Targutai Minyatur |
I'm making a new character for a campaign, I know it's going to be long and without many opportunities to rest to recharge spells.
The character in question I plan to be an oracle with the mystery of life, endurance diehard and fast healer.
The idea is to use life link / shield other and stay behind in combat, since I'm going to take a lot of damage.
We would have economy with the clw wands since each use would cure me much more (5) since I can cure others with my own life.
The downside is, although I'm going to use some channeling (I know they do not work with fast healer) and some spells to heal on myself when necessary. I want to have something to do in combat other than to heal like a madman and even if i have spells they are a limited surce.
For now the idea is to have a good constitution to get use of fast healer and to take all that damage 17 (+2) to start and a regular charisma to channel and cast spells. (20 points build)
What could I do in combat? I dont have feats till level 5 (if starting human) or 7 if I use another race (maybe gnome) and even then i need a feat for selective channel. If i dump int i culd reach 14 in str or dex but the char will be dumb.
One option would be to take a level of Unbrekable fighter (from ultimate combat, not sure if it is allowed) to have both feats free but it will hurt the spellcasting.
I know there is the oradin option but if posible i would like to keep straight oracle.
Books allowed are advanced core and ultimate magic.
Any lead on what could i do?
Ryze Kuja |
An Agile Composite Longbow (buff yourself with scrolls of Cat's Grace) + Precise Shot Feat (at minimum) would probably be your best bet. Alternatively, you could get Augmented Summoning Feat and prepare Summon Monster I-IX.
As far as accenting your Caster side of things, consider getting Dreamed Secrets Feat at lvl 13 so you can pick up spells from the Wizard list, also consider going Half-Elf so you can use Paragon Surge spell (free changeable Feat per day), and Mnemonic Vestments so you can cast spontaneously from a scroll each day. You can get really creative with the Mnemonic Vestments + Dreamed Secrets. You could even get 2-3 Disintegrates per day if you wanted to.
Don't worry about getting a high Con, get a High Charisma. It affects how many spells you get per day and it affects your DC's for offensive spells. You can boost your Con with items, like scrolls of Bear Endurance (at least until you can get a Belt of Physical Prowess/Perfection).
For ability score choice, I'd go str 10, dex 14, con 14, int 10, wis 10, cha 18 (16 +2 half-elf).
Or, if you're not worried about your Strength at all, you can go str 7, dex 14, con 14, int 12, wis 12, cha 18 (16 +2 half-elf).
With Paragon Surge, you can essentially gain a free feat per day, so if you think you're going to be casting more that day, you can pick a casty feat, and likewise, if you think you'll be pulling out the bow a lot that day, pick up Deadly Aim or whatever you want. You'll want to prepare multiple castings of Paragon Surge each day because there might be several times you want access to the feat you choose for that day.
Dave Justus |
Usually healing is best considered one aspect of a support character, but a good support character is going to do more than just healing. Healing is primarily reactive and in the support function is used to make sure the guys on your team can keep dealing damage.
Beyond that support is also usually adding in buffs to increase the damage they do. Spells like bless or prayer are classic examples. Bringing down a foe one round sooner can be worth a lot of healing. So look at your character as a fully ranged support character and not just a healer.
That said, a support character more than any other usually needs a secondary role for when they aren't doing a support action. Most of the time you will want just a round or two of buffs, and unless HP are getting low you don't need to heal until after the fight is done and actions are not so precious.
You also want this secondary role not to be consuming resources that your primary role will need (spell slots in your case.) Usually this means either attacks or something else that can be done over and over again.
Unfortunately, pretty much anything I can think of, including attacking, would require feats and as you noticed you already have quite a few budgeted for.
If it was me, I'd skip the whole diehard, endurance and fast healer plan (or at least delay it until higher levels when I would have more con from a con boosting item) and either put in to some melee ability or something else. I think a Orodin build would work well for this concept, with probably 2 levels of paladin. With that you could fairly easily build either a fairly effective melee or ranged attacker (especially when you had smite active, although that would be a quite limited resource) or you could go for a dazzling display build and be able to debuff enemies (taking a secondary controller roll when you didn't need to perform in your major support role). Swift action lay on hards healing for yourself would be a nice benefit too.
Romyr |
first of all, sorry for my english.
I`m playing gnome oracle with life mystery.
My goal is Holy Vindicator, which allow me maximize cure spell on my self and fight in mellee. Safe curing allow you to heal yourself safety in midlle of battle, so nothing wrong in fighting in melle.
Until that (Vindicator lvl you get on 8 character lvl), i buff patty, stay of first line of battle in heavy armor (without profiensy) for flanking and aid another. My channel energy i use for bless equipment feat.
Ryze Kuja |
If your primary vision of this character is to be a healer and damage soaker with Life Link and Shield Other, I strongly recommend investing in wands of Cure Light Wounds (for healing out of combat) and Wands of Cure Serious/Critical Wounds (for in-combat emergency heals) so you're not burning your spells too much every fight. To keep yourself alive while Life Linking with multiple party members, you can swiftcast a cure spell, and use a wand of cure serious wounds, and a move action, all in the same round. That's pretty big. You're going to need Die Hard and Fast Healer for those tough fights, but don't become reliant upon it or your DM is going to become reliant upon it as well, just so he can provide your group with a proper challenge.
Honestly, I'd just get a bow, but don't get any feats. You should have a way to damage when you don't want to expend any spells/wands, but investing feats into a ranged weapon gets expensive real quick for an Oracle, because you're feat starved. You'll want things like metamagic feats, spell perfection, dreamed secrets, etc, and investing even into one ranged feat is costly. You can save Paragon Surge for this and choose the ranged feat you'd like each day, or you can simply accent your magic casting with this additional feat as well.
I think an Oradin build with 2 lvls in Paladin would do you well, because your Cha gets applied to saves (huge survivability all around), and you can Smite a target, and you can increase your Hit/AC equal to your Cha vs this target. That's huge survivability in a boss fight with anything evil.
Meirril |
Early on, pick up a ranged weapon like a sling. Also start putting skill points into Use Magic Device. Start picking up any wands the party ends up with that other casters won't fight you for. A wand of Acid Arrow shouldn't excite a wizard, but its something to do when you are bored. Even wands like Minor Illusion will give you something to do while you're waiting to start healing.
If you were medium sized and you could afford a feat and a trait I'd actually suggest picking up Gunsmithing and Quick Learner, then start crafting a musket. While your not exactly going to be intimidating, being able to hit touch AC (with a -2 penalty) makes up for not having the right stats and not even being proficient with the weapon. Also if you feel like it you can craft up to 1,000gp worth of ammo per day at 1/10 the cost. Not a bad way to spend a day off.
Wonderstell |
An Agile Composite Longbow (buff yourself with scrolls of Cat's Grace) + Precise Shot Feat (at minimum) would probably be your best bet. Alternatively, you could get Augmented Summoning Feat and prepare Summon Monster I-IX.
While I would gladly welcome the completely broken idea that archers can get Dex-to-Damage with a +1 weapon enchantment, Agile can not be placed of ranged weapons.
Requirement: This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.
Agile weapons are unusually well balanced and responsive. A wielder with the Weapon Finesse feat can choose to apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Your character is going to be taking a lot of damage; presumably this means they'll be exposed to combat often? Consider playing a grippli.
1. Net use: you'll get a free proficiency with Exotic Weapon: Net. At low level you'll be able to toss these for Entangled on Small or Medium foes. As you level spells and feats can help keep this weapon and it's Condition(s) relevant
2. Determine what your GM will allow when using Agile Tongue: depending on GM's fiat this tongue threatens a Disarm or Steal maneuver at 10' from your foes. Its niche, but this gives you something to do when foes move through that threatened area
3. Agile Tongue Touch spells: taking this feat will also allow you to deliver any Touch spells from 10' away. This means you potentially stay out of harm's way and thus deliver your own Cure spells by Touch standing outside of melee
4. Movement: a grippli with the right Racial Traits begins play with a Climb speed, the ability to leap as if from a running start while standing still, and gliding wings to extend jump distance and reduce damage in controlled falls. All of this means you can get around many battlefields easier than some; an advantage in placing yourself in the right spot to fling a net or a Touch spell 10' away
Finally Grippli Oracles can add Poison or Water descriptor spells from the Druid list to their own as their Favored Class bonus. I haven't researched this so I don't know how big a boon that is, but maybe this could give you some extra combat utility.
Grippli are Small sized and gain +2 on Dex and Wis. This makes them ideal Ranged attackers. Grabbing a sling, making a bunch of Scrolls of Magic Stone and tossing that spell on 3 stones at a time means you're covered for avg damage from Range at level 1. As you level from there you can always use other spells or enhancements on the sling to stay relevant
Gallant Armor |
If you aren't locked into playing an Oracle, Life Shaman would be worth looking at. You get channeling and access to Life Link and Shell of Succor (variant spirit hex) which are very nice. Hexes are good for combat debuffs so you can save your spells for other things and give you something to do all day. Human/half-elf FCB help fills in gaps in your spell list such as shield other.
Protector familiar allows you to transfer some of your damage to your familiar who will have fast healing 1 if your main spirit is Life.
Familiar Spell (feat or rod) and Imbue with Spell Ability are great ways to have your familiar heal you, itself or teammates in combat and save on action economy.
thorin001 |
If you are using Life Link and Shield Other then your actions will be used by healing yourself. You are going to take damage, and a lot of it even if you never get hit directly.
The go to feat for a life Oracle is Fey Foundling. Healing magic works better on you; +2 HP per die rolled. The go to archetype is Pei Zin Practitinor. You give up some class skills to get Lay on Hands.
The optimum race for a life Oracle is Gnome. They get a bonus to Con and Cha. They can also take an alternate race trait that allows them to be healed better (+1 hp per 2 caster levels).
For non-healing actions you can spam Guidance or get a longspear and use the reach to aid another