iantruesilver |
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So, because of a need of role filling for the party, and also hilariousness, I have decided to shelf the John Constantine styled Gun-quisitor in favor for a whip-wielding Catfolk Cabalist Vigilante named... Catcat!
That said, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to build this character, with regard to feat and talent selections. The ability to slap debuffs on enemies is extremely important (This is why I'm choosing the cabalist over the gunquisitor), and the whole build should pretty much revolve around that. Bleed damage is cool, if I can make it work, and doing that with whips? Even better. Besides that, I don't much care about the whole dual identity thing, as being catfolk in Ustalav (it's a Carrion Crown campaign) is pretty unusual on its own as it is.
Hating the fact that as a cabalist I'd pretty much have to give up 1/2 of the vigilante talents, and can't multiclass out without risk of losing more.
Also, under spellcasting, it says that "A cabalist casts arcane spells and cantrips as a magus. He prepares spells using a spellbook, choosing them from the 6th-level and lower spells from the witch spell list; higher-level witch spells are not on the cabalist’s spell list." I'm a little confused by that. I mean, other than a slower spells/day progression and needing a spellbook, what's the difference? Also, does the cabalist cast magus cantrips, or witch cantrips?

avr |

That last means magus number of spells/day (including cantrips), uses a spellbook, but with the spell list of the witch, including their cantrips. At least as I read it.
You get vigilante talents at 2, 6, 10 etc. You're talking about using a whip so I guess whip of vengeance will be one of them, though a catfolk might consider using their claws instead (claw pounce might be useful). Either way lethal grace is probably going to be useful to you. Tattoo chamber is both cool, and useful for keeping wands on hand without having to take actions up drawing and stowing them. A wand of ill omen could be useful as a backup even at higher levels, Strike the unseen, steely resolve, silent dispatch and shadow's speed are all worth considering, and possibly familiar from the cabalist-only talents.
Alternately you might use talents to focus on dirty tricks if you really like debuffs. That doesn't synergise with the cabalist well, but it is well supported by vigilante talents like expose weakness.
Feats depend on what you're focusing on exactly. Witch spells make good debuffs and you might have some supporting that, if you go for dirty tricks some must be spent there, blood spurt if you want to use your bleed damage another way, and it's possible to focus on stealth if you want that.
Would you like a detailed build of some kind?

189birds |

I'm playing a halfling cabalist who uses a glaive, right now- the reach is really helpful to pop spells without provoking, so whip is nice. Cabalist is super good for just taking people down with debuffs, and the bleed damage scales quite well- you add your level to damage! Witch has plenty of spells that can make a target flatfooted to apply your bleed, too!

iantruesilver |

My thoughts: Social side I'm gonna have Catcat pass for a witch or clergy type. Vigilante side Catcat's gonna be (I dunno... how do you describe a debuffing cabalist that makes people bleed?) General idea is to use whip to start bleeding damage and then AoE to Bloody Horror everyone in range. Debuff and support from there as party needs. Whip amps up the cool factor (plus opens up some CM options at 10ft range no? Cause Imma keep my 10' distance if I can), but I'm not above using claws I suppose, though losing Natural Hunter sucks, or I suppose I could get it through Catfolk Exemplar... (I'm also not above going Warlock instead I guess? Though I'm unsure about the actual usefulness of Mystic Bolts, given range and the hard shutdown from a simple Resist Energy. I suppose I can flavor it similarly though if I had to play it? Assuming a cabalist build for now tho.)
Ability scores: No int bonus sucks, oh well, I'm doing this for flavor this time. On a 20PB I'll try to spread for Str 7, Dex 15+2=17, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12-2=10, Cha 7+2=9. Progression 1 Dex then Int, or all in Dex? Don't know.
Alt Racials wise: Nothing I can see that will realistically make or break my build here, probably gonna take Climber over Sprinter just to open up a new movement option, but nothing else.
Skills: 4+int/lv still isn't bad, losing perception sucks balls. Probably looking at all the things that allow me to deny opponent dex, like feint, intimidate and stealth, then spread it out from there?
Feats: Black Cat is awesomesauce, besides that OMG no clue.
Social Talent: Besides transformation sequence, quick and immediate change, social grace, skill familiarity and ancestral enlightenment, no idea.
Vigilante Talents: I'm really in love with most of the cabalist talents. In fact, I love Living Shadow, Tattoo Chamber, Whip of Vengeance, and Familiar (in a game with 2 ratfolk and a kitsune, what should I pick for a familiar? xD). Even Shadow Jump is not so bad. Having to take 2 of these late game sucks. Is there no way to gain more vigilante talents? Because Signature Weapon, Cunning Feint, Lethal Grace are all wants as well... Not enough vigilante talent spots!!!
Traits: Bruising intellect, probably going for chance savior cause there's really no other CC campaign trait that I see fitting well...

avr |

There's no way to get extra vigilante talents. Many of them are better than feats so there's no 'Extra Vigilante Talent' feat. Some of the ones you want you'll have to just get the component feats for instead.
So, that might look something like
1: Weapon finesse
Vigilante Talent 2: Whip of vengeance
3: Weapon focus (whip)
5: Slashing grace (whip) - you're getting this instead of lethal grace.
VT6: Familiar
7: Improved familiar
9: Lunge
VT10: Tattoo chamber
11: Craft staff? - Making sure you have good stuff to put in the tattoo chamber. Don't get this if you're restricted to making the listed staffs though.
13: Persistent spell - your save DCs are falling behind by this point & you may need this effective boost
VT14: Living shadow
Not sure how far Carrion Crown goes in levels but that's far enough to plan IMO.

iantruesilver |

The only problem I see with putting Whip of Vengeance, and don't get me wrong, I like the talent, in there, is that I don't have enough early level slots for vigilante talents anymore as a cabalist. Losing 4, 8, 10, 14 and 16 means that I either don't get tattoo chamber or living shadow till 18, or I forget whip of vengeance or familiar. That's the biggest issue I have currently I think.

iantruesilver |

Okay, so I'm decided on ditching the whip (it's a sad day). Going with the suggestion to use claws instead. Delaying living shadow till late game. Also, ditching familiar for the lethal grace etc etc (forever sad, forever lonely).
So the build...
Catfolk (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis) (Holy Bastet this hurts)
20 PB Allocation: Str 10, Dex 13+2=15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12-2=10, Cha 7+2=9
Alternate Racial Traits: Cat's claws, Climber
Traits: Bruising intellect, Chance savior
Vigilante (Cabalist)
1 - Combat expertise, Transformation sequence
2 - Lethal grace
3 - Weapon focus (claws), ST
4 - Dex
5 - Improved feint, ST
6 - Concealed strike
7 - Catfolk exemplar (Sharp claws), Quick change
8 - Abil: Increase Dex or int for the rest??
9 - Greater feint? (for the benefit of the other stabby mcstabby party member), ST
11 - Craft staff, ST
12 - Abil, Tattoo chamber
13 - Feat, Immediate change
15 - Feat, ST
16 - Abil
17 - Feat, ST
18 - Living shadow
19 - Feat, ST
20 - Abil, Shadow jump
I'm thinking the rest of the feats should be focused on adding ways to deny enemy dex to AC. The rest of the social talents, thinking either buff all my skills, or go into the guise line or both.

avr |

Given you don't have any special ability to draw concealed weapons fast, cunning feint has to be better than concealed strike.
There's quite a few ways for feats to help flank or deny dex to AC. Step up + press to the wall; dodge + mobility + spring attack + circling mongoose; skill focus (stealth) + hellcat stealth; weapon focus + dazzling display + shatter defences; more feats used on feinting; dirty tricks used to blind (too many feats to count) and various teamwork feats. You can't get them all is what I'm saying.
Edit: they have to actually be denied dex to AC for your bleed bit. That cuts some out. Hellcat stealth, shatter defences, feinting, dirty tricks and the blood spurt feat which I forgot initially would all work though.

iantruesilver |

So for the purposes of this campaign, the GM has decided to allow natural weapons (such as claws) to be able to be feinted in combat (even after I've specifically mentioned this improved feint + concealed strike mechanic). Creatures with natural weapons are also considered to have the quick draw feat according to him.

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iantruesilver |

The build is currently as follows:
Catfolk (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis)
20 PB Allocation: Str 10, Dex 13+2=15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12-2=10, Cha 7+2=9
Alternate Racial Traits: Cat's claws, Climber
Traits: Bruising intellect, Chance savior
Vigilante (Cabalist)
1 - Combat expertise, Transformation sequence
2 - Lethal grace
3 - Weapon focus (claws), Ancestral enlightenment
4 - Dex
5 - Improved feint, Many guises
6 - Concealed strike
7 - Catfolk exemplar (Sharp claws), Quick change
8 - Abil: Int?
9 - Greater feint, Mockingbird
11 - Craft staff, Skill familiarity
12 - Int?, Tattoo chamber
13 - Skill focus (Stealth), Immediate change
15 - Hellcat stealth, Everyman
16 - Dex?
17 - Dazzling display, Any guise
18 - Living shadow
19 - Shatter defenses, Hidden magic
20 - Dex?, Shadow jump
Just had a first session over the weekend and finding my character slightly under-useful for the diplomacy and knowledge stuff required for the first bit... But meh, that's why we have a pally and a bard (for now). xD