Now For Something "Completely Different".....

Community Use

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Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Hey there. This is Tim, the Editor-in-Chief of the Wayfinder fanzine. I have something I would like to run by all you Pathfinder fans, and especially by all the RPG Superstar fans.

First a little background. Back at PaizoCon 2017, Jacob Michaels (aka motteditor) approached me and asked if Wayfinder would be interested teaming up with the Swords for Hire gang (Jacob, Mikko Kallio, and Mike Welham) for their next Here Be Monsters contest. The prize would be that the winner would be printed in Wayfinder #18 (our Fey/First World issue coming out at PaizoCon 2018 this year). We worked things out, the contest went well, and we added the winner to our bestiary section line up. COOL!

With that as a success, Swords for Hire and Wayfinder have started to discuss doing something a bit more… ambitious. Something in the spirit of the Superstar contest. Now, let’s be clear here, we all realize that the RPG Superstar contest was HUGE, and there is no way our two volunteer groups can reproduce RPGSS. We accept that and want to be very clear on that fact. However….we’d like to try something to fill that void.

So we are in initial discussions on what such a contest would (and should) look like. The RPG Superstar contest meant lots of different things to lots of people. Some were in it for the glory, and that sweet Paizo contract to write a published adventure module. Some loved the rush of the competition. Some came and stayed for the community. And some just liked the brain exercise of game design.

So, if the Wayfinder/Swords for Hire teams held a design contest, it would be to find the next author to create our side trek adventure for Wayfinder #19 (theme to be announced later). Rounds would be assignments to show judges basic aptitudes for the creation of the different pieces that come together to make a side trek adventure. Initial discussions have revolved around rounds like the following: A Wondrous Magic Item. An encounter area with map. A Weal or Woe article. Your side trek adventure pitch.

Judges would be former Superstar finalists, semifinalists, established freelancers, hopefully some game industry folks, and members of the Wayfinder/Swords for Hire teams (which have some of all of that mixed in). The winner gets to use all their content from the rounds to write a 6-page side trek adventure for Wayfinder #19. Winners of the previous rounds? Well they now have content already prepared, along with the feedback on how to improve it. Those entries would be 100% allowed as submissions in the general Open Call for Wayfinder #19 (where they still have a fairly good chance of being selected).

That’s as far as we’ve made it in these initial discussions. We honestly have a lot of things still to talk about. The MOST IMPORTANT thing, we’d like to know though:

Would anybody be interested in participating?

Seriously. That’s what we want to know…. If we went through with this, would you, the fanbase, want to be a part of it? Do you have any suggestions for us to consider? Because, if we do this, we’d like to do it right, and we’d like to have a good-sized crowd.

Again, please keep in mind a few things:
1) We are ALL volunteers. No one gets paid for doing this. We are doing it because we want to, and we miss that great community.
2) This isn’t Paizo sponsored. It’s not official. This is working within the confines of the Community Use Policy to generate a Wayfinder fanzine feature.
3) This isn’t RPG Superstar. So, we ask that all the expectations that this be “just like Superstar” be put aside. This is something… similar, but something new-ish. Simply put, this is what we make it as a community. And it’s going to take all of us to make it everything we want it to be. OK?

So, time for your feedback! Are you interested? Have thoughts or advice for our teams? Post them below, and let’s open this up for a really good discussion!


Tim, Kalyna, Eric, Dain (Wayfinder)
Jacob, Mikko, and Mike (Swords for Hire)

Dark Archive

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I like this idea a lot, I would hope that each of the rounds helps build on the final product. As in the side trek is in the area of the map, uses the magic item and revolves around the weal or woe.

Scarab Sages

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I'd definitely take part. Thanks for putting this together y'all!

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Ulgulanoth, that's definitely among the things we're discussing.

Silver Crusade

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I'd be willing to help with this, I always like doing my part to help new people into the industry.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would definitely like to be a part of this. Seems like a fantastic idea.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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Having won the HBM4, and ended in the top 36 for the last RPGSS, all I can say is: SIGN ME UP!

Though probably not as a participant. At this point, I might be disqualified. :p

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I'm game. I always loved the superstar event.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

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Good idea and great initiative, guys! I think it'd be a wonderful thing to do.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Curtisin wrote:

Having won the HBM4, and ended in the top 36 for the last RPGSS, all I can say is: SIGN ME UP!

Though probably not as a participant. At this point, I might be disqualified. :p

That is also in our discussions....what the disqualification rules should be. We are currently at if you have at least 5 industry published pieces. For Wayfinder, previous articles probably won’t count against you, but if you’ve already done a side trek adventure for us, then I’m thinking that would disqualify you.

But, we are still talking about this so.....anything could happen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would do it!

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4

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Timitius wrote:

That is also in our discussions....what the disqualification rules should be. We are currently at if you have at least 5 industry published pieces. For Wayfinder, previous articles probably won’t count against you, but if you’ve already done a side trek adventure for us, then I’m thinking that would disqualify you.

But, we are still talking about this so.....anything could happen.

I'll be on that disqualified list for participating, but I would love to volunteer for judging.

It's a great idea and I hope you guys go through with it. I think a lot of us miss RPGSS, and while I understand this isn't exactly the same I still think it's a fabulous idea :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I really miss eating, erm, analysing entries, so I would definitely watch this with hunger, cough, interest, and will most certainly be active in the feedback areas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think this sounds like a great idea! I would love the chance to enter/participate in a contest like this :)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Too bad I won't be able to earn another Champion Voter tag...

Sounds like a great idea!

Dark Archive

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I'd take part.

Dark Archive

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I likely won't enter, but I do support this.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Timitius wrote:
Would anybody be interested in participating?

Let me know if I can help.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a very neat idea but I don't think I can spare the creative bandwidth at this time to contribute ideas to it.

Also, is Wayfinder going to incorporate Starfinder items as well, or is it going to remain Golarioncentric?

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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I'm happy to contribute to this effort, if needed. Let me know if I can help!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

RPGSS was so much fun. I like this idea a lot!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy to participate or help, depending on qualifications. I think it's a great idea!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Timitius wrote:
Would anybody be interested in participating?

The Know Direction network is at your disposal.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I learned long ago that I don't have the knack for creating things, which means I wouldn't be interested in entering, and probably not qualified to judge either, but if I can help in any way, let me know.

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Void_Eagle wrote:
I learned long ago that I don't have the knack for creating things, which means I wouldn't be interested in entering, and probably not qualified to judge either, but if I can help in any way, let me know.

If you like to play, you're qualified to give your opinion. Maybe you can't necessarily speak to whether something works in the rules, but you can at the very least let others know if you like an idea and way, or (CONSTRUCTIVELY!) what you dislike about an idea.

Five years ago, I ended up reviewing every items submitted to the Critique My Item thread, and I learned a ton about gaming and design from it (not to mention hopefully helping other people too). That's all it takes.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Give me guidelines and a theme and let me start writing!

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
If you like to play, you're qualified to give your opinion. Maybe you can't necessarily speak to whether something works in the rules, but you can at the very least let others know if you like an idea and way, or (CONSTRUCTIVELY!) what you dislike about an idea.

Thanks for the support. While I can generally say whether something works within the rules (following a set algorithm, even a complex one, is well within my abilities), critiquing things for creativity, originality, and especially game balance is not generally in my area of expertise. :)

RPG Superstar Season 9

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I'm definitely on board to help, with judging or some other task.

I like Ulgulanoth's idea as well. It helps ensure that even folks who don't make the final cut can contribute in some way. It was rare for a single person to dominate all of the rounds in RPGSS, so that setup would let a contestant who is strong with maps but doesn't do monsters well (or some other permutation of varied skillsets) still have their work featured in the final product.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Count me in.

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Having written a Wayfinder Side Trek, and a bunch of stuff in Kobold Press, Amora Games, Misfit Studios etc I'm a disqualified-er. And though I'd like to be considered for judging, I'm likely too caustic and brutal even despite being just as complimentary and honest about my biases. ;)

Happy to see this as an initiative, my only concern/query is:


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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Secret ballots to the death the pain?

Dark Archive

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Sounds like an interesting project!

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My suspicion on voting -- though we've not yet finalized it -- is we would look at site such as Survey Monkey or Poll-Maker. The latter's served us well on Here Be Monsters contests.

Silver Crusade

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I would compete gladly.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

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::thumbs up::


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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm in. Like Kilrex (Thomas LeBlanc) I'll miss getting another Champion voter tag, but that won't stop me from participating...and maybe running a Viewers Guide as well! :)

Just curious Jacob, what are the thoughts on how the first round will be done? With fewer expected entries, are you thinking of going back to Judge selections alone, or is voting of some sort being considered?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Philo the Ratwampi wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Secret ballots to the death the pain?

Entries filtered through algorithms based off non-euclidean geometry?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A thread by Tim (the Instigator) Timitius?!?
Jacob Motteditor, Template Fu, (1/2) Wasko bros. Thomas LeBlanc, Feros
So many Top 32 have chimed in before we even get to 25 posts.
Owen? Neil?
*looks ahead for SKR & Clark*

I have missed y'all!

EDIT: uhm... err... To the original questtion: aye, Tim. I find the prospect... interesting.
(so interesting my heart rate has just jumped :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I might be able to lend a hand somewhere in the process. ^_^

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Ryan. Costello wrote:
Timitius wrote:
Would anybody be interested in participating?
The Know Direction network is at your disposal.

Gentlemen, start your engines...

So many ideas have gone through my head since we last saw RPGSS.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Feros wrote:
Just curious Jacob, what are the thoughts on how the first round will be done? With fewer expected entries, are you thinking of going back to Judge selections alone, or is voting of some sort being considered?

Keeping in mind this is all preliminary and now final decisions have been made, we're currently discussing having the judges select the finalists. All judges would be based on completely anonymous entries, as was done in RPGSS.

Curaigh wrote:

A thread by Tim (the Instigator) Timitius?!?

Jacob Motteditor, Template Fu, (1/2) Wasko bros. Thomas LeBlanc, Feros
So many Top 32 have chimed in before we even get to 25 posts.
Owen? Neil?
*looks ahead for SKR & Clark*

I have missed y'all!

EDIT: uhm... err... To the original questtion: aye, Tim. I find the prospect... interesting.
(so interesting my heart rate has just jumped :)

If it helps, as one of Wayfinder’s assistant editors-in-chief, I’ll be involved too.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Love this enthusiasm and momentum. Commenting to dot and know when/what to enter!

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Eric "Boxhead" Hindley wrote:
Curaigh wrote:

A thread by Tim (the Instigator) Timitius?!?

Jacob Motteditor, Template Fu, (1/2) Wasko bros. Thomas LeBlanc, Feros
So many Top 32 have chimed in before we even get to 25 posts.
Owen? Neil?
*looks ahead for SKR & Clark*

I have missed y'all!

EDIT: uhm... err... To the original questtion: aye, Tim. I find the prospect... interesting.
(so interesting my heart rate has just jumped :)

If it helps, as one of Wayfinder’s assistant editors-in-chief, I’ll be involved too.

Well yeah, being Top 32 & all. You hadn't chimed in yet (Mamaursa, 2/3 of the Jacobs, DankeSean, theheadkase, RustyIronpants, Beardforge, Epic Meepo, either Kellogg, Darkjoy, Shadowborn, etc. haven't either). Yet. :)

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Well, keep spreading the word, and get people to chime in here.

Grand Lodge Contributor

I'm very excited to be involved in planning, and (later, when we get to that point), running the contest! It's awesome to see so many familiar names in this thread. I've missed you all! I hope a lot of new designers will also enter the contest, so as Tim said above, please spread the word!

Scarab Sages

I'd be interested.

The OP states/implies the issue's theme would have been decided at the point the contest begins, so each entrant is creating material that is on-theme for the coming issue.

Any idea if the general Open Call would be announced simultaneously, or before the contest rules? And if either would have a longer lead time than past issues, to ensure the extra voting stages fit in?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I'd definitely be down for this. What kind of timeframe overall were you looking at?

Silver Crusade

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Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

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Timitius wrote:
Well, keep spreading the word, and get people to chime in here.

I shared it with my Facebook followers. That'll probably reach the same audience as here, though. :)

Not that I'm looking to take on a huge RPGSS-like burden again anytime soon, but if you need additional support for this effort, you know how to reach me.

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