Are Mechanics missing a Feat (Long Arms)

Rules Questions

Two of the Mechanic Templets list Weapon Focus (long arms as a suggestion) but the Feat (Long Arms) is not a class feat nor is the Feat a suggested one. The class that gets Long Arms as a stating feat is Solder. So is the ambition of the for the class a Error?

Exocortex gives proficiency and specialization in Longarms.
That's probably it, I don't remember the templates.

Dark Archive

Yeah it's the brain jack. Get that be a better solo combat character, get a drone be more utility.

It can be surprisingly easy to not have 1 longarm proficient character in a party.

Mudscale wrote:

Yeah it's the brain jack. Get that be a better solo combat character, get a drone be more utility.

It can be surprisingly easy to not have 1 longarm proficient character in a party.

Everyone I know just takes the feat (if they aren't like, melee solarians)

Brain Jack cool thanks. I round it weird that only one class got long arms as a class feat too.

Dark Archive

And since Weapon Specialization at lvl 3 is only applied to class granted proficiency you need to take a 2nd feat to give it the character level bonus damage.

The Exchange

Mudscale wrote:
And since Weapon Specialization at lvl 3 is only applied to class granted proficiency you need to take a 2nd feat to give it the character level bonus damage.

Only for the drone mechanic. The exocortex ability also grants Weapon Specialization in longarms at 3rd level.

Though healing-minded drone mechanics may want to avoid taking specialization in longarms so they can use the needler rifle filled with healing serum (Mk. II or higher) darts, so they don't do more damage than they heal.

Dracomicron wrote:
Though healing-minded drone mechanics may want to avoid taking specialization in longarms so they can use the needler rifle filled with healing serum (Mk. II or higher) darts, so they don't do more damage than they heal.

Though they'd be much better suited reconsidering whether they even want to do such a weird and kludgey build in the first place.

That is a good point. Maybe leave the healing to Envoys and Mystics.

Weird and kludgey builds are sometimes kinda fun, though.

Yeah, but the Ana Clone isn't just a weird build that is less efficient than other builds. Its a build that needs to struggle against the rules and house rule a lot, to do what it is doing at all.

Slap a merciful on your needler, natch.

Commodore_RB wrote:
Slap a merciful on your needler, natch.

Not actually that helpful, unfortunately. Nonlethal damage is the same as regular damage, except that it can't kill you. There would be no different effect on a Merciful Needler than a regular one.

A regular needle shot would do lethal damage, take them to zero and giving them the Unconscious/Dying condition, and then the healing serum would kick in, removing the Unconscious/Dying condition.

A Merciful needle shot would do nonlethal damage, take them to zero and giving them the Unconscious/Stable condition, and then the healing serum would kick in, removing the Unconscious/Stable condition.

Functionally these are identical.

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