Can an oracle mystery bonus spell be selected early?

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

My 1st. level oracle would like to select his mystery's first bonus spell (1st. level spell granted at 2nd. oracle level) as a spell known. Is that within the rules?

I believe that it works this way:

If a mystery or archetype grants a bonus spell that is not normally on the oracle list, it becomes part of that character's spell list. It can therefore be selected as a spell known at 1st. level. At 2nd. level, the character would gain the same spell known again and be unable to replace the first instance. He would have the spell known twice. At 4th. level, he could learn a different spell in place of the non-bonus version per the normal rules.

The trade-off is that the character gains a particular spell early but has one fewer 1st. level spell known at 2nd. and 3rd. oracle level.

Do you agree, or have I missed something?


Silver Crusade

The spell is a class feature, you don't gain the class feature until the level it says you do. The only way you can take it ahead of time is if the spell appears on the class list in addition to the mystery list.

If you can't normally choose it, no. It only joins your spell list at the time given.

Wait a whopping 1 level

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

+1 to Cavall and Val.

Scarab Sages

If it’s an oracle spell, you can choose it. but you get nothing new at 2nd level.

Sovereign Court

If a class feature spell does not become part of a character's class list till it is granted as a usable spell...

A flames oracle could not use a wand of fireball before 6th. level, and a cleric with the travel domain could not use a wand of fly before 6th level. Correct?

Shadow Lodge

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Xellrael wrote:

If a class feature spell does not become part of a character's class list till it is granted as a usable spell...

A flames oracle could not use a wand of fireball before 6th. level, and a cleric with the travel domain could not use a wand of fly before 6th level. Correct?

Mystery Spells for Oracles are specifically based on Class Level.

Domain Spells for Clerics are based on Spell Level: Essentially, all your domain spells are added to your spell list* when you take the domain.

In your examples, the Cleric should* be able to use the wand of fly at any level

*NOTE: I believe there have been some argument as to whether or not domain spells are actually on your spell list at all due to their 'you can only prepare them in a single specific slot' nature. If domain spells are not on your spell list, then your cleric could never use a Wand of Fly (at least, not without a Use Magic Device check).

As the others said. As an oracle, I like to point out that no spell is worth taking, if you get it next level for free.

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