Access to pre-errata content?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello! I'm not interested in trying to make an argument about whether content that has been given errata is in error, so please help by keeping this thread from exploding into debate on that subject.

I have numerous questions and concerns about original content, and tracking them down on sources such as the PFSRD is very difficult. Is there any location in which I can not just find what text was 'changed to' but find the original information it was changed from, in it's entirety?

yes, the original printings of the books have what it was changed from in its entirety.

other than that no, your closest thing would be to get the current book and then take the errata documents backwards and undo them on your current text.

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Chess Pwn wrote:

yes, the original printings of the books have what it was changed from in its entirety.

other than that no, your closest thing would be to get the current book and then take the errata documents backwards and undo them on your current text.

That's my issue. Some of the errata documents I can do that with, but others say "The text should read as" And gives the new information, rather than giving any clue what it was prior.

Generally you can Google search for specific pre-errata text if you know what you're looking for.

A search for "pre-errata Scarred Witch Doctor" will give you some results. You can also try the Wayback Machine on

The official Paizo PRD is also ironically often way behind on errata.

PRD hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It actually still has all of the pre-errata Ultimate Equipment stuff there, so I suggest you make a personal document (like Microsoft Word) and copy-paste the info while you can. As for other stuff, I don't know where you can get it.

Wayback machine is your friend.

#1 go to wayback machine.
#2 enter address of favorite online source for pathfinder [d20 or nethys].
#3 Click on a date a month or 2 after release date of rule you're looking for.
#4 look up rule.
#5 profit.

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