New magic wand

Homebrew and House Rules

So my gaming buddy for the last 27 years and I were discussing ideas and I thought about a wand that stores spells for wizards. The way it would work is it could hold a max of ten levels of spells (example two 0 level and one 9th, three 2nd and a 4th, etc.) they have to be spells prepared and unused that day and can carry over until used, so long as they do not exceed a total of ten spell levels. How does it sound? Worried it's to much like a ring of spell storing.

Or a pearl of power. Can it be recharged? Can a non wizard UMD it? It's home brew so do what ya want but there are already similar items like you said.

Basically was trying to make a simple wand for a low level wizard to use that was more utility than damage. maybe a spell craft check to add the spell.

Sovereign Court

I can't think of a way to make this work for a low level character. Rings of Spell Storing are 50,000 gp, and they only let you cast spells at minimum CL. This holds twice as many spell levels, presumably casts them at your own CL, and is slotless. Altogether, that looks like it'll cost you 150,000 gp.

These items are called staves. A staff holds 10 charges, and has at least 2 different spells in it. They take do not provoke AoO and they take 1+ hands (similar to the 1 of a wand), but can be recharged and cost even more money.

Here's a simple one with just Shield + Magic Missile for 8,000gp:

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