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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nailed it. :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
Nailed it. :-)

Thank you. When I get 50 characters I can probably make a map...

captain yesterday wrote:

It's like you don't know me at all.

Not to rain on your biography parade but as a pacifist and environmentalist you pretty much described the opposite of who I am. :-)

You think I am some kind of vampire?

Though for you I would have gone with Master spy with a thousand faces...who uses his awesome powers to bring about peace and protect the environment...

I should get an avatar for my default. Oh well, busy watching VGC

The question becomes, will you do the research as to the etymology of my name?

Selene Spires wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

It's like you don't know me at all.

Not to rain on your biography parade but as a pacifist and environmentalist you pretty much described the opposite of who I am. :-)

You think I am some kind of vampire?

Though for you I would have gone with Master spy with a thousand faces...who uses his awesome powers to bring about peace and protect the environment...

Are you, a vampire...

The Sideromancer wrote:

I should get an avatar for my default. Oh well, busy watching VGC

The question becomes, will you do the research as to the etymology of my name?

No, I would go with Sidero Mancer. Mancer would be another word for Wizard or Magician or Mage. Maybe that's what they are called on the Off-Topic World. Maybe you will be called Sidero the Mancer, which reminds me of another character from the underrated, Sci-fi/Fantasy movie Krull. Pick an avatar or I will. You are in.

Edgar Frog, Vampire Hunter wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

It's like you don't know me at all.

Not to rain on your biography parade but as a pacifist and environmentalist you pretty much described the opposite of who I am. :-)

You think I am some kind of vampire?

Though for you I would have gone with Master spy with a thousand faces...who uses his awesome powers to bring about peace and protect the environment...

Are you, a vampire...

I love this idea too much to change you. You are one of the Frog Brothers grown up who entered this world through a tear in the fabric of reality. Here you are so happy, because there are so many vampires too hunt. Its like you died and went to Heaven...

Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:

I should get an avatar for my default. Oh well, busy watching VGC

The question becomes, will you do the research as to the etymology of my name?

No, I would go with Sidero Mancer. Mancer would be another word for Wizard or Magician or Mage. Maybe that's what they are called on the Off-Topic World. Maybe you will be called Sidero the Mancer, which reminds me of another character from the underrated, Sci-fi/Fantasy movie Krull. Pick an avatar or I will. You are in.

Wrong end. Sidero is Greek for Iron.

The Sideromancer wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:

I should get an avatar for my default. Oh well, busy watching VGC

The question becomes, will you do the research as to the etymology of my name?

No, I would go with Sidero Mancer. Mancer would be another word for Wizard or Magician or Mage. Maybe that's what they are called on the Off-Topic World. Maybe you will be called Sidero the Mancer, which reminds me of another character from the underrated, Sci-fi/Fantasy movie Krull. Pick an avatar or I will. You are in.
Wrong end. Sidero is Greek for Iron.

Iron Mancer? I love it!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sideromancer = Iron Mage. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That seems overly complicated, can't we just call him Dave.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Or Iron Dave, if you prefer.

Let's start with an actual character outline for Farael the Fallen. From the Pathfinder SRD he has the same stats as the Astral Deva Angel (CR 14) creature, except that he does not have the Fly ability, because when he fell from the Heavens he lost his wings. He has two scars on his back where his wings used to be attached to. He carries his holy warhammer and he really likes to use it on evil people.
I will do similar character outlines for the other characters, and feel free to disagree. This will all change when Pathfinder 2nd Edition is released and all Hells will break lose...

captain yesterday wrote:
Or Iron Dave, if you prefer.

How about calling him Sid? That's short for Sidero, which will be his name. With no avatar, he could literally look like he's made of iron! Get it? A real Iron Mancer? I am too excited about this...

The spammer "Harry Jagues" has been flagged (and I see that his post was removed) but I will not waste this opportunity to put this liar into the Off-Topic World. Without much thought I will change his name to Harr Hagues, and he is a conman who sells fake documents or other items on this world. I will make him into a Goblin, and he will be well known for his skills in fake documents. Maybe a 10th level Rogue. He's good a running away and hiding, but lousy at actually fighting someone.

The Sideromancer wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:

I should get an avatar for my default. Oh well, busy watching VGC

The question becomes, will you do the research as to the etymology of my name?

No, I would go with Sidero Mancer. Mancer would be another word for Wizard or Magician or Mage. Maybe that's what they are called on the Off-Topic World. Maybe you will be called Sidero the Mancer, which reminds me of another character from the underrated, Sci-fi/Fantasy movie Krull. Pick an avatar or I will. You are in.
Wrong end. Sidero is Greek for Iron.

I found the perfect picture for you character! Here is the link:

Basically think a wizard version of Magneto, but not exactly. You are an Ironmancer, or a wizard who specializes with metal. It really should be a Metalmancer and that sounds so heavy metal. Maybe I will go with that, Sid.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Farael the Fallen wrote:
You are a dark god of fear. When you appear on the world it is dressed like a clown/jester, and it seems like you want to make people laugh...but that's not what happens. Your jokes are not funny and you come off as very creepy. Children cry when they see you. Your name is whispered in fear in dark corners of the world, and you have many names. Some call you The Jester, and they laugh but secretly cry.

All true...except that my jokes ARE FUNNY, dammit! At least, sometimes. That need not preclude any of the rest.

Farael the Fallen wrote:
Your history predates mankind...

...if not the world, or even the present universe itself...

Farael the Fallen wrote:
...but the name Nehebaku is probably your true name.

...or maybe it's just a fake ID I left behind.

My dark servitors and allies include (but are not limited to):


hungry ghosts

Attic Whisperers


Zero-Men (entities comprised of the concept of 0)

Slender Men

The Odradek

f+$*ed-up giant Hallucigenia with illusion powers

intelligent floating sharks made from gloomy fog and a complex system of internal metal plumbing

bizarre, radioactive creatures like sapient Diplocauluses made from some kind of complex semisolid mercury alloy

sapient pineapples with many of the features and powers of both The Cheshire Cat and atomic weapons

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a dog.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks fun.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
You are a dark god of fear. When you appear on the world it is dressed like a clown/jester, and it seems like you want to make people laugh...but that's not what happens. Your jokes are not funny and you come off as very creepy. Children cry when they see you. Your name is whispered in fear in dark corners of the world, and you have many names. Some call you The Jester, and they laugh but secretly cry.

Nehebaku, I put your list of dark servitors and allies into a section of my notebook under your true name. The Off-Topic World will slowly build, and it may get it's own free website. This world will face the Apocalypse when Pathfinder 2Ed debuts; however, for something to begin something else has to end. Cue best song of all time by Semisonic...

captain yesterday wrote:
I have a dog.

What is your dog's name, age and species?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MageHunter wrote:
This looks fun.

MageHunter you should not have posted, because now you get a brief description! Let's see...I really liked your profile, which is a Level 12 Inquisitor/Witch Hunter Hobgoblin and your occupation is an Arcane Slayer. Clearly your character hates magic-users, so you hate Mancers (which is what I like to call them sometimes).

My initial thoughts are that your character is hired to track down magical using criminals, so you are like one of Earth's bounty hunters. I would make you very immoral in that aspect, because you really don't are who is using the magic. Depending on the nation you are either welcomed or hated. But you are very good at your job.

For a name I will just say: Mordeng Hurtor. It fits.

Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have a dog.
What is your dog's name, age and species?

I'd rather not say.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have a dog.
What is your dog's name, age and species?
I'd rather not say.

I will call your dog Banjo.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have a dog.
What is your dog's name, age and species?
I'd rather not say.
I will call your dog Banjo.

Banjo is a Hound of Tindalos with the pseudonatural template and change self (adorable yellow mutt) ability.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I can summon a horde of kumquats.

Limeylongears wrote:
I can summon a horde of kumquats.

Actually, Limey Long Ears, due to your ability to summon, I will make you a 6th level Druid in this world. I base it on the Conjure Plant Creatures, 3rd-level conjuration spell. Perhaps you have other levels hiding under that mask. We don't know yet...

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have a dog.
What is your dog's name, age and species?
I'd rather not say.
I will call your dog Banjo.

Banjo is a Hound of Tindalos with the pseudonatural template and change self (adorable yellow mutt) ability.


Now Banjo has to be what you say, Com Rade. That's how this world works. For you, I am thinking you are a 10th Level Witch/Warlock, due to your contact with the Unknown that made you quite mad.

Feros wrote:
This could be interesting.

To Feros the Feared, I see you as a dual-classed, 20th level Barbarian and 18th level Cleric. You started out as a short Orge (7'10" tall) who was literally looked down upon by the other Ogres in his barbaric tribe. You had to avoid being eaten. However, you were smarter than them and tougher. Eventually you killed your enemies and became the Chieftain of your tribe. Later you warred with the other tribes in the region and took them over too; you took the title of Chieftain of Chieftains.

Still, you were not finished. You prayed to dark gods for power, and you increased your own power by drinking demon's blood. You started to gain clerical levels and even more power. Your barbaric domain expanded and you took over several civilized nations. You imposed your religious beliefs on your subjects and you brutally punished anyone who spoke out against you.

Your empire is still expanding and hopefully by the release of Pathfinder 2nd Edition someone will be able to stand up against you. Probably not, however, because I'd like to draw out this story line a bit longer...

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Another day, another alias...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cinder West wrote:
Another day, another alias...

Ugh! Who does that!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Oblivious wrote:
Cinder West wrote:
Another day, another alias...
Ugh! Who does that!!

When I complete my inevitable conquest, you shall all be smote!

Feros wrote:
Captain Oblivious wrote:
Cinder West wrote:
Another day, another alias...
Ugh! Who does that!!
When I complete my inevitable conquest, you shall all be smote!

Someone will stand up against you, and when I find out who that is I will let you know! For now that's cool!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cinder West wrote:
Another day, another alias...

Okay I will do an instant appraisal let's about a 12th level Cavalier? I see her as a knight of a the crown, which is very rare for a woman. Her father was a legendary knight, so when he passed she followed in his footsteps. Her father had trained her well and quickly rose up the ranks. Cinder has earned the respect of her knightly order, so she should be happy but she's not. Something is really wrong, because she has been having visions of a horror coming from the west...get it? These visions were once just confined to her dreams, but now she's having them during the day. Something very bad is coming in a few months, but no one will believe her. Or maybe 1-2 people actually believe her.

Captain Oblivious wrote:
Cinder West wrote:
Another day, another alias...
Ugh! Who does that!!

At first I was having trouble with the name "Captain Oblivious", but then it hit me. Your full name is Captain Ob Liv Ious, and you are a 10th level Gunslinger; your special weapon is a Blunderbuss. You are a Captain in the King's army, and you are really good at it. You come from an eastern nation with your name doesn't sound strange at all. You prefer to just be called "Ob" and you are typically easy going until something goes wrong.

Guns are starting to emerge in this world, but they are still unique. Other people think his skill with his gun is odd, but they understand its a weapon and he's really good at it. He's also good using other weapons and his fists as well. He is also oblivious to his annoying habits and high pitched singing voice, which is really bad.

Selene Spires wrote:
Cool I am like Spike from season 4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Selene, I looked it up on the Pathfinder SRD, I am seeing your classes as a 10th Level Vampire Hunter and a 5th level Rogue. You were born a Dhampir (Half-Vampire) and you used to steal, drink the blood of the innocent and kill with reckless abandon. That was until you tried to drink the blood of the Beggar God.

That's when you stopped being a Rogue and started hunting vampires because you were compelled to. Your half-vampiric status makes you very good at it. You also have no problem killing evil beings, because it reminds you of the old days.

Saul Gallows wrote:
If he's a doctor, I'll eat LimeyLongears' mask...

You are a 25th level Slayer and you are also a 5th level Commoner (Farmer). I see your character was once as a peaceful, happy, gods-fearing farmer who had a wife and 5 children. One day you took your food to the nearest village to sell, and when you returned that night you discovered that an evil gang had murdered your family and burnt down your farm. After seeing what they did to your loved ones, your mind sort of snapped.

You hunted down that gang and slew them one by one in very horrific ways. After accomplishing that goal, you found out about other evil people linked to this gang so you went after them too and you just never stopped.

20 years later your name is the stuff of legend. Being sent to the Gallows is a saying named after you. I would guess your alignment is Lawful Neutral. You only slay people who have murdered others, but the way you do it is very savage. Your facial expression never changes. You show no emotion when you slay, but inside you might actually enjoy what you do.

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
Cap Yesterday, Compulsive FAQer wrote:
I'm going to flag this so it gets moved to homebrew...
Your avatar is insufficiently indicative of humorous intent. See also: original post's first sentence. :P

Com Rade has become quite mad I am afraid. He was once a well known scholar and magician who wanted to pierce through the thin shell of reality that keeps his world from the chaotic realms on the Other Side. One night Com Rade succeeded and once he saw that chaotic realm his mind quite literally snapped.

Now Com Rade had a new mission in life and its to open a gateway from that chaotic realm into our world. He wants to share his new knowledge of reality with everyone so they can see what he saw. If it destroys the world and all of reality around it that's beside the point. He just wants everyone to feel that one moment of pure chaos before everything is destroyed. Life truly is a joke...

The Joker with ritual and chaos-themed magic ... me likes. :D

"Why. So. Serious?!" *insane laughter ensues*

This is what I am seeing class wise for this so far unnamed world. You were a 10th level Wizard who was well known for his theories, and you looked down on the witches and warlocks you read about who contacted forces or patrons from the so called Other Side. You initially sought out to disprove their nonsense, because you were a practical wizard.

Then you cast a spell too high a level for you that briefly opened up what really was on the Other Side...that's when you snapped. You disappeared from the civilized world and went to live inside a shack in the middle of the Faraway Forest. There you began your new studies, and your only companion was a purple cat named...Tom. He is your familiar.

You gained 10 levels in Witch/Warlock, but you believe you will be able to finally open up the doorway just a smudge so the rest of the world will see what you saw at level 18, when you can perform a Grand Hex.

That makes you laugh...hahahahaha...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tom is a figment familiar akin to the Cheshire Cat.

"This world needs an enema!"

The Mad Comrade wrote:

Tom is a figment familiar akin to the Cheshire Cat.

"This world needs an enema!"

That must have been in my subconscious, but yes!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Best/worst part about Tom is that he/it may have been in his/my mind the entire time.

An insane spell-casting version of Venom, so-to-speak...

The Mad Comrade wrote:

Best/worst part about Tom is that he/it may have been in his/my mind the entire time.

An insane spell-casting version of Venom, so-to-speak...

Yes Tom the Cat may be all in his head...or is he?

Scarab Sages

Farael the Fallen wrote:
Okay I will do an instant appraisal let's about a 12th level Cavalier? I see her as a knight of a the crown, which is very rare for a woman.

Can we please not have any sex/gender hoo-ha?

Farael the Fallen wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:

Best/worst part about Tom is that he/it may have been in his/my mind the entire time.

An insane spell-casting version of Venom, so-to-speak...

Yes Tom the Cat may be all in his head...or is he?

Gestalt synthesist summoner/warlock is my suggestion. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This sounds nutty.

And this is me talking.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
Okay I will do an instant appraisal let's about a 12th level Cavalier? I see her as a knight of a the crown, which is very rare for a woman.
Can we please not have any sex/gender hoo-ha?

You are absolutely right! In this case I was thinking that this knighthood she had entered had never had a woman in it before, but they had to let her in due to her legendary father. They still had a Medieval attitude about it. Once she got in she quickly rose up to be a leader in it.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Is this a PbP? If so, I'm not really into that scene. But if it's just to be creative with the avatars then by all means have at mine!

Dungeon Master Callus, I am seeing you as a Level 20 Wizard/Cleric, and a Level 9 Dungeon Master. Its a levels 1-10 prestige class that first requires a minimum Level 18 Wizard/Cleric class. You ruled over your Masterdom with a iron, callus fist and you force young adventurers into dungeons you know that they will never be able to survive. Then you resurrect them and they are forced to do it again for your own sick, twisted amusement. How can you do that???

In this world without a name currently you are DM Laissez Faire. You are a Level 20 Wizard/Cleric and Level 10 Dungeon Master. Your Masterdom is named Sousterre and the largest city there is called Tenir. Your people actually want to live there. There are tunnels and passageways that connect all of the Masterdoms. DM Callus especially hates you, because you have successfully freed so many of his slaves.

HOWEVER, he knows about the Apocalypse that is coming August 2nd (Earth Calendar), so everything will change. Yes it will.

Vanykrye wrote:
Mine seems fairly obvious.

Happy 100th post! Woo Hoo! What do I win?

Okay Vanykrye, I am seeing you as an adult, Red Dragon, but you can shapeshift into the body of a 4th level, red haired Dwarf of the same name. He turns into the dragon when he goes into one of his rages. When he calms down he returns back to his Dwarven self. Not sure how long this curse will last...maybe forever.

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