DM Nex |
Hello all!
I have been running a Dead Suns game here on the forums and I am looking to replace one of the players who has gone missing.
We lost a Exocortex Mechanic. Another Mechanic would be great, but I am not going to limit you too much.
The current characters are:
Star Shaman Mystic - Halfling
Technomancer - Android
Soldier - Human
Envoy - Lashunta
So preferably a mechanic of some kind, but I wont stop other submissions.
Rules of the game:
1. About 1 post a day. Don't need to be perfect, but really try for at least 1 a day.
2. Ability and access to Roll20. I use Roll20 for maps, so I need everyone to have reliable access to Roll20 for the maps.
3. We are level 2 at this point (just got to level 2). Please use starting credits (1000), and we will work on splitting the loot up to boost you into level 2 area.
4. Any Core or Legacy Races are fine. Alien Archive is ok too, as long as they are semi normal. I will let you know if the race choice is not great.
Feel free to ask any question!
I will be accepting submissions till Friday then I will pick someone. Thanks all!
Itzi |
Presenting for consideration:
Tapee Cenvreth - Drow Outlaw Mechanic
Tapee is a very positive, cheerful drow who loves practical jokes. Nothing harmful, except, perhaps, to ones dignity. She always tries to find the bright side of a situation. She was probably a gnome in a previous life.
To be fleshed out later tonight.
Female drow outlaw mechanic 2 Alien Archive 43
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +8; Senses darkvision; Perception +7
Defense SP 10 HP 16 RP 4
EAC 12; KAC 12
Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +0; +2 vs. enchantment
Immunities sleep
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee battle staff +1 (1d4 B; critical knockdown; analog, block)
Ranged azimuth laser rifle +3 (1d8 F; critical burn 1d6) or shock grenade I +1 (explode [15 ft., 1d8 E, DC 12])
Offensive Abilities combat tracking
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd)
. . At will—dancing lights, detect magic
Str 10 (+0); Dex 15 (+2); Con 8 (-1); Int 17 (+3); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 13 (+1)
Skills Computers +9 (2 ranks), Diplomacy +3, Engineering +11 (2 ranks), Perception +7, Physical Science +8, Sleight Of Hand +7, Stealth +4; (reduce the DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about the criminal underworld)
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (engineering)
Languages Common, Drow, Orc, Shirren, Ysoki
Other Abilities artificial intelligence, bypass, exocortex, memory module, overclocking
Combat Gear shock grenade I; Other Gear flight suit stationwear, azimuth laser rifle with 1 battery (20 charges), battle staff, shock grenade I, battery, battery, credstick (150 credits); Augmentations custom rig
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
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DinosaursOnIce |
I've been hoping to get into Starfinder as of late, and as I've just had a few games come to an end on here over the past few months, I would certainly be interested. I haven't had the pleasure of playing yet, so I've been trying to brush up on the newer character creation process as I do this, so please excuse any minor errors if I make them.
I'm going to link you to a Mythweavers sheet for now. If I were to be selected I would, of course, make a profile on here for my character. I hope that is okay!
My character is P-1107, aka Yon
He is an Android Mechanic (Ace-Pilot)
P-1107 "awoke" approximately 5 years ago. His memory banks and all data that could have given him definitive information on his background gone, the conditions plaguing him were not unlike those that were found following the gap. Though Yon (a human moniker he later adapted) was unsure whether or not the two events are related.
He had awoken in a cold storage unit being used for older technological gadgets that had been decommissioned (or perhaps stored for later use) on the Darkside of Verces when a group of explorers stumbled upon the area while hiding from Bloodbrothers. Yon and the group managed to escape the area. One of the group gave Yon some basic supplies.
Upon waking, Yon found extensive damage to his body, such that it has been difficult for him to judge hold old he is as well, though he has figured out that he is at least over 100 years, and suspects that perhaps he was an earlier android model due to the focus on human appearance that his damage body seemed to display. But to who his creators were his purpose or anything of the like, Yon remains clueless. But the damage gave him an immediate objective, to seek repairs.
While looking for work, Yon discovered that he possessed a knowledge and a somewhat advanced understanding of technology, along with apparent Pilot training. He utilized these skills, eventually joining in a small group of backspace contraband movers, who had been looking for a pilot and had an open-minded captain concerning where help might come from.
Traveling between the different Pact Worlds, Yon has obtained a very basic knowledge of the system over the past few years. He has used the time traveling with the crew in order to repair the damage done and in an attempt to restore his memory, the latter goal having so far been met with complete failure. In addition, he has taken that time to forge and integrate an AI he refers to as Triana into his body.
Eventually, Yon found himself he no longer wanted to be dealing with illegal contraband. It gave him no real purpose nor was it helping him with his past.. The Starfinder Society was a natural place for him to look for help, between similar basic goals, and the resources the Society possesses, perhaps they might be able to help him? If not then it might at least provide a clear path forward for his life.
Thus he came to Absalom Station and joined the Starfinder Society.
P11-7 is an empathic Android, harboring no ill-will towards others and willing to offer assistance to those when he can, and when it's not too much of a bother for himself. He believes that he once was likely a slave himself, so he does his best to try and make an effort to care for others problems.
He has a natural interest in technology and computers, easily able to lose himself hours at a time tinkering with things. This is not something he knows if it was more naturally acquired or the result of some older programming that might have been implemented when he was manufactured.
Yon seeks to figure out his past, though, at this point, it is as much of a puzzle to be solved as anything else. After nearly 5 years he no longer fully believes he will ever figure out his missing memory, like the Gap it seems like it might be forever lost.
He links to modify and tinker with his body, constantly looking to upgrade it along with improving his human appearance (another odd quirk that he has with no discernable reason).
P-1107 was heavily damaged when he awoke. His initial design as far as he can tell was similar to older Android models that were made in the likeness of their so-called "masters". Since then, numerous replacements have changed him. He maintains the rough appearance of a human male of average stature, with a darker complexion. But the characteristic glowing circuitry of Androids runs the span of his body and all of his limbs have a distinct mechanical look to them. Anyone looking at him might get a distinct "jury-rigged" impression from him.
It is painfully obvious to any that see him that he is not human. This is a sore subject for Yon, as for reasons he is not sure of, he has a desire to appear as human as possible.
Yon worships Triune, for perhaps obvious reasons. In particular, the nature of Triune as a composite of three separate beings inspires Yon, for he see's himself as a composite of a continues process of change. Between his interests in tinkering with technology and his own artificial nature, the God Trinity, Triune, stands as a beacon of inspiration for him.
Duanimon |
Here's Duanimon, an android scholar exocortex mechanic I was playing in this game of Dead Suns until the GM left a few months ago, shortly after we reached level 2. I'm going to need to modify their backstory somewhat because the campaign they were in previously had a rather odd beginning (we starting playing before the Starfinder rules were out here) but feel free to read my posts from the previous game to get an idea of my playstyle.
PSY850 |
I'd like to put my toe in the waters of space but I don't have a character ready right yet. I do like the look and feel of the mechanic though I would probably tend towards a bot instead of a brain implant.
I haven't done any starfinder yet and this would be my first PbP but I like the idea. I will try to get something together for a proposal and edit it in here.
DM Nex |
All the submittions look good! I will be letting this go till Friday then picking someone.
PSY: Bot sounds good! I think we would all be interested in how a bot works with the team.
Arknight: I am always up for things slightly out of the ordinary. Too many of the exact same builds out there. Have fun with it!
Arknight |
Arknight: I am always up for things slightly out of the ordinary. Too many of the exact same builds out there. Have fun with it!
Trying to work out a background, but here’s some crunch for the submission in the meantime. :)
Vu Titanu Ca Jaes Zor Of Clan Multrea
Kasatha priest mechanic 2
NG Medium humanoid (kasatha)
Init +2; Perception +7
Defense SP 12 HP 16 RP 3
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee tactical starknife +2 (1d4+1 P; analog, thrown [20 ft.])
Str 12 (+1); Dex 14 (+2); Con 10 (+0); Int 14 (+2); Wis 13 (+1); Cha 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +7, Computers +8 (2 ranks), Culture +5, Engineering +8 (2 ranks), Mysticism +5, Perception +7, Physical Science +6, Stealth +3, Survival +2; (reduce the DCs of Culture and Mysticism checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about religious traditions, religious symbols, and famous religious leaders)
Feats Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Kasatha, Ysoki
Other Abilities artificial intelligence, bypass, desert stride, four-armed, visual data processor
Other Gear second skin, tactical starknife, credstick (15 credits); Augmentations custom rig, datajack
Hover drone
N Tiny construct (technological)
Perception -1
Defense HP 20
EAC 16; KAC 16
Fort +0; Ref +6; Will -1
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Ex, perfect)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6 (-2); Dex 16 (+3); Con —; Int 6 (-2); Wis 8 (-1); Cha 6 (-2)
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+16 when flying), Stealth +11
Feats Skill Focus (stealth)