Frodwarf |
So I'm a player in my friend's pathfinder game. I'm a strix that got took to prison in a human city.The DM made a special prison for my people how he explains is two large bird cages on is inside a building and the other is outside with a gate surrounding it. When I was in the jail there were 6 guards 2 in the building 2 outside the gate and 2 inside the gate. The other players bartered with the guards and got me out. I then whent to the only strix tribe I knew that was 10 days away. I rolled high on my persuasion check and got 7 strix to join me. When we were heading back my DM gave us some info on the prison and said that there were 60 guards now. 10 out the what was a gate now wall 20 on the wall 20 in the wall and 10 in the building. I whant to ask if I should confront him on this and how to comfront him becus I do think he is abusing his power.

Meirril |
So...is the rest of the party into this prison break? Is this the adventure the GM had planned? (probably not) Is this personal grudge against how you're introduced to the party derailing the entire game?
Really, are the other players enjoying this? If they are I think its forgivable, otherwise you're just being a dick and preventing the entire group from exploring the planned adventure.
Honestly, the GM is sending a clear message that you shouldn't try this by visibly expanding the guards. Personally I think it would of been better handled if the number of guards remain the same and you just realized the middle group of guards are both high level rangers, like when the GM says "40 to hit on the first attack, 26 on the second, 30 on the third, and a 15 for the 4th. How many of those hit?"
Then you'd have time to think about it while you roll up a new character. Everybody else would get to the adventure while you prep for a later introduction. Win-win-object lesson. So long term win?
Seriously, its the start of the game. Try not to drag everything down immediately.

Dave Justus |

So basically after a prison escape the number of guards increased dramatically making it more difficult (perhaps impossible) for you to arrange a second prison escape.
That isn't a totally crazy response on the part of the prison.
Now, the number increase is pretty heavy handed, but at the same time the original number was really low (probably a gimme from your GM so your character could escape easily, although the other players resolved it without combat anway.) This isn't perfect GMing, but it is pretty understandable.
Basically, it seems to me that for whatever reason, the GM doesn't want you to do the prison break. If you feel really strongly that this is something that interests you as a player as well as the other players, you could communicate that fact to the GM and let him know that you think it would be a lot of fun and ask if he can develop a CR appropriate prison break scenario that you can play from.
More likely though, you will have more fun if you take the hint and get back on the main track of the adventure.

Turambar |

As a GM, if I say "You see eight guards," there are definitely more than eight guards. Your character was mistaken. Humans all look the same to him anyway.
Also, leaving the prison and coming back a month later you should expect things to be different. Maybe the 8 guards all leveled up and took the Leadership feat? Permanent Mirror Image? Major Illusion?
You left, you came back, things were different. Make a new plan.
You paid off the guards once, why not pay them off again?

Claxon |

Instead of expanding on my earlier reaction I'm simply say I agree with Dave Justus and Turamabar.
You're GM might be a little heavy handed with the number increase, perhaps there was a reason why the initial guard numbers were so low. Because they we're incredibly low in my opinion. Perhaps it's because the GM wanted to make sure your character could escape.
The most productive way to handle this without getting into any name calling is to simply tell your GM that eventually you'd like the opportunity to free the remaining Strix.
Also to clarify things, I don't think the GM is abusing their power. They gave you an easy time so you could successfully escape. That doesn't mean it should always be that easy. 60 guards is a bit much, but but 6 was definitely too low. Their should probably be around 1 guard for every 10 prisoners, inside the building. But considering you just escaped doubling it wouldn't be unreasonable. Mostly it sounds like your GM couldn't find a better way to tell you "Please focus on the story line I've already set up". Or that they already have something planned for the remaining Strix. Either way, I would simply express your interest in freeing them in the future and work with your GM towards that goal rather than taking adversarial positions against one another. Remember, you as a player can only win when the GM allows it. The only thing you can do besides accept that is walk away from a game.