Elemental shifter damage types and feat interaction

Rules Questions

So the elemental shifter Archetype has a SLIGHT issue that needs to be resolved before it can be used...


Elemental Strike (Su)

At 1st level, as a swift action, an elementalist shifter can charge her melee attacks with elemental energy. The elementalist shifter can charge her attacks only with an element she has chosen with elemental aspect. Once charged, each melee attack the elementalist shifter makes until the start of her next turn deals an additional 1d6 points of energy damage based on the element she chooses when taking this action (see Elemental Aspects). This additional damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 6d6 points of energy damage at 20th level. An elementalist shifter can’t use elemental strike while under a polymorph effect.

This replaces shifter claws.

The problem? the elemental aspects and forms DON'T LIST THE DAMAGE TYPE.

I mean I can ASSUME a damage type but I would MUCH prefer it actually lists one.

Secondly, while in my elemental form can you still use your natural attacks or Improved unarmed strike? I still have to have hands,I can make fits still right? or does my new form ENTIRELY overwrite this?

AeonsShadow wrote:

So the elemental shifter Archetype has a SLIGHT issue that needs to be resolved before it can be used...


Elemental Strike (Su)

At 1st level, as a swift action, an elementalist shifter can charge her melee attacks with elemental energy. The elementalist shifter can charge her attacks only with an element she has chosen with elemental aspect. Once charged, each melee attack the elementalist shifter makes until the start of her next turn deals an additional 1d6 points of energy damage based on the element she chooses when taking this action (see Elemental Aspects). This additional damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 6d6 points of energy damage at 20th level. An elementalist shifter can’t use elemental strike while under a polymorph effect.

This replaces shifter claws.

The problem? the elemental aspects and forms DON'T LIST THE DAMAGE TYPE.

Yeah, that's a bug; it's been reported in the official UW errata thread so hopefully it'll get fixed in the first errata.

AeonsShadow wrote:
I mean I can ASSUME a damage type but I would MUCH prefer it actually lists one.

Since it does say the energy damage is based on the element chosen I'd say you're safe with air=electricity, earth=acid, fire=fire, water=cold, which are presumably what you were assuming.

AeonsShadow wrote:
Secondly, while in my elemental form can you still use your natural attacks or Improved unarmed strike? I still have to have hands,I can make fits still right? or does my new form ENTIRELY overwrite this?

Elemental form is a polymorph effect, which means you lose all your natural attacks, but you gain those of the new form, which for an elemental will be a slam or two. You can still do an UAS because any corporeal creature can do that, no matter its shape.

Thank you for the timely info. ^^ this will help me with my build immensely.

unarmed strike is irrelevant to fists. Unarmed literally means "not armed" and makes no mention of a fist. In fact a gelatenous cube can make an unarmed strike. Karate dire tigers sound fun.

Under polymorph rules, you lose your base forms natural attacks, so no bite while polymorphed if your a kitsune/tengu/whatever, but if you have a feat like aspect, then yes you can use that while polymorphed as long as you still have the limb to use it (so no claw attacks while in snake form etc). If your referring to the shifter claws, then they specify that you can use them for natural attacks only while in your shifter major aspects, but i am assuming you meant more broadly.

As for damage type, yes just assume, they forgot, honest mistake. Fire is fire, water is cold, earth is acid, air is electricity. I'm also willing to bet that they will never take the time to spell it out/correct that omission either so I wouldn't hold your breath for an official answer on that one hehe :)

When the elementalist shifter shifts into an elemental you gain the natural attacks of the form you assume.

So becoming a medium air elemental, you get 1 slam and the whirlwind special ability (once you're level 8). Becoming a medium fire elemental, you get 1 slam. Becoming a medium fire elemental you get 1 slam and the burn special attack. Becoming a medium water elemental you get 1 slam. You're still proficient with the same weapons as long as you're humanoid shaped (i.e. you're an earth elemental with hands) but you'll be missing out on elemental strike damage.

While it seems like "you turn into an earth elemental so you're good at fighting" the Elementalist is probably better off fighting in their base form and wild shaping for utility. If you never wild shape to fight in, you're missing out on a size bonus to a stat and a natural armor bonus but your offense suffers tremendously, unless a whirlwind is incredibly handy in the circumstance.

The lack of explicit assignments of elemental damage for elemental strike will be fixed in errata, but in the meantime I would concur with thelemonache's assignments.

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