Half orc bard (pfs intimidation)

Rules Questions

So as a half orc, I get a bonus to checks to intimidate. And as a bard, I can use comedy to intimidate. If I do that, do I still get the +2?

I think not since you aren't using intimidate. You just use your comedy total as your intimidate check.


I concur.

Say you have a Charisma of 18, 0 ranks in Intimidate, and 2 ranks in Perform. Your total bonuses would be +6 and +9, respectively.

You get to choose between the two.

Liberty's Edge

There is a thread talking about this in which James Jacobs responds.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2jw28?Rules-Clarification-Bardic-Versatile-Perf ormance#26

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Basically... I think of it as basically transplanting your ranks in the perform skill directly into the two other skills as "phantom" ranks that overlap with any ranks you currently have in those other skills. You take the higher of the two and go from there.

Basically you would substitute the ranks in the Perform skill for your total ranks in Intimidate. So yes, you would get your racial bonus to Intimidate when you use versatile performance.

Similarly, if you have a familiar and gain the Alertness feature, you can use versatile performance for sense motive and still get the +2 from the familiar.


That is indeed how JJ would rule it at his tables, yes.

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