February 2018 Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Scenario Releases

Customer Service

Customer Service Representative

This thread is to provide updates on the order creation and fulfillment process for subscribers to the Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario Subscriptions.

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild February Scenarios:

-#9-14: Down the Verdant Path PDF

-#9-15: The Bloodcove Blockade PDF

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild February Scenarios:

-#1-09: Live Exploration Extreme! PDF

  • Digital Email Notification Date: Monday, February 26th

  • Digital Order Fulfillment & Payment Settlement Date: Wednesday, February 28th

  • Street Date for Society Scenarios: Wednesday, February 28th

  • Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

    At what point do Starfinder Superscribers normally start getting the Starfinder Society scenarios free? I can't tell if I've just not had a product line ship an item or something, but I have yet to receive any free Society scenarios.

    Customer Service Representative

    Hello Pfresh85,

    The subscriber benefits become active once the first item in each subscription has shipped. Since your RPG subscription begins with Pact Worlds and that is a March release, nothing has shipped from that subscription. Once Pact Worlds ships the benefits will become active.

    I am in the same situation; however, the Superscriber program is defined as follows -
    Become a Starfinder Superscriber!

    As a bonus, when you sign up to four physical Starfinder subscriptions you'll qualify as a Starfinder Superscriber and gain access to Paizo Advantage, a discount program that grants you a 15% discount on most products available on paizo.com. More details about Paizo Advantage can be found here.

    Additionally, Starfinder Superscribers receive free PDF copies of Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenarios.

    There is nothing saying that you will not receive the bonus of free PDF copies of the Society scenarios until after the first item of each subscription ships. It specifically states that "When you sign up to four physical Starfinder subscriptions you'll qualify as a Starfinder Superscriber." It later states that as a Superscrber you get the free PDFs. So, all guild scenarios since the time of your signing up to the four subscriptions should be available.

    I realize this may not be what Paizo originally intended, but it is what the offer states. It has been active on the page for a long time, and should be honored. If the intent is to only have the Superscriber bonus to be after the first item of EACH subscription ships, this should be spelled out in the offer. As of right now, this is not the case with the advertised offer.

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Well, it doesn't look like I have an order generated for my Society scenarios - is there a hold-up?

    Me neither. I suspect the new site rollout got in the way.

    Silver Crusade

    Put me down as well for not getting any orders for PFS or SFS.

    If it helps, the current items are not even listed on my Subscriptions page.

    Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild

    Most recent product:
    Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight PDF shipped by 02/01/18

    Next product:
    Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-10: The Half-Alive Streets PDF is scheduled to ship late March or early April 2018 will be the next product to ship

    Next product:
    Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-11: In Pursuit of the Scoured Past PDF is scheduled to ship late March or early April 2018 will be the next product to ship

    Pathfinder Society Scenarios

    Most recent product:
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-12: Shrine of the Sacred Tempest PDF shipped by 02/01/18

    Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-13: The Lion's Justice PDF shipped by 02/01/18

    Next products:

    Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–16: Fallen Family, Broken Name PDF is scheduled to ship late March or early April 2018 will be the next product to ship

    Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–17: Oath of the Overwatched PDF is scheduled to ship late March or early April 2018 will be the next product to ship

    Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

    If the next items up are missing (and they are for me as well, for Starfinder), that means that they have started spawning the orders for the PDFs. Since I didn't get the auth e-mail last night, my best guess is that they are a day or so behind with this whole process.

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey folks,

    Sorry for the late updates, we were trying to get orders created last night but ran into some issues. A handful of folks may have received their order notifications, and we're going to start getting the rest of them cranked out today. Then, if everything goes to plan, we will likely be fulfilling them all later today. I'll try to keep everyone as updated as I can in this thread. :)

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Okee dokee, the report has been set loose and is currently in the process of generating orders for everybody! I'll let you know once it's complete.

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    Well, the tech team painted some pretty sweet flames on the side of that report so it is now way faster than it was before! It's already finished, and everybody with a PFS or SFS subscription should now have their order generation email.

    If you haven't received your email or if there is something wrong with your order, please let us know in this thread. I'm going to give it a little time before running the report for fulfillment, just to let folks take a look and make sure everything is correct.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    I've received the email for the pathfinder society scenarios but not the starfinder society one (#1-09). The starfinder society one seems to have vanished off the subscriptions page too (It shows #1-08 shipped and the next one as #1-10).

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    Helvellyn wrote:
    I've received the email for the pathfinder society scenarios but not the starfinder society one (#1-09). The starfinder society one seems to have vanished off the subscriptions page too (It shows #1-08 shipped and the next one as #1-10).

    Hi Helvellyn,

    Thanks for letting us know! It looks like your account hadn't generated the Starfinder scenario, but I've now put that into the order along with your PFS scenarios. You should be receiving an updated confirmation email for that order in just a moment.

    Once we run the fulfillment report, I'll make a note to check back on your order to make sure that everything went through ok. Just let me know if there are any questions or concerns that I can help out with in the meantime.


    Starfinder Superscriber

    I have two orders for the same PDF now; #4744713 and #4745797.

    Despite being digital orders and should have completed immediately, they're both still "Pending". Instead of "(In your downloads)", the product page shows "Preorder expected March 2018".

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    Arc Riley wrote:

    I have two orders for the same PDF now; #4744713 and #4745797.

    Despite being digital orders and should have completed immediately, they're both still "Pending". Instead of "(In your downloads)", the product page shows "Preorder expected March 2018".

    Hi Arc Riley,

    Thanks for letting us know! I've checked into your orders, and it appears that #4744713 was not attached to your subscription, so I'm not quite sure where that one came from. I have now canceled that order so you should have only one. I have just started the report that will fulfill the PDFs, so you should be getting yours once the system reaches your order.

    Thanks for your patience!

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    Hey everyone!

    The report to grant the PDFs to your accounts is now running, so those files should be comin' down the pipeline soon! It might take a bit for our system to get through everybody, but you should receive an email to let you know when your order has been completed.

    Just let us know if there are any issues. :)

    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

    This may be a timing issue, but the product page for the new Pathfinder Society Scenarios tells me that 9-14 and 9-15 are in my downloads. But they do not show up on my download page.

    Hopefully the one page is just a bit slower than the others. I must admit that I am amused--I have not seen this type of glitch before.

    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

    I went to the product page and clicked on the "click here to see the download for this product" on 9-14 to download the first scenario.

    That seemed to fix the glitch and both now show up in my download page.

    Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

    Hi everyone,

    The report should be finished running now, so everyone *should* have their scenarios. Just let us know if there were any issues, and we'll be glad to look into it.


    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

    I still haven't received my scenarios for Order 4682141. It's been pending since the 27th.

    Customer Service Representative

    Onathrin wrote:
    I still haven't received my scenarios for Order 4682141. It's been pending since the 27th.

    Thanks for letting us know! I've processed your order. (Unfortunately, the system was a little stubborn, so I had to process it as two orders). You should get a couple of order confirmation emails.

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

    I got them. Thanks, Sharaya.

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