Cecil Solomon's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. ** Pathfinder Society GM. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Order 22054828 was delayed for me because my credit card was replaced. It was hard to contact Paizo during the reduced work schedule, but you finally contacted me and told me that my order had been shipped to me.

Unfortunately, it never arrived.

Now order 30167912 is being delayed because you are once again using my old credit card number. Please update my files to include the new number in my profile.

Also, can you track the number for the first order that I mentioned. The tracking number that you provided me does not work for me.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Disregard. On 16 June I received an email that the order was shipped. It is apparent that the charge went through.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Payment on my subscriptions was denied because my credit card had been replaced. (sorry, since we are not playing right now I did not notice the missing subscriptions). In any case, I think that I have updated the payment method in my account but yesterday I was unable to update my order--I think that I got it today.

Please let me know if it has updated correctly and gone through.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I received a message stating that I had two packages sent today from my subscriptions. Just providing feedback--last month, I received three items in one package. This month apparently there was a disconnect and it looks like I was mailed two items in separate packages.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just wanted to let you know that PFS 10-23 did not show up in any of my orders or downloads as part of my subscription to the organized play scenarios.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you! I have received an email confirming shipment of my first subscription order and it looks to be correct. I have the Bestiary, Core Book, and Age of Ashes (part 1) inbound.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I started up four subscriptions to gain your advantage, and thought that I had gotten your system to finally recognize when I wanted the subscriptions to start (updating quantities seemed to work during the ordering process), but when I received my email confirming my order it indicated that I was receiving items I did not want.

In short, I want to start my subscription with PF2 books. For the adventure path, I wanted to start with the Age of Ashes.

Adventure Path Subscription
indicates starting with Tyrant's Grasp (#5). Please start with Age of Ashes (#1)

Lost Omens Subscription
start with Lost Omens World Guide, not Druma or Poster Map

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription
start with Core Rulebook, not Planar adventures

Pathfinder Map Subscription
starts fine


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you very much! I would have been happy with just ensuring that I did not get double-billed for the first two scenarios (BTW, 10-01 was particularly well received). The savings were indeed applied to the third scenario.

Thanks again!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It finally worked after I told the store to use my store credit, so I have the scenarios in time to prep them. I'm happy now.

However, I would like to ensure that these are not also sent to me as part of my subscription.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Tried to order the first two scenarios (despite having the Pathfinder Society subscription) so I can prep them for this weekend, but the order would not process.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Three Pathfinder Society scenarios were released today, but I have not seen any indication that my subscription is activated for them. Do I need to re-subscribe for season 10? (I would like to get these prepped for this weekend, but do not want to purchase them if they are going to be automatically re-sent)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I went to the product page and clicked on the "click here to see the download for this product" on 9-14 to download the first scenario.

That seemed to fix the glitch and both now show up in my download page.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This may be a timing issue, but the product page for the new Pathfinder Society Scenarios tells me that 9-14 and 9-15 are in my downloads. But they do not show up on my download page.

Hopefully the one page is just a bit slower than the others. I must admit that I am amused--I have not seen this type of glitch before.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alas, right now the Pathfinder sourcebooks page is empty. I assume that the Campaign Settings and Companions will be here when they are loaded.

Also, the Community Use Package link takes you right back to the main page.

I have not looked at "My account" yet

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alas, right now the Pathfinder sourcebooks is empty. I assume that the Campaign Settings and Companions will be where they are located. Give Paizo a bit of time to finish the site.

Also, the Community Use Package link takes you right back to the main page.

Not quite ready for us to use the site yet, so I'll give Paizo a bit more time

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I received my PFS scenarios about an hour ago

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looks like there are still problems. Neither 9-06 nor 9-07 show up in my season 9 downloads. Did they get placed somewhere different this time?

The charge has been pending at my bank for 3-4 days now, so it has not been officially charged. That needs to be finalized too.

UPDATE: Fixed. When I went back to the front page (blog note), it said that the new scenario is now in my downloads. I went back to season 9 and I now have seven scenarios available.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks everyone for answering! Pretty much what I had figured as well, but good to see some confirmation.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Can a 7th level cleric pick up the Dreamed Secrets feat (Inner Sea Gods, p211) to cast 3rd level arcane spells (only two a day).

Then a single level dip into Wizard.

Assuming the cleric had the proper skills, would the character qualify for the Mystic Theurge prestige class?

Admittedly, the caster levels for spells would not be balanced but it would require only a single level and a feat "cost"