I, Tyrant

Gamer Life General Discussion

Dark Archive

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You are a beholder, a sphere of many eyes, an eye tyrant, you are death.

By fate, fortune, ill luck or (Dark) gods’ design you are (as far as you know), the sole one of your kind in all Golarion, maybe in the world’s history. No DC Dungeonering will ever touch you.

What is your name?

What would you set out to do?

What are your goals, ambitions and plots? Oh my!

Where would you create your guild/nation/empire?

Who would you ally with?

What, if any, AP would you show up in?

Please feel free to elaborate.

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I am Crazy Steve.

My first act would be to find a good sandwich, because I am probably hungry.

My goals are to get progressively better sandwiches each time, until such time as I have the best sandwiches on the planet. Then I would sell them.

I would sell them all across the world, by opening chains wherever Pathfinder lodges are found. Comfort food makes the money.

As such, I would ally with the Pathfinders to deliver delicious food and have amazing sandwiches.

As Crazy Steve, I would show up in no AP, and yet in every AP, because there is ALWAYS a Crazy Steve's Discount Gourmet Sandwiches store.

^Nice idea -- just make sure that the turkey isn't dry . . . .

Dark Archive

While a good sandwich is always appreciated,
I was hoping for something I could use in game and not for laughs.

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A Beholder would want to take over the world, of course . . . and what better way to take over the world than business backing up political action? You rake in lots of money and get the attention of power brokers. Dominate them (you do have Dominate Monster or Charm Monster if I remember correctly, but use these only when necessary(*)) and become a greater power broker yourself, and use the power you have gained to further your business interests. Eventually you can hire (and sometimes directly control(*)) the best minds to figure out the science of how to manipulate your customers' desires to make them consume more, and you can manipulate the political system to gear the economy towards more production, distribution, and consumption of your product.

(*)Usually you will want to use these to discredit someone who might expose your schemes.

Hey, wait a minute -- this sounds disturbingly familiar . . . .

Do some research on the Xanathar from the forgotten realms setting. I don't know about the newer stuff but in the older editions he was an awesome behind the scenes player.

Dark Archive

OldSkul wrote:
Do some research on the Xanathar from the forgotten realms setting. I don't know about the newer stuff but in the older editions he was an awesome behind the scenes player.

Thank you, yes, this is on the right track.

I am well aware of the histories of The Xanathar, Manxam, Uldeeth the Traitor Tyrant, Xargaul, and others of their ilk in The Forgotten Realms, and was DMing those would be tyrants since the 1st Ed Grey Box. I was specifically asking for world builders take on a Beholder on Golarion.

from a Beholder's point of view, the biggest problem is that you're the only Beholder. No others of your 'perfect' subrace, no Great Mother goddess. On the plus side, there aren't any of the hated different Beholders they spend most of their time trying to exterminate for having the wrong number of eyes or differently colored plates back in Forgotten Realms.

So first order of business is figuring out reproduction, and making sure your clones or autozygomatic kids are all perfect and identical, then figuring out how to contact, replicate or yourself *become* the Great Mother.

Once that's all sorted, it's just a matter of enslaving all the inferior races and carving out your perfect underground cities in the Darklands.

If I am the only beholder, then life isnt so bad.

I am perfect. I have no competition.

I will avoid the other power players and act through the proxies of my proxies. Find an established but remote part of the world as my power base and do the Hermea thing as an experiment.

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I am Sunderxargulstone.
My eyes are everywhere below Magnimar.
I have begun the process of subjugating the darker element of this city, for I have need of those who will do my bidding in places where I am not yet ready to make my presence known.
Mine is the obsession of Thassilonian magics and of harnessing their power to fuel my own desires.
I will find the pieces of the Shattered Star... it's only a matter of time. When that time comes, all above will know of me.

In the meantime, I sit here... in the dark... waiting... plotting... sleep well.

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I am ... uh, let's go with Nairabqu. But that's not important.

I've been here for a while already, and I have a really sweet hideout deep beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

I have ten secondary eyes and ten chief minions. I call those guys the Decemvirate.

I like knowing stuff, so I built up this organisation that brings me knowledge from all over.

At the moment I'm mostly concerned with knowing stuff and staying safely hidden.

I might show up in an AP centred around the secrets of the Pathfinder Society, I guess. Or maybe one with those creepy aboleth guys. I worry about them sometimes, and I don't think they'd like me much either.

one thing to consider

what if some SOB has unleashed an Eye King plague from Green Ronin's Advanced Beastiary.

To a true Beholder that template is a mockery of everything they hold holy.

imagine a tribe of Goblin Eye Kings
floating around with their inflated balloon sized heads and single eye stalks. withered boddies dangling from below.

and the singing the constant singing

the very idea of it would drive a Beholder into genocidal fury.

I will send a message to the Sixth King that there is a threat to his reign, and that putting half the would to flames and ash is but a small warning to any others who wish to behold his glorious wrath...

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