Cha bonus to damage whatchamacallit


I dimly recall being in a thread some half a year ago in which the topic was a doohickey enabling charisma bonus to damage. I dimly recall that it only applied to thrown objects (probably shurikens or starknives). For the heck of me I cannot locate that old thread, and have a hunch it may have been a Homebrew discussion anyway.

If not, refresh my memory.

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The divine fighting technique feat used for Desna's Shooting Star. Starknives only of course, but not homebrew.

Edit: the diva strike feat works more generally but only once/round, only to damage, and it has a bunch of prereqs.

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Divine Fighting Technique: Desna's Shooting Star wrote:
Initial Benefit: You can add your Charisma bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when wielding a starknife. If you do so, you don’t modify attack rolls and damage rolls with your starknife with your Strength modifier, your Dexterity modifier (if you have Weapon Finesse), or any other ability score (if you have an ability that allows you to modify attack rolls and damage rolls with that ability score).

As a thrown light melee weapon, this can be used to gain Charisma to attack/damage on both ranged and melee attacks.

The wording of the feat prevents you from applying 1.5x Cha to damage if you two-hand a large starknife, but it also effectively grants you Double Slice if you decide to TWF.

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