Matching bestiaries to pawn collections

Prerelease Discussion

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

As a slight tangent from the discussion about what shape bestiaries will take, can I ask what plans there are with regards to pawns? I very much like being able to plonk the right figure down on the table, and (although I've invested what for me is quite a lot of money) pawns are much cheaper and easier to store than figures!

I've seen the discussions about whether to continue with bestiaries as they are, or to have a super-duper launch bestiary, and so on. I think having new critters in the launch and subsequent bestiaries, as Mr Mona says will happen, is absolutely the right thing to do. However, I still want to be able to easily put down the right figure, but I don't want to have to buy a bestiary box that contains substantially the same pawns that I already have.

To that end, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions/requests. If a box of pawns is published that is substantially similar to pawns that are already out there (in one box or not), could there be an expansion pack to fill in the gaps? So, if the launch bestiary has 75% of what's in the 1E Bestiary Box 1, and has another 100 creatures that are brand new, you can buy the expansion to get the missing creatures. Then, maybe we could have the same for Bestiary Boxes, NPC Codices, and so on going forward?

There's also the issue of finding the figures you already have. Is there any chance that the new bestiaries could list which collection you can find existing pawns in? Let's say that the tikbalang is in the launch bestiary for 2E (you should totally put the tikbalang in the launch bestiary), a small note saying that it was originally in Bestiary 4, and you should look in the Bestiary Box for the figure, rather than having to look through all the lists on the back of boxes to find it.

I'm presuming and hoping that the collections that go along with the adventure paths will continue much as they are.

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