Free games! Get games for free! (legally, of course!)

Video Games

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You can get Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (which a lot of people seem to rate as the best one) for free for the next few days from Ubiplay.

You can also get Grim Fandango Remastered (one of the best adventure games ever made) for free from GoG​​​​​​​ for the next few days as well.

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Ooo, thanks!

Scarab Sages

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Origin still gives away 'Plants vs. Zombies' for free.

I'll second the vote for Grim Fandango. I *loved* that game when I played it 15 years ago (or so). I think it should be required playing before watching "Coco."

Time to fire up the Bonewagon again!

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Today's free game on GoG is Oxenfree, a very well-regarded adventure game.

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humble bundle has Layers of Fear for free for the next 24 hours.

Good to see some free GoG stuff out there. ;)

Watch_Dogs is free today on UbiPlay.

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The excellent SATELLITE REIGN is free on Humble Store right now and for the next 18 hours!

Werthead wrote:
The excellent SATELLITE REIGN is free on Humble Store right now and for the next 18 hours!

Oh neat! That's Syndicate. Thanks for the heads-up.

Speaking of free games, I have what should be a code for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (Ultimate Edition) on Steam... anyone want it?

(They sent them out to Kickstarter backers as a bonus, but I already have the game, so I'm happy to give it away. XD)

Old-skool XCOM emulator XENONAUTS is completely free on GoG today.

COMPANY OF HEROES 2 is free and it's DLC massively reduced until tomorrow.

Although not quite as good as the original CoH, CoH 2 is still a very fine RTS and well worth picking up for $0. The DLC and expansions are also worthwhile, especially at this price, as they expand the number of sides and factions and add a campaign map mode.

For the next ~40 hours or so, during's Winter Sale, they giving away (FREE!) the classic LucasArts adventure game, Full Throttle (Remastered) for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

SUBNAUTICA is free on Epic Games for the next two weeks.

One of the best games of 2018, well worth a punt.

SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE is free on Steam for the next two days. Worthwhile for itself and also for its great mods (particularly STAR TREK: ARMADA 3).

TRANSISTOR is this week's free game on Epic.

I've seen a lot of great stuff about this game, an action-RPG that you can turn into a turn-based game with escalating powers with a very effective story. Will definitely try this out.

This week's free games on Epic are all three BATMAN ARKHAM games from Rocksteady (omitting ORIGINS as that was made by Warner Media): ARKHAM ASYLUM, ARKHAM CITY and ARKHAM KNIGHT. Well worth $0.

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This weeks' free Epic games are TYRANNY and PILLARS OF ETERNITY, both from Obsidian. The former is a superb, excellent CRPG with genuinely interesting moral decisions.

PILLARS OF ETERNITY is their big BALDUR'S GATE-style "spiritual successor" which, erm, isn't as good as the original, but still reasonably entertaining (and has both a much stronger expansion and a better sequel).

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Epic are giving away 1 free game a day for the next 15 days.

Today's game is CITIES: SKYLINES, which is absolutely worth $0.

Rumour is that THE WITCHER 3, HITMAN 2 (the new one) and HORIZON ZERO DAWN are all in the rotation for coming days.

Liberty's Edge

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Werthead wrote:

Epic are giving away 1 free game a day for the next 15 days.

Today's game is CITIES: SKYLINES, which is absolutely worth $0.

Rumour is that THE WITCHER 3, HITMAN 2 (the new one) and HORIZON ZERO DAWN are all in the rotation for coming days.

Oh wow, holy cow CS is free!? I guess I'm reinstalling the Epic Launcher now! I can't run the other rumored games on my computer but CS should play just fine. Thanks!

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GoG has prison architect for free right now.

Good to have some free Epic and GoG games, Themetricsystem and Sharoth. :)

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THE LONG DARK up for today.

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ALIEN: ISOLATION is today's free game on Epic, which is a fantastic game (as long as you don't mind the neighbours hearing you scream).

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METRO 2033 is today's free game on Epic, one of the best FPS games ever played (also one of the most brutally hard, don't be remotely shamed to play it on Easy).

Fun mech game BRIGADOR is also going for free over on GoG.

Alphabetegamer shows up on my youtube page. The person running it goes through small indie games(quality varies) and provides links to where you can get the games. Worth half hour or so.

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DARKEST DUNGEON is today's free game, which is a very fine purchase indeed.

DD can cause a great deal of frustration and easy mode is something I very much suggest until one gets a handle on the systems. Also a tip that is used quite often is to actually ruthlessly keep your party strong by kicking out those who get too crippled with disadvantages, and making 'treasure parties' who go in to grab stuff for your main group and then you can get rid of them.

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This week's free Epic game is FROSTPUNK. One of my favourite games of the last five years, it's a post-apocalyptic city builder that forces people to make hard decisions. It has an absolute ton of content and a very wide degree of challenges for different skill levels.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Frostpunk is very hard (that Last Autumn scenario is downright f*&&ing torture) but the aesthetic and core scenarios are really well done, and the concept is fascinating and well fleshed out. I put up a thread on it awhile ago though no one seemed interested in discussing it. But despite my frustrations with some aspects of it, I strongly recommend it and if it's free it's definitely worth the time to check it out if you like strategy games.

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This week's free game is CONTROL, an outstanding action-adventure game with an offbeat, weird atmosphere. It's from one of my favourite developrs, Remedy, and is part of their Extended Remedy Universe (ERU) which also includes the ALAN WAKE series and (when they get the rights back) QUANTUM BREAK, but you don't need to have played those to enjoy this game..

Good to have some free epic games stuff, Werthead. ;)

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SONIC MANIA is this week's free game on the Epic Store.

All three SHADOWRUN RETURNS games are free on GoG.

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