Would Erastil be Upsetty About a Paladin of Erastil Wearing a Stag's Skull?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Kingmaker. Party, led by Paladin of Erastil, beats the stag lord and takes his magic fidoodle hat, which is made from the skull of a stag. Party takes magic fidoodle hat and paladin thinks about wearing it as crown for the kingdom they're about to start.

From what I've read, holy animals of gods should be treated with the utmost respect by the followers of said god, so would wearing such a helm essentially be the paladin wearing his best friend's dead cat as a hat? Or, as a god of hunting, would Erastil see this situation as revering said stag by using its remains, and using them to signify great importance, rather than letting such go to waste?

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Erastil is the god of hunting, I'm sure he'd be more cool with every part of a stag being used.

I can't see a problem with it. As the god of the hunt, killing deer wouldn't be a problem. You're also styling yourself after a deer, and using natural materials seems like it fits the theme of a hunter.

For reference, Erastil is associated with the DEADEYE LEATHER unique armour. While this doesn't specify what animal it came from, it does imply that using animal hides/etc for armour is accepted practice.

Alright guys thanks for the clarification. What I was reading was only a sentence long, not a lot to go on in regards to how revered sacred animals are supposed to be haha.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If it's going to be a crown, a sign of majesty and kingship...

I somehow think Erastil would be more or less okay with it.

Moreover, by taking the symbol from an evil man and using it as an emblem of a good cause, it would, in effect, be a re-appropriation of a symbol of Erastil toward a better purpose.

In short... I see no problem whatsoever, apart from maybe the skull bit being a mite ominous...

If you have to ask if a Paladin falls, the answer is generally "no".

Grand Lodge

IIRC, this is supposed to bean Erastil's artifact or something along those lines specifically. So, yes, he should wear it, and it should be a great honor/holy object.

I can't imagine any god would get in a tizzy over something so utterly meaningless as a bit of clothing. It's beneath their dignity.

Zhayne wrote:
I can't imagine any god would get in a tizzy over something so utterly meaningless as a bit of clothing. It's beneath their dignity.

I know right? I just got adventurers to read poetry and juggle balls and lo and behold austere Korada gets into a tizzy.

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