Summoning as Standard Action


Why is Summoning as Standard action so good?

1. You can also move: In a big group, as a dedicated caster, ok, in a small group, great!

2. Cast quickened spells, nice!

Any other reasons it is good?


Grand Lodge

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3. Its not ongoing over two turns so less susceptible to being disrupted.

4. You get the monster and its actions this round rather than next.

since it's a 1 round cast if you get attacked before your next turn you'd need to make a concentration check to avoid losing the spell.
Also for the delay. It's basically causing you to skip your turn to cast 2 spells next turn meaning that enemies can do anything that they want for a round. Doing it as a standard means they come same round and can get in peoples way and attack and affect the enemy immediately.

5. Most people , even among other casters, know summon spell should take about one round, suddenly you cast it so fast like with Draconic Ally, people are going to be scared! Just how power and fast you can be as a summoner? I call that a free intimidate check!

Dark Archive

avr wrote:
4. You get the monster and its actions this round rather than next.

As a sort of 4.5, having monsters on demand means you can respond with tactics as needed per situation. As a prime example, my Summoner was able to call up Bralazi Azatas to heal up party members while they were being torn to shreds by a black dragon. Without them, it might have dropped one party member per round.

Hell, the Cavalier almost died just from its opening breath attack.

Silver Crusade

Intelligent enemies will concentrate their attacks on someone casting a lengthy spell, to disrupt it.

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PCScipio wrote:
Intelligent enemies will concentrate their attacks on someone casting a lengthy spell, to disrupt it.

And they don't really need to roll any spellcraft checks to do so- it doesn't matter WHAT they are doing, when someone in the back is glowing, chanting, and wiggling their fingers for a long time, it is never a good sign. It is best to put a stop to that.

This is a lesser concern, but my understanding is that you also can't cast immediate action spells while concentrating for the one-round spell.

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