Which is a good bloodline for a Fighter (Lore Warden) VMC Sorcerer?


Hi, i posted some time ago a post for a build, Lore warden VMC Magus, but it seem that for many people wasn't a good combination, so i was thinking: what if a Lore Warden with VMC Sorcerer? Like i said in the other post i would like a Fighter with little magic power, so if not a VMC Magus i was thinking about the VMC Sorcerer. But the question is: which is a good bloodline for it?
Thank you and sorry for my bad English!

P.s: NO item mastery feats suggestions and no Child of Acavna and Amaznen, please.

I can't make a full post right now, but you might want to check out this guide (although it is missing a couple of the most recently released Bloodlines).

VMC Magus is better than VMC sorcerer in general, but the real question is what do you want to do with the character? Adding random game elements together and hoping for synergy with whatever you want is a desperately slow process.

My chief advice would be to check the available bloodlines (on archives of nethys or the srd) and decide for yourself what you'd like and what works best for your character, as the abilities are very varied.

If you want to optimize, Orc is probably best, with a lot of melee abilities and a strength bonus. Abyssal also grants that bonus, but it's 15th level ability is useless for you. Other fun and useful ons are Nanite, Ghoul or Pestilence.

Hope this is useful!

[edit] forgot Draconic, also rather useful and fun

personally i would just eldrich heritage instead of vmc less feats used and can usually get the abilities earlier, but abyssal or orc bloodline would be good

avr wrote:
VMC Magus is better than VMC sorcerer in general, but the real question is what do you want to do with the character? Adding random game elements together and hoping for synergy with whatever you want is a desperately slow process.

I want a fighter that can be a little more versatile of the normal one, not powerfull. It's also for make a useful and fun fighter. I was of the idea that VMC Magus was a good VMC for a Fighter, but in my precedent post many people said that was a weak VMC for it......

If you want to see it the link for the post is this:

Human with the Imperious bloodline is good. You get more class skills, and Heroic Echo is fantastic. VMC gets it earlier than Eldritch Heritage. The +1 to morale bonuses is an extra +1 to most things when you have Heroism up, and the competence bonus works with Guidance or an Ioun Stone. That will definitely make you more versatile and better at skills. Seems good for a Lore Warden.

Protean, Boreal, and Starsoul (or Void-Touched) all have some cool tricks as their 9th-level abilities, though that's a longer wait for VMC. Your campaign might never get that high.

If you're starting at 1st, Celestial or Verdant can give you a fun and versatile ability early on.

Yeah, I'd think VMC magus is better. Maybe not lore warden though? Since the nerf it's not that flexible. Tactician also has some use for Int perhaps, and keeping the first couple levels of armor training gives you some choices early on. Advanced weapon training/warrior spirit will be delayed, but giving out teamwork feats via tactician or drinking a potion are acceptable other buffs if you have the time to do so.

I expect the people saying it's weak are doing so because int is a traditional dump stat for a fighter. Not dumping it means less for the other stats a fighter needs badly - Str, Dex, Con and to some extent Wis. Also when you're losing feats, the feat-heavy styles which use combat expertise just aren't attractive.

I might make something like this, assuming 20-point buy.
Human tactician fighter VMC magus. Str 16+2=18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7. You could swap the 12s and 14s around according to your personal preferences. A trait to make diplomacy key off intelligence might be an idea, and maybe accelerated drinker if you plan to use potions to buff.

Feats & similar
1: weapon focus (some big 2H weapon)
Human: power attack
Fighter 1: furious focus
Fighter 2: combat reflexes
Advanced armor training 3: master armorer
Fighter 4: weapon spec (same big weapon)
5: barroom brawler
Tactician 5: outflank
Fighter 6: improved outflank
Advanced armor training 7: steel headbutt if your weapon is not reach, armored sacrifice if it is.
Magus arcana 7: flamboyant arcana
Fighter 8: improved critical or greater weapon focus (same big weapon)
9: Advanced weapon training: warrior spirit - taken as a feat, not replacing weapon training
Fighter 10: Advanced weapon training: fighter's tactics - ditto (or coordinated charge perhaps?)

There may be enough options and magic there to keep you interested.

^Having only Medium Armor proficiency on a Dex 12 character is going to hurt, unless you manage to get major buffs from magic items (I know people expect to get these at the local Waldemart, but from AD&D 1.x days I never think I can count on this). Also would be good to find a way to squeeze in a way to make the Spellstrike of VMC Magus actually useful (I was thinking Wand Wielder Arcana, but it just says it is for Spell Combat, not Spellstrike). A partial alternative to VMC Magus would be to spend a feat to get Advanced Weapon Training (Warrior Spirit) to use in place of Arcane Pool, although having Weapon Training delayed by 4 levels (Tactician archetype) really hurts this. Then (or actually even before this) spend another feat on Amateur Swashbuckler. This way, you save 3 feats from the rest of VMC Magus, of which one was consumed by the unusable Spellstrike feature).

Edit: Back to the original topic of VMC Sorcerer, the Ghoul Bloodline could work on a Strength-based Fighter:

1st level Bloodline Power (gained at 3rd level with VMC): Ghoulish Claws -- this is one of only a few 1st level Bloodline Powers that are actually good: If someone gets inside your reach, you can make them VERY SORRY. The DC of the Save against Paralysis is Strength-based.

3rd level Bloodline Power (gained at 7th level): Leathery Skin -- Cold Resistance and a small Natural Armor Bonus aren't great, but not terrible.

Bloodline Feat (gained at 11th level): You might be able to use one of the following feats: Power Attack or Toughness, or maybe even Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion]).

9th level Bloodline Power (gained at 15th level): Ravenous Frenzy -- Haste yourself for 1 round per level per day, not necessarily consecutive. Icing on the cake: Cause Bleed while attacking with this up.

15th level Bloodline Power (gained at 19th level): Earth Crawler -- become a Zerg Roach with the Tunneling Claws upgrade, including the Fast Healing while burrowed.

At level 7 you get flamboyant arcana (includes swashbuckler-ish parry) and possibly armored sacrifice on that plan. If you get a reach weapon then AoOs may dissuade people from attacking you even at level 1. And from level 3 you can make your own magic armor, no magic mart necessary. There's more defence there than you noticed, UAE.

^Yes, but without Heavy Armor, you're still not getting the most defense you can on Dexterity 12, unless some Armor Enchantment that I missed can improve your Dexterity to get close to the Medium Armor Maximum Dexterity.

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