Disc-World |
Hey guys and gals!
I created a PC yesterday to start an adventure.
Level 3 Female Half-Orc Barbarian, who had a desperate childhood while she was born between orcs in a tribe.
Refused by orcs, she went into humans' land without finding mercy even there(while in the orcs' tribe her mother died to protect her half-blooded twin daughters, in the human city she got raped for the entertainement of a rich man).
She became an Enforcer for a criminal group; she killed, stolen and blackmailed people.
An innocent guy is been arrested in her place and she's okay with that.
Actually she's in a half-orc military group, leaded by an acquatic monster who control them with magic tattoos.
So for the caimpagn i must anyway respect my chieftain (it will be one of PCs).
Additional Information
- She has been crushed all life, now she has understood that she must impose herself on others
- She loves tavern brawls
- She's loyal to her friends, but she doesn't care about others
- If a door doesn't open, she breaks it
- She don't pay attention to the risk in a situation
Now my issue is that i don't know which alignment this character has.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Disc-World |
Thanks for your advice,
I forgot some pieces tho, since i'm translating my background:
- She killed an innocent (was pretty much an accident) during a fight with an assassin while she was doing her job (Enforcer), this is the only case for now and this is that case where the innocent guy has been imprisoned at her place.
- She loved 3 people till now: her mother, a man she knew in the criminal group (both dead) and her twin sister (but she is completely different, probably raised by an antagonistic group to the adventurers)
- She's knew in a city as "the vandal" since she started some tavern brawls, broke some stuff and bones, and she is rumored to be responsible for a massacre in a rich man's house (man who participated in her rape).
Mysterious Stranger |
Alignment is more than just a few specific actions. You mentioned she kills and blackmails people. Are these innocent people or are they just fellow criminals? If she is the type to kill an innocent person for her own benefit that sound evil to me. Stealing a loaf of bread because you are starving is one thing. Stealing from people who will suffer because of their loss is another thing.
If she kills and blackmails just for money, that would be evil. Her other actions point towards chaotic, so probably chaotic evil. Again this is based on the limited amount of information you gave.
Quoth13 |
I have played moraly grey characters where they dont fit neatly into an alignment on paper and i have found the best way to figure it out is play a session or two and see how the character actualy plays when faced with outside influences. I had a character i wrote with every intention of him going NE down the road from stuff that happened in his past but at the table he ended up transitioning to CG.
Jhaosmire |
I disagree with the CE choices. Characters all have two alignments, whether they know it or not. Your character could be Lawful Good, mentally, but her actions seem to always go away from how she intends. I think True Neutral is a cop out, basically saying you do't know and won't decide. So ask yourself this: How does she view her own actions vs how does society view her actions? Somewhere between those two viewpoints is her alignment.