Fly Skill

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Sorry if this has been dealt with, but maybe my search skills are weak and I cannot find the answer.

Fly Skill wrote:

Special Requirement

You cannot take this skill without a natural means of flight or gliding. Creatures can also take ranks in Fly if they possess a reliable means of flying every day (either through a spell or other magical manner, such as a druid’s wild shape ability).

The debate is whether you are considered to have a reliable means of flight if someone in your party has the fly spell?

For example, can a fighter take ranks in fly if the wizard of the party has the fly spell?

Depends on whether the wizard is willing to cast Fly on the fighter every day

Grand Lodge

Andy Brown wrote:
Depends on whether the wizard is willing to cast Fly on the fighter every day

That desn't really answer the question. The wizard may be willing to cast it everyday, but does he keep a fly spell just for the fighter everyday? If he is willing but does not keep one specifically for the fighter, then is it considered reliable? I would say no. Therefore the fighter cannot take ranks in fly.

You see where the argument we are having is?

Seems pretty straight forward to me. During downtime the wizard keeps a fly spell or two prepared for the fighter to practice flying with. He may or may not have a fly spell just for the fighter mid-adventure, but when he doesn't need every single spell he can get to make sure he survives that day he helps his buddy out.

Johnico is right. Roleplay that the wizard helps the fighter learn to fly better when the spell is used during downtime. I wouldn't just say, "Sure. Take the fly skill since the wizard can cast fly". I would say, "Is the wizard teaching you to fly with the spell? When?" Just like I wouldn't let someone take their first rank in spellcraft after seeing one spell during an adventure. You gotta learn that stuff!

For the record, there's a character in the NPC codex with the Fly skill whose only source of flight is using UMD on scrolls

I would assume that, using UMD a lot, he practiced his flying so was able to get the skill.

Get your player a Wing Staff, this should cover the prerequisite.

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