How to pronounce the iconic cavalier's name

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Alain Germande, Third Son of the House Germande, is the iconic cavalier, but I don't know how to pronounce his name (never got around to taking French in high school).

I've found thread's or sources giving pronunciations for virtually all of the other iconic classes, but I can't find anything for Alain. So if there's any kind of official word on this, I'd really appreciate it I someone could share it. And if not, could we get an official word on how to produce this guy's name?

Many thanks!


Note, however, that I'm getting this from the Pokemon anime, which had a character with the same name, and that's how they pronounced it.

Scarab Sages

So, the "-ain" in the first name is pronounced with a nasal sound, a little bit like you're honking: Ah'lan, without a pronounced "N", ending in the nasal sound.

The last name is pronounced with the "G" as a long "J"-style sound (make your mouth like you're going to say "J", but don't open it. Just let air through your teeth). The "-an-" in the last name makes an "Ah" sound ending in a nasal sound, and the final "-e" is not pronounced. Of note, the "R" in the middle is a glottal "R" as opposed to a dental one, so you roll it in the back of your mouth, not the front (generally understood as a French "R"), though you could roll it in the front and it would be fine. It would be: Gjehr'Mahnd, again, with the "N" representing a nasal sound instead of a hard N.

Oh, and the commas are accents, so everything following is the accented syllable. Hope that isn't too confusing!

Is there an online international phonetic alphabet(IPA/APA) translator with synthesized voice?

"Alain Germande, Third Son of the House Germande"

You can type it into google translate to get a flat american pronunciation... sounds a bit odd to me and I'm a native american speaker with large vocabulary. Hah.
Once in google translate, translate the phrase and name to french. Interesting. Then try german. I'd go with the french one.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You actually pronounce his name "Jerk," but the pronunciation guide Davor lines out will do in a pinch...

I default to Latin pronunciations when available, so I'd render the last name approximated by G-air-monday.

Assuming the cavalier is from fantasy-France, it would probably be pronounced like this:

German(de ?)

I don't know if, or how the 'de' at the end of his surname would affect the pronounciation, though. But I assume that you just have to attach an unstressed, soft 'd', omitting the 'e'.

Silver Crusade

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It's pronounced "Throatwarbler Mangrove"

The Sideromancer wrote:
I default to Latin pronunciations when available, so I'd render the last name approximated by G-air-monday.

Isn't real Latin pronunciation lost and we've been speaking it with Italian pronunciation for over a millennia?

Thanks, that was very helpful. Given the character, I wouldn't be surprised if his nickname ends up being"Jerk". Lol

A little tip to know how to pronounce some foreign names : in google translate, type the name and choose english -> the appropriate foreign language. Launch it and then you have an icone to hear the prononciation in this language. It's accurate, well at least in french.

And as I carry the same first name as this iconic, I strongly encourage you to call him properly, sacrebleu !!


deuxhero wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
I default to Latin pronunciations when available, so I'd render the last name approximated by G-air-monday.
Isn't real Latin pronunciation lost and we've been speaking it with Italian pronunciation for over a millennia?

There are differences between classical Latin pronunciation (which I learned) and church Latin pronunciation.

Silver Crusade

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Sir Jackass

I call him Jim. He seems like the type that would get a lot of his compatriots needlessly killed, so he's Jim.

Normally, I just call them Dave when I can't figure out how to say their name.

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