for Dragon Style = 1xStr total.

No, I can't prove it.

What's the latest on using cestus w/unarmed strike? Still nerfed?

If by "still nerfed" you mean that unarmed strike damage doesn't apply to cestus, then yes that's true.

Dragon style overrides the reduced off hand dmg(and if this is for a monk it doesn't matter any way monks don't get reduced dmg for offhand unarmed strikes). So with dragon style(ferocity) anyone including monks will get 1.5xstr on all unarmed attacks and 2x str on the 1st attack in the round.

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