Combat Medic build help?



Greetings fellow spacefaring adventurers!

I'm putting together my first Starfinder Society character. The concept is an Android Combat medic who served during the closing days of the Silent War, Mer-c was active at the time The Swarm invaded the Pact Worlds and her unit was decimated during the conflict. Her intense survivors guilt, and shame at not being able to do more, eventually led to her retiring from active duty and, at the encouragement of a superior officer, she elected to join the Starfinder Society in order to redeem herself for her perceived failures.

I would prefer to avoid going full caster, this is a first time for organized play and I'd like to keep it simple if I can.

And with that I release this to the collective infosphere that is this forum.

Hit me with your worst! (Or best :) )

Envoy with inspiring boost, skill expertise medicine and the medical expert feat.

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You could also pick up longarms proficiency and a needler rifle to shoot healing serums. I'd skip specialization so you don't do more damage than you heal.

Also depending on Int and skill ranks you can be taking 10 on healing level+int pretty early. The mechanic on our group is building similarly, is level 6 and has a +16 bonus for example.

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GreyYeti wrote:
Envoy with inspiring boost, skill expertise medicine and the medical expert feat.

I would add taking the Skyfire Centurion archtype with this build. Having a bonded ally can sub in on your offensive attacks, and the 12th level ability to use First Aid as a move action for your ally will diversify the actions you can pull off in a turn.


Ok so at first level I’m looking at a stat setup like this
10 16 10 14 10 12 including racial stat adjustments.
I was thinking of Mercenary theme for thematics, I’d like Icon but I can’t justify it without a long overcomplicated story.

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MER-c wrote:

Ok so at first level I’m looking at a stat setup like this

10 16 10 14 10 12 including racial stat adjustments.
I was thinking of Mercenary theme for thematics, I’d like Icon but I can’t justify it without a long overcomplicated story.

Why? Their troop was decimated, they could have been sent home with a purple heart (or Starfinder's equivalent). From there, they're a clinic owner for their celebrity. The guilt has led her to help many without reason. Easy as that, her fans are her patients and their family and friends.


I totally had not thought of that, that sounds almost perfect!

With that in pace the stats go to

10 16 10 14 10 13, with a possible swap between DEX and INT. I'm leaning toward INT right now because I feel like DEX is good enough early at 14. I've made due with lower stats in worse situations.


Too late to edit but I took into account everyone's suggestions. And I like what I got so far. She's not the best at fighting, or leading but she can stabilize her allies in a pinch and keep a party member's stamina up in combat.

Combat wise she's probably going to be lacking overall having to stick to small arms until she can get a longarm and then she can at least plink off damage when she's not keeping her allies up.

Thanks for the help everyone!

No prob. And nothing wrong with poor early combat presence. Most Envoys tend to have that issue (mine included, and I went human for 2 starting feats).

Envoys aren't supposed to be great in combat, themselves. They make everyone else better.

Once you get a little higher level, you can pick up Surgeon as an Expertise Talent and maybe save some of the mystic's spell slots with your extra Treat Deadly Wounds each day.

Grand Lodge

what scares me about those stats as an envoy you are only going to have 2 resolve, so after 1 or 2 fights you are likely to use one at least then you only have the one, if you go down that will be gone when you stabilize, i would suggest getting your resolve to be at least 3, or dip soldier to use dex as your main stat


OtrovaGomas wrote:
what scares me about those stats as an envoy you are only going to have 2 resolve, so after 1 or 2 fights you are likely to use one at least then you only have the one, if you go down that will be gone when you stabilize, i would suggest getting your resolve to be at least 3, or dip soldier to use dex as your main stat

Soldier could be thematic, after all this character is a veteran of one of the most brutal conflicts to ever strike the Pact Worlds.

Admittedly I'm fairly ok with having limited resolve points. Certainly isn't the first time I have played a resource limited character.

You could go mystic healer with a focus on combat by taking the long arm proficiency. And only reserve your healing for dire situation or after combat.


ghostunderasheet wrote:
You could go mystic healer with a focus on combat by taking the long arm proficiency. And only reserve your healing for dire situation or after combat.

True I could, but I'm not very keen on taking a caster into society play just yet, I'm very new to Starfinder and not comfortable with the spells just yet.

I do however think your suggestion would be quite strong, I know there is a feat somewhere perhaps I can pick that up for healing spells later.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The feat is Connection Inkling.


Connection Inkling

You gain a hint of mystic power.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, character level 5th, no levels in mystic.
Benefit: Choose two 0-level mystic spells and one 1st-level mystic spell. You can cast the 0-level spells at will and the 1st-level spell once per day for every 3 character levels you have. Your caster level is equal to your character level, and the key ability score for these spells is Wisdom. If you later gain levels in mystic, you lose the benefits of this feat and can replace it with either Spell Focus or Spell Penetration.

This requires a good Wisdom. In order to get it at 5th, you would either need to start with a 13 Wisdom or an 11 Wisdom and allocate your first Personal Upgrade to Wisdom. Right now, that doesn't seem to be the way the rest of your build is going.

If you think you might want this feat, I would definitely shift your odd point into Wisdom. That at least makes it slightly easier to gain later.


That's fair. I;ll probably just keep my build as is and focus on a slower progression by investing into Charisma to represent the character growing a little more confident in her own skills and reconciling her perceived failures in wartime.

Well there is always the divine champion archetype from the a pact worlds book. It does give connection spells later on in levels once per day and only a first or second level spell thats attached to your deity's ethos. But then your not really playing what ever your base class is but a divine champion.


Update, I took a look at Blitz Soldier for second level, and it makes some sense, Using the extra movement speed to allow me to cover a wider area so that any group I play with can afford to spread out a little farther without rising the ability to receive first aid or stims.

Not sure if any other style would help that much to pull off the whole combat medic role.

Blitz is a great choice. It improves your initiative. Allowing you to go first ifyou want or allowing to to "hold your action" for laterin the round to see what your allies may do or to just see where or how the enemy will react to a given situation. Also Stacks with improved initiative. So you can geta pretty good roll even if you rolled bad. My own two first choices were improve initiative and mobility so it unlocks the shot on run feat later.


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So an update. I finally got into an SFS game, I just completed The Commencement. Mercy did great, I dicided to take Get 'em first in order to do a better job in aiding combat and just relying on my skill in medicine should it come up, it never did however I did end up being the face of the party, Her background was fantastic actually,

specifically for the Acquisitives task, it let me get the Triaxian to spill her secret and the android, well I sort of just roleplayed him/her/them into being an ally by convincing him/her/them that making a certain rat explode from glorious artillery fire would be amazing.
Her medicine skill did come in handy as well. Overall I'm happy with the results of the first level build.

Thanks everyone for the help with this.

I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

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