Akashic Characters Tread (TM)

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Michael Sayre wrote:
This is the custom image of our Wednesday night Rise of the Drow party, drawn by Jacob Blackmon and posted on his Deviant Art page.

That is really cool. I was going to say I particularly like the awakened koala on the giant parrot, but your explanation what's going on is a lot more sensible!

Cactusfolk: proof that the PF1 design-space isn't exhausted.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

Anguish wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
This is the custom image of our Wednesday night Rise of the Drow party, drawn by Jacob Blackmon and posted on his Deviant Art page.

That is really cool. I was going to say I particularly like the awakened koala on the giant parrot, but your explanation what's going on is a lot more sensible!

I mean, the sheer fact that you defaulted to "awakened koala riding a giant parrot" makes me feel a bit like "sensible" is an entirely arbitrary word :P


Cactusfolk: proof that the PF1 design-space isn't exhausted.

I have a whole list of PC anthromorphs, plant creatures, and weirder stuff that I need before I can be satisfied with my game world. Camelfolk, cactusfolk, PC dragons, and armadillofolk are all on that list. I've been spending some of my 3pp freelance hours (which have gotten increasingly rare since I started at Paizo; my schedule doesn't leave a lot of free time anymore) checking any of those boxes that remain unchecked as fast as I can.

Michael Sayre wrote:
I have a whole list of PC anthromorphs, plant creatures, and weirder stuff that I need before I can be satisfied with my game world. Camelfolk, cactusfolk, PC dragons, and armadillofolk are all on that list. I've been spending some of my 3pp freelance hours (which have gotten increasingly rare since I started at Paizo; my schedule doesn't leave a lot of free time anymore) checking any of those boxes that remain unchecked as fast as I can.

I hear you. Somehow - accidentally - I've become all about the Tiny dragons. I even wrote a trio of psyche dragons (ego, superego, id). Little dragons always seem to come up in my campaigns, either as familiars or NPCs, so I know what you mean about having certain things that have to be expressed. Heck, in our shared campaign history, Iomedae's herald is currently a faerie dragon, Pervenche. She was the only entity in our Wrath campaign that didn't want to tell Her where to go, so got the job by default, and changed her name to Harold because... well... she didn't really understand what was going on at the time. Mythic. Faerie. Dragon. Divine. Emissary. Makes me smile just to think of her.

I look forward to seeing your 'morphs whenever they make it.

Michael Sayre wrote:

  • Terrabird, an earth-element constellation that takes the shape of a large, flightless avian called a strider

  • And mounted on Terrabird is Sir Brekius Buzzknecht, knight of the Tri-Acorn court and Queen's Champion, a morphbear zodiac (lunar)
  • Chocobo much? XD

    And terrabird gets some +1's for echoing "terror bird"

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:
    Michael Sayre wrote:

  • Terrabird, an earth-element constellation that takes the shape of a large, flightless avian called a strider

  • And mounted on Terrabird is Sir Brekius Buzzknecht, knight of the Tri-Acorn court and Queen's Champion, a morphbear zodiac (lunar)
  • Chocobo much? XD

    And terrabird gets some +1's for echoing "terror bird"

    I can see how someone might see a bit of a Final Fantasy pastiche there...

    You'll have to let me know what you think about Terrabird and the other constellations from the Quiet Lands once we get that laid out and published. All of those akashic character races (and more) will be part of the same release.

    Michael Sayre wrote:

    I can see how someone might see a bit of a Final Fantasy pastiche there...

    You'll have to let me know what you think about Terrabird and the other constellations from the Quiet Lands once we get that laid out and published. All of those akashic character races (and more) will be part of the same release.

    I will my friend, I will.

    I really want to see more akashic races, but I would love if you stayed a bit away from antropomorphs. I would love an akashic fey or 1/2 fey.

    In my campaign, all planetouched can change their spell-like ability and darkvision for the akashic subtype. BAM! Instant legion of akashic races.

    And I'm stilk waiting for vanara, catfolk and other subraces but akashified.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

    the xiao wrote:

    I really want to see more akashic races, but I would love if you stayed a bit away from anthromorphs.

    And I'm stilk waiting for vanara, catfolk and other subraces but akashified.

    I'm getting some mixed messages...


    Depending on how you define "anthromorphs" I would say that we've mixed it up a bit. The wyrmkin from the picture is just a straight-up quadruped, as is the primary race that it's a subrace of. The morphbears also kind of straddle the line a bit (the one from that piece is much more "humanized" than the ones from the final product will be).

    I can't promise no more anthromorphs because I really like anthromorphs and I have a few more that I'm definitely going to try and release, but I will note that I've already been pushing into magical beast territory pretty heavily and I strongly suspect that we're going to get more akashic alternate racial traits for the Co7S races and maybe a few others (I've been eyeballing gathlain and ghorans from UW as possible akashic conversions for a bit now). I suspect a lot of it will hinge on how well the PF1 market holds up post PF2 release and how much time Christen and I both have to spend on new options.

    Oh, and the main reason I haven't really done anything with vanara is because I've never finished baking the half-cooked idea I have to give akashic vanara an origin story that ties into the hanumaptra daeva. I know I want those things to be tied closely together, but I've never settled on how. Rather than a boring "they're the product of a hanumaptra and a mortal, or the offspring of a daevic whose daeva was about to make the transformation into a hanumaptra", I wanted to do something where the original akashic vanara were born from shards of a hanumaptra who ripped away everything it considered to be a hindrance to its ascendance into a proper deity.

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    Well, you know, they don't have to venerate a god. Maybe a hamunaptra had a fight that destroyed the home of a tribe of vanara, and in compensation he decides to accompany them in search of a new home. In the meantime he trained them in the akashic arts, and he was so close to them for a couple of years that he became some sort of living deity for them, asking him his blessing for every newborn vanara. Those blessed became... (akashic vanara, please insert cool sounding variant race name here lol).

    OR the hamunaptra shed some hairs before ascending (seen that Jet Li/Jackie Chan movie too many times), and those hairs evolved into the vanara race, which originally were all akashic. However, after many generations, a bug part started losing their natural essence, which could be an imcredible adventure hook for a vanara party (both akashic and not-akashic).

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:
    OR the hamunaptra shed some hairs before ascending (seen that Jet Li/Jackie Chan movie too many times), and those hairs evolved into the vanara race, which originally were all akashic. However, after many generations, a bug part started losing their natural essence, which could be an imcredible adventure hook for a vanara party (both akashic and not-akashic).

    I really enjoyed Forbidden Kingdom. I still dig it up and watch it every year or so.

    I actually really, really like that idea (or some version of it) as the origin for akashic vanara, and I'm kind of shocked I didn't think of it. Good call my friend.

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    Geee I have too many spelling mistakes, result of a combination of an old.phone and fat fingers LOL.

    I like to tinker with my favorite races. I have awesome race designs for rakasta and lupin (from mystara), but I have so little free time to develop it into a product pitch.

    Anyway, you know how the rakshasa monster description mentions they can have ANY beast head? Maybe a monkey-headed rakshasa (mandril maybe?) infiltrated the new race and started birthing tainted ones, who lost their natural essence. Why did he do that? Is he still among them? Does he uses his illusions to change from ruler to ruler?

    A campaign seed for a whole vanara party where if they "win" the vanara race recover their essence, and the akashic vanara becomes the standard from there on.

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    Ritika "The brass monkey", a chaotic good female vanara sineater guru who has the Amateur Astrologer feat to shape the Monkey as a staf but uses it mainly as a form of defense, using it to get a shield bonus while attacking with unarmed attacks with the Gentle Touch ability.

    Her nickname comes from the brass mask she wears most of the time, which has the shape of an angry monkey. She uses it to hide her identity, since she is the daughter of a wealthy and respected merchant. She appears from time to time in her region, always thwarting slave trading, drug dealing, kidnapping and other criminal activity.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:

    Ritika "The brass monkey", a chaotic good female vanara sineater guru who has the Amateur Astrologer feat to shape the Monkey as a staf but uses it mainly as a form of defense, using it to get a shield bonus while attacking with unarmed attacks with the Gentle Touch ability.

    Her nickname comes from the brass mask she wears most of the time, which has the shape of an angry monkey. She uses it to hide her identity, since she is the daughter of a wealthy and respected merchant. She appears from time to time in her region, always thwarting slave trading, drug dealing, kidnapping and other criminal activity.

    I've really just been wanting to play a Lunar zodiac in the Priestly Raiments set with the new cosmology from Emperors and Einherjar who manifests Monkey, Boar, and Snake to basically go full Journey to the West. I feel like it would be a lot of fun once the full build came online.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Michael Sayre wrote:

    I've really just been wanting to play a Lunar zodiac in the Priestly Raiments set with the new cosmology from Emperors and Einherjar who manifests Monkey, Boar, and Snake to basically go full Journey to the West. I feel like it would be a lot of fun once the full build came online.

    Yeah! Although the companions wouldn't be that human-looking... unless, you know, there was a way to unlock a greater champion form beyond investing essence ;)

    Once I mastered a 3.5 psionic campaign loosely based on the story, where the priest had to consult the 4 elemental oracles, and the first one was trapped by a fire nymph who impersonated it. Oh, my Wonder Years. One of the characters was a carp hengeyokai (or river spirit folk?) Samurai who took the fighter PrC that manifested a blade soulmeld. If I ever revive that, he will be a Solar Zodiac!

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    Lien, Male Vishkanya Solar Zodiac.

    Lien is a suave, handsome man and aswift, dirty warrior who manifests the Snake's spear, the Rat's armor and the Boar's bracers. He is also known to use poison in his fights. While not a knight in shining armor, he can be hired for not much, since he likes to test his dirty combat style while adventuring, but he doesn't like to be with the same people for much time.

    He also uses Spheres of Might's talents, particularly from the Alchemy and Lancer spheres.

    He may also take Expanded Cosmology to get another equipment so he can stack that ice damage LOL.

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    Homrum Thorkel (first name appeared in dwarf name generator... and I LOLed)

    A male Dwarf akashic warrior that has taken the Shape Veil feat to shape Mjolnir. (he would take Acces Lower Chakra for hands at 7 and retrain at 13 to Access Middle Chakra for wrists).

    He became awestruck with the legend of Thor after listening to an Asgardian Bard recounting the God's adventures while Homrum was in a tavern. Now, after converting to the Asgardian God's faith, he plans to become worthy enough to, when he dies, become an Einherjar at Thor's service.

    I dreamt an akashic monster LOL. I typed while my baby was in the backseat, so it is not in a very formal or professional format, but here it is!

    Hedron Guardian (Akashic Construct)

    These guardians come from a place and time where Akashic magic thrived. They normally guard ancient treasures that deal with Akashic magic, be them knowledge of forgotten veils, rituals to form a convergence from an unusual plane, star logs depicting alien cosmologies etc.

    Resembling a kind of floating double pyramid (think a d8), they were created with the ability to shape 4 specific veils, and wield them via magical appendages resembling an energy tentacle; these appendages can hold one veil, treating it as a main hand that can handle two handed weapons without penalty. The attack is based on the akashic construct effective veilshaper level (equal to its HD), adding Dex to attack rolls but no modifier to damage. While medium sized, this appendages give them the reach of a large creature. Its veils are always weapon like veils, shields, or some sort of attack. The magic that created these guardians mimic the abilities of veils bound to a chakra, but are still powered by essence. A Hedron Guardian has a number of essential points equal to its HD.

    A sample guardian would have Hand Cannons, El’s Utterdark Shield, Loyal Paladin’s Spear of Light, and Reaper’s Scythe.

    I just noticed my spelling mistake in the title of the tHread ¡*_*

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    Yomama, female morphbear Lunar Zodiac.
    Yomama is a powerful starpriest from the Quiet Lands that left her home plane for personal reasons. Unlike many lunars and veilshapers, she likes to change her repertoire of abilities each day, experimenting with different veils and companions. One day she shapes her veils but uses all her essence for manifesting signs, and others she manifests nothing and uses all her essence to empower her veils. She never uses her racial ability to attune to the elements, so she has a lot of essence.
    She had a terrible accident when she was little, so Yomama is extremely ugly.

    Channeling Kumama from FF6, my fave FF game ever.

    Rona the prideless, male wolger Lunar Zodiac.
    Rona’s pride was destroyed when he was but a pup, after an attack by the Empire. He cursed the skies and vowed to never call on the Sky King or the Zealous Fortress, who supposedly watched over his pride. Using a ritual, he instead venerates the Tiger and the Lion, constellations he has never seen. While a modest veilshaper, he uses all his essence to summon the champions of the Tiger, Lion and Tundra Lord, even if he has little essence to invest in said champions or his veils. He manifests his own pride of silent companions.

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    Vanity, male human solar zodiac.
    Vanity’s true name is not known. His nickname comes from the fact that he always summons the twin constellation, who appears exactly like him. A practitioner of the Fencing sphere of might, he has taught his “twin” the same talents, fighting in tandem for a deadly combination. The rest of his essence is invested in weapons and armor for him and his twin.

    Yue the moon priest, female yueyinren moon shenxue lunar zodiac.
    Coming from the lands of the Jade Oath, Yue is a strange woman whose behavior is as changing as the moon she venerates. A master astrologist, she uses her veilshaping abilities to pass as a cleric of whatever moon deity is prevalent in a given world. While she normally doesn’t manifest constellations, preferring the investment of her vast essence into her veils, when things get rough she summons as many champions as needed to let her avoid fighting altogether. Her most summoned champion is the Tundra Lord. She refuses to summon the fire constellations in any form, though.

    Khurshid, male sunsoul Ifrit Nexus
    Said to be a descendant of an evil sun god, Khurshid is a muscular, handsome man with bronce skin and blond hair. While not evil, he was born with a natural link to Hell itself, and uses powerful hellfire to destroy his enemies. He also learned to tap into unknown forces, summoning a powerful sword when forced into melee. He wields the powerful weapon and channels hellfire through it, dealing tremendous fire damage that can bypass any resistance but immunity.

    Really an exerce in min/maxing. At 5th level, a Nexus wielding the Sultan of Flames through the Amateur Astrologist feat could deal 2d4+(Str modx1.5) of physical damage, plus 2d8 fire damage. I he also channels the abyss planar detonation, he would add 3d10+5 to that fire damage (ifrit favored class bonus), 5d10+5+(1/2 Cha mod). If we add the Circlet of Brass Veil with 2 essence (maximum for a Nexus at that level), we could add 6 to that fire damage.

    So, a nova blow would deal:
    2d4+(Str modx1.5) physical damage + 2d8+5d10+11 (1/2 Cha mod) fire damage.

    If we take a sunsoul ifrit with 16 Str and 18 Cha at that level, it would average in:
    9 physical damage + 49 fire damage

    Not bad LOL. if there is one "but", it would be that a Nexus says that it can channel the planar blast through a weapon-like veil, but at the time the Nexus was written, constellation weapons didn't exist.

    I prefer this over shaping the Efreeti’s Brass Scimitar veil, since that one needs to be really invested with essence to increase the fire damage, and the Sultan's falchion not.

    I forgot to add +1 because of the Enhancement. Anyway, using the Versatile Detonation feat invested with 2 essence, at 5th level, our nova strike could add 1 extra d10 to the fire damage, and this get's even more powerful by 6th level of Nexus when essence capacity increases to 3, but you would have to invest almost all of your essence.

    At 6th, the damage would be:
    2d4+1+(Str modx1.5) physical damage + 3d8+6d10+14 (1/2 Cha mod) fire damage. This would need 3 essence invested in Circlet of Brass.
    Which averages into 10 physical damage + 60 fire damage

    With Versatile Detonation invested with 3 essence, that would add 2d10 or 11 average fire damage, and I wonder if a player would whine about getting 2 extra points because of the favored class bonus LOL.

    If I were to use the veil, it would change like this:
    2d4+3+(Str modx1.5) + 3d8 + 6d10 + 14 (1/2 Cha mod) fire damage. This would need 3 essence invested in Circlet of Brass AND 3 in Efritti's Brass Scimitar, and would average in a whooping 74 fire damage! 2d10/average 11 with 3 essence invested in Versatile Detonation, which would of course need that feat and either Extra Essence or some other bonus to essence, like two other akashic feats. so 87 would be the top I think.

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    Three darkness-themed veilweavers:

    Bakarrik, male Astomoi scholar vizier
    Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 10.
    This bizarre, vaguely humanoid creature looks like it is made of darkness. In fact, if it were not for the veils it wears, he would appear completely naked. A scholar of darkness itself, the solitary Bakarrik communicates with others through telepathy, always searching for scholars like himself to have long philosophical debates about the nature of darkness. He has an affinity for veils with the darkness descriptor, and can mentor would-be viziers or eclipses on its use.

    Whisper, female Caligni eclipse
    Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8.
    The daughter of two small dark creepers, the girl that would grow to be known as Whisper had a difficult childhood. Her community was supposed to give her to a powerful Owb as an offering, but a wandering drow kidnapper her on a whim. The drow lost her on a bet with a duergar in a gambling house in the underdark, and was going to be a slave, but the drow, more because of resentment for his loss than pity for the girl, loosened her restrains. She escaped at the first opportunity and has been wandering ever since. While she hates light, she became enamored with the food from the surface, specially fruits, and works for a small thieves guild that sends her on missions on the new moon, where her darkvision works best.

    Mawar, male Wayang eclipse
    Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8.
    Mawar was born in a small conclave of her people. He always felt the call of darkness, and after a lot of self-training became an Eclipse. Having no one in his community to guide him as a veilweaver, Mawar has been looking for someone with similar abilities to train him, to no avail. He is too stern and serious to make friends, but his skills have earned him the respect of the few people he has worked with. He is fond of leaving dried, wilted white roses as his mark.

    Liberty's Edge

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    Have you looked into the new Akashic sphere casting class?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    ShadowcatX wrote:
    Have you looked into the new Akashic sphere casting class?

    Yeah, and it's... weird. I haven't come to terms completely about how it works. If you are on the fence about buying it, I recommend looking at the material in the wiki:


    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Have you looked at the Huay (link)?

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    Amardeep, female Mindborn Aasimar Akasin Guru.
    Str 8, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 10.
    A short woman of unconventional beauty, Amardeep was raised by her father in a far-away temple, high in the mountains. There, she was taught martial arts, but her abilities were always different from her peers. After years of being unable to become a monk, she was put under the tutelage of a mysterious, foreign woman called Sandhya. Her lessons were harsh, but effective, and after just a couple of months, Amardeep became a Guru, a master of both martial arts and an ancient magical power known as Akasha. What she didn’t know is that Sandhya was not only her mother, but a Twilight Manasaputra, who had a dalliance with her father during a visit 20 years ago.

    Variant Aasimar Heritage
    Manasaputra-blooded (Mindborn)
    Typical alignment: LG
    Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis
    Alternate Skill Modifier: Perception, Sense Motive
    Alternate Spell-like Ability: Positive Pulse (or Psychic Sensitivity as bonus feat, or 1 point of essence and the akashic subtype)
    Mindborn look like humans in peak physical condition and of calm demeanor, even aloof, who tend to be loners, hermits or wandering teachers, sharing the wisdom of their enigmatic ancestors.

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    SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
    Have you looked at the Huay (link)?

    No, not that one, andI haven't had the opportunity to check the Stormbound appart from what is there in the Spheres wiki. HOWEVER, what I have seen of the Stormbound... I don't really like. That is why I haven't seen any other options that mentions it. But if I have the opportunity I will check it and review it and the Stormbound.

    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:
    ShadowcatX wrote:
    Have you looked into the new Akashic sphere casting class?

    Yeah, and it's... weird. I haven't come to terms completely about how it works. If you are on the fence about buying it, I recommend looking at the material in the wiki:


    I live on that site. lol I was just curious to pick your brain on it. I'd been expecting it to be more sphere magic and less akashic when I found out about it, and it is very different from what I was expecting.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    ShadowcatX wrote:

    I live on that site. lol I was just curious to pick your brain on it. I'd been expecting it to be more sphere magic and less akashic when I found out about it, and it is very different from what I was expecting.

    Then I'm your neighbor LOL

    There are a lot of design desicions that are just plain weird. You can do with one class what all other basic three akashic classes can, but with a lot of hassle... I think the best option would have been to make veils and archetypes for the akashic classes that worked with the spheres system, but they kind of did it the other way around. I particularly don't like the martial veils. They are available only to sphereshapers, but they make you better in melee? With a bad (but good) BAB and a d6 HD?

    Liberty's Edge

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    I was anticipating Akashic getting it's own sphere. Like bear, blood, and mana have before it but that it would revolve around Akashic powers. I thought maybe we'd get a medium caster, with some veil shaping but with veils that changed your magic and magic that changed your veils. I mean a sphere that gave you 1 temporary point of essence (maybe for caster / level rounds) wouldn't be that far out of left field, would it? Or one that allowed super charging a veil with spell points? Maybe a legendary talent that wove a veil for you (or a target), even if you weren't technically capable of weaving it... I'd even dared hope it would come with a race that wasn't (and forgive me for saying this about DSP, I love most of their work, I really do) completely and utterly terrible looking, that had innate essence.

    Guess the Azurin can still be a thing........

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    ShadowcatX wrote:

    I was anticipating Akashic getting it's own sphere. Like bear, blood, and mana have before it but that it would revolve around Akashic powers. I thought maybe we'd get a medium caster, with some veil shaping but with veils that changed your magic and magic that changed your veils. I mean a sphere that gave you 1 temporary point of essence (maybe for caster / level rounds) wouldn't be that far out of left field, would it? Or one that allowed super charging a veil with spell points? Maybe a legendary talent that wove a veil for you (or a target), even if you weren't technically capable of weaving it... I'd even dared hope it would come with a race that wasn't (and forgive me for saying this about DSP, I love most of their work, I really do) completely and utterly terrible looking, that had innate essence.

    Guess the Azurin can still be a thing........

    The book actually has both. The archetypes use a veilweaving sphere and then the base class has sphereshaping veils. It probably should have been two separate releases but Pandemic-Era strains made more sense to release both subsets together.

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
    ShadowcatX wrote:

    I was anticipating Akashic getting it's own sphere. Like bear, blood, and mana have before it but that it would revolve around Akashic powers. I thought maybe we'd get a medium caster, with some veil shaping but with veils that changed your magic and magic that changed your veils. I mean a sphere that gave you 1 temporary point of essence (maybe for caster / level rounds) wouldn't be that far out of left field, would it? Or one that allowed super charging a veil with spell points? Maybe a legendary talent that wove a veil for you (or a target), even if you weren't technically capable of weaving it... I'd even dared hope it would come with a race that wasn't (and forgive me for saying this about DSP, I love most of their work, I really do) completely and utterly terrible looking, that had innate essence.

    Guess the Azurin can still be a thing........

    The book actually has both. The archetypes use a veilweaving sphere and then the base class has sphereshaping veils. It probably should have been two separate releases but Pandemic-Era strains made more sense to release both subsets together.

    Ah, I hadn't dived into archetypes from it yet. Thank you for the heads up.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:

    The book actually has both. The archetypes use a veilweaving sphere and then the base class has sphereshaping veils. It probably should have been two separate releases but Pandemic-Era strains made more sense to release both subsets together.

    Thanks for the clarification! As I said, I haven't really come to terms with the system, but the Sphereshaper really looks like hea wants to take the Vizier's place. I know that that's what most sphere classes do with core ones, but I have yet to check the whole system. I love both the Spheres systems and the Akashic magic, so my expectations are really high LOL!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:
    ...the Sphereshaper really looks like hea wants to take the Vizier's place.

    That sounds like a plus from my end, given how I'm lukewarm on the Vizier.

    (It may be a manifestation of what I call "the spell-list problem": the vizier is probably defined by their veil list being different from other classes, but because the text of that isn't in their class write-up it doesn't come across easily. By contrast, the majority of spehrecaster classes have access to all the spheres and all the talents -- with casting traditions picking up some slack in defining that area -- making their class features more meaningful.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

    That sounds like a plus from my end, given how I'm lukewarm on the Vizier.

    It depends. The Sphereshaper veils are weird, they give you access to certain spheres and abilities, but I have yet to find how can you progress within a sphere (if you can at all). So you have to really dedicate yourself to be a "Vizier wanna-be", but I would have preferred a Vizier with normal spheres.

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    After reading The Fisherking akashic book, I got tons of ideas for new characters! Here are some:

    Medb, female Half-Giant Dominion (Tyranny) Daevic
    Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15.
    Favorite Veils: Armory of the Conqueror, Vain Queen’s Hand Mirror, Cuirass of Confidence, Horselord’s Greaves
    Medb appears as a hulking woman wearing shining plate armor and wielding a heavy, gigantic hand mirror that doubles as a mace. Medb has become a ruler of sorts in a small town. While not evil, her forceful personality and imposing figure makes people think twice about being negative to her “suggestions”.

    Oihana, female Callow May Changeling May Queen Fisherqueen
    Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 16.
    Oihana is the illegitimate daughter of King Altwidus. He was seduced by a green hag disguised as an elven maiden when he was but a single prince, and after months of their dalliance, the disguised hag met the prince in the forest, to give him a "surprise". However, Altwidus noticed the disguise and killed the hag, only to see what she was carrying. Not knowing what to do, he took her daughter to the druids and asked them to rise her as one of their own. The druids tried to teach her about their faith, but she developed strange abilities, including the blessings of Mother Nature (the Verdant Veil). 25 years have passed after that fateful encounter, and after forcing the druids to tell her about her parents, Oihana is determined to claim her birthright, which has been claimed by her evil stepmother and her son after declaring Altwidus unapt to rule.

    Kenelm The King of Thieves, male elf Rogue
    Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13.
    Shape Veil (King’s Keys)
    Kenelm is an unlikely halfbreed, born of an elven nobleman and a wild she-elf warrior; with the looks and cunning of a high elf but dressed and tattooed as a wild elf, Kenelm was raised by her mother far from her tribe, since they ridiculed him for being weak. With time, however, he got a liking to visiting the human city, and after years of visits developed a penchant for larceny. He climbed through the ranks of the local thieves’ guild until becoming the master, owing not in a small part to the abilities he developed by spying on the local “mage”, who in reality is a Vizier. Kenelm doesn’t really understand his abilities, but he doesn’t care as long as they work.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    My god, that Fisherking book is really inspiring. Here are a couple more characters that use it. (the ability scores don't take into account leveling up, just race and age)

    Abhinav the true heir, young male Human Fisherking
    Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17.
    Feat: Leadership (Asim, middle-aged male Human Celestial Knight Cavalier cohort)
    This unassuming youngster, according to the imposing but old warrior accompanying him, is the true heir of a land that was conquered by hobgoblins. He might be young, but his veilweaving abilities are not to be underestimated. He normally stays out of combat, helping Asim in a supporting role. He is searching for powerful heroes that can help him recover his birthright.

    Ahita Hormazd, female Spitespawn Tiefling Hexweaver Vizier
    Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 15.
    Daughter of a Div and a warlock, Ahita was conceived as a long term plan by her parents. As soon as she was born, she was left by his father in the Quiet Lands, in the care of a tribe of morphbears. Ahita was also taken care by the warlock’s familiar, who taught her the powers of the evil eye. As soon as she was old enough to defend herself, Ahita left the tribe, not before learning to weave veils. She keeps contact with her parents only through the familiar, but has never seen them. She is supposed to gather information on Aspected Crystals tied to earth and fire, needed by her parents for undisclosed reasons. Ahita’s favorite disguise is that of a travelling dancer.

    Akakios, old male Emberkin Aasimar Fisherking
    Str 7, Dex 5, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 19.
    (Iconic veil combo: Rebuke Voice veil, with max essence invested, used with the Merciful Veil feat)
    A “benevolent ruler” in his own words, and a “sadistic bastard” in the hushed mumblings of his citizens, Akakios is a powerful Fisherking coming from a long line of celestial descendants. His subjects live terrified of him, since they swear that his angry voice itself causes excruciating pain. He rarely leaves lasting harm to his subjects, and has trained a loyal cadre of Sin-Eater Gurus to serve as his guard. These Gurus take a non-killing vow, but they nonetheless are ruthless.

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    After reading the Volus book, I got some ideas for characters and backgrounds:

    Children of the Norns:
    This secluded tribe in the far north venerate the Norns as goddesses. The Norns work the threads of fate, and as such, their pople work the threads of magic. Volur of the Circle of the World are the most common veilweavers of the tribe, balancing their magic into benevolent (veilweaving) and malevolent (brandweaving) powers. Other common practicioners that are found in the tribe are Hexweaver Viziers, Desire and Knowledge Daevics, and the occasional Nexus, Radiant and Zodiac.

    Taika, female human Volur
    Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 17.
    This young woman comes from the Children of the Norns tribe. Tradition dictates that Volur should veilweave benevolent veils, since their brandweaving ability is malevolent. Taika tries to stick to tradition, helping her allies and hindering her foes, but sometimes she is more pragmatic.

    Musa Al-Han’ah, male Suli Volur
    Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.
    Musa is also called the “muscled mirage maker”, since he is physically strong for a “caster”. Musa is a typical adventurer, wanting to learn more about the world and its wonders. He likes to weaken his opponents with his brands before going into melee, since he likes the thrill of combat from the front. He is considering learning some Solar tricks to fuel his cravings.

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    SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
    Have you looked at the Huay (link)?

    I just reviewed it here:


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    My first Huay, I liked the concept of a person not content with her body, and learning to get away from it.

    Noparu, female Cactusfolk Huay
    Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8.
    Noparu’s family comes from the deserts of the Quiet Lands, a neutral plane where Akashic magic is common. However, her kin escaped the ravages of the empire, and found solace in a desert that was even more unforgiving than their original home. There, the locals treated them as monsters when they first met, and the even scarred young Noparu. As she grew up, she began to hate her own kin, why wouldn’t other people call her a monster when she was covered in spines? One, night, she had a dream, where a creature bearing her own shape called her and whispered the secrets of changing shape. After having the same dream for a month, Noparu became a Huay, a veilshaper unheard of in the Quiet Lands. While her family wasn’t mad, they started to fear for her youngest member, since she started to go for longer and longer periods of time. Today, Noparu is just a step away from leaving her family, needing only a reason for becoming an adventurer.

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    After reading the Spheres of Akasha book, I got a couple of character ideas... and no, I don't have a fixation on big girls just because 2 of the 3 1/2 giants I made are female... do I?

    Shamgar, male Orc Aeshmic Daevic of Wrath
    Str 18, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13.

    Shamgar is the 9th host of the powerful wrath daeva known as Alkemenis and as such, the next in line to become the ruler of a powerful tribe of orcs. As an Aeshmic, his abilities differ from other veilweavers, able to use powerful abilities from the berserker and destruction spheres. He uses no weapon, using his “bare” veilweaving to transform into a monster.

    Dölgöön, female Half-Giant Sipahi Sin-Eater Guru
    Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10.

    Her tribe’s championess of Bökh, traditional wrestling, Dölgöön is the first female to wield that title, but her detractors say that it’s because she’s the clan’s daughter. Normally a very quiet young gigantess, she proves them wrong time and again, both by challenging powerful wrestler from neighboring tribes, and foreigners that are up to the challenge. As a Sipahi, she has sacrificed many akashic abilities in exchange for more “mundane” abilities, which take the form of a vicious combination of Brute, Gladiator and Wrestling talents.

    毅 (Yi), lawful neutral male Aphorite Sphereshaper
    Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8.

    A strange man who likes to talk to himself a lot, Yi is a recently-created aphorite, made with the task of analyzing, testing, codifying and putting into practice a specific part of the Akashic Records that deal with Sphereshaper's veils. He carries a lot of scrolls and, when shaping veils for the day, rolls at random for both veils and talents, grumbling when getting not-so-useful stuff for the day, and being sarcastic when he does get something good.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    the xiao wrote:
    ... and no, I don't have a fixation on big girls just because 2 of the 3 1/2 giants I made are female... do I?

    As long as it doesn't get creepy, I don't think anyone cares.

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    Since this is more than a year old, I'm going to post a couple more. However, this time I will include some previews of a couple of projects I will publish between this year and the next... probably.

    Austeja, NG female Vasana Gnome Path of the Wondrous Weaver Vizier
    Str 6, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 14. (as a Vasana, Austeja changed her bonus to charisma for a bonus to intelligence)

    Born to a family of jewelmakers, Austeja never really fitted in. While her brothers were learning how to cut gems, she just kept playing with the cats from the neighborhood and several balls of yarn. One time, the family was asked to make precious jewelry for a human noble. Something in Austeja's being awoke, and she started weaving, something no one in her community knew. When the deadline came, Austeja showed a beautiful shawl to her parents. They were astounded, since they already thought her daughter was a lost cause. Little did they know that the shawl was magical...

    (new stuff, Vasana template-y race and Wondrous Weaver Vizier path)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ume, CG female Hungerseed Tiefling Drunken Brawler
    Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13.

    Ume is a big, muscular girl, who looks like she has had her fair share of fights. She always looks like she is at least tipsy, and always carries a bottle of wine tied to her hand. She has a kind of erratic behaviour, flirting with a man, just to intimidate him a second later. She doesn't talk about her past and thinks only of her future. In reality she is kind-hearted, and is quick to help others if they ask nicely or bring her food and wine. Apart from being a drunken brawler, Ume has developed some modest akashic abilities, in the form of the Drunken Immortal's Pingju she uses to drink and as a weapon.

    (new stuff, drunken brawler archetype and Drunken Immortal's Pingju veil)

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    Esaw, NE male Nightskulk Skinwalker Path of the Jackal Vizier
    Str 10, Dex 14/16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 10.

    Esaw is a child of the streets. He developed unsavory skills just to survive, and after years of watching veilshapers in his native land, literary learned how to steal their abilities from them. However, he crossed a powerful Nexus Ifrit who now is hunting for him. What Esaw doesn't know, is that said Nexus is a member of an infamous cabal of veilshapers with a penchant for fire.

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    I just read and reviewed many books by Azoth games, so I will also include some characters that use stuff from them.

    Adaeze, female wakermay changeling Chual Omdura
    Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17.
    Adaeze is the eldest daughter of a minor chieftain from Nyobe. Born under dire circumstances but accepted by her family. including her step mother, Adaeze has developed some powerful magical gifts. Adaeze is a boon to her father, since with her help he has been raising to prominence. However, she has been sent away after embarrasing his father after she insulted an allied chieftain's son while under the influence of Maman Brigitte's horse's mark.

    Adaeze always shapes at least one brand veil, with which she curses her opponents.

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    After reading the awesome Eldritch Essences about the Promethean class, I thought on some mofos as enemies for the parties:

    Kiyoshi "Kagami", NE male Kitsune Doppleganger Promethean
    Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 15.
    Forbidden Knowledge: Whispers of Providence, Unbound Soul, Reshaped Mind

    Kiyoshi has lived all of his entire life deceived. He thinks he is a priest of a forgotten kitsune god, but in reallity his prayers have reached an unknown entity from the Dark Tapestry that is very interested in Kiyoshi's world. Taking the shape of many priests from his homeland, Kiyoshi the Mirror has started acult of sorts that venerate this entity.

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    Are there any iconic characters for the Akashic classes? Do you Xiao have first level character builds? I'm not sure if I've seen stats for any at first level.

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    I asked the same question to Michael Sayre, and he said that the guys on the cover of the individual files are the "iconics". They are a male halfling daevic (or possibly gnome), a male dwarf guru, and a male half-elf vizier. I, however, have never seen stats for them. In this thread you can find some characters by Sayre, that use newer stuff. Also, one of the first characters I posted, is a 1st level naiad radiant that has everything to be used, traits, skills, favored class bonus, everything.

    Also, if you look up for James Ray's blog, the authof of Azoth games, he stated his "iconic fisherking", and it includes even equipment.

    Hope that helps and I will try to cook a 1st level character with everything to start playing. Any race/class combo you want?

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