Kobold Paladin of Iomedae... Help please


I am building a Kobold Paladin of Iomedae. This is because he died and was brought back my a priestess of Iomedae. My little blue Kobold needs some structure in his life and this is the route he is going.

I am planning on melee. The campagin is rather undead heavy so the I was planning on taking the undead scourge archetype. His time while dead was spent in Urgathoa's realm. So there is a strong hatred for the undead.

I am needing some feat suggestions. He is level 8. I am not super familiar with the Paladin.

Thank you in advance

I love Kobolds, LOVE THEM! But that -4 str means they can't realistically play melee characters. You are better off with the Divine Hunter or Holy Gun archetypes.

If you have your mini-dragon heart set on melee. Your best bet is maxing Charge Lance. Lance deals double while mounted and charging, Spirited Charge feat(which requires Ride by attack) makes that triple damage. Also charge of the righteous feat lets you keep your full AC when charging against the Undead.

We are not doing point buy but dice rolls and I did rather well. Currently I have a 14 str and no gear bought yet. So I will be able to get that to a 16. Oh and we are mythic so that will be going up at my first tier. Though I have been advised against a mount for this game.

Powerful builds are not the main focus so long as the flavor is there.

Redeemed Kobold is a feat you’ll want, if you don’t mind him looking like a Bronze Dragon that is. It very thematically and mechanically works with a kobold paladin.

Liberty's Edge

Thematic Weapons
+1 Undead Bane Long Sword (at later levels get Holy added to it)
+1 Heavy Steel Shield
+2 Mithril Chain Shirt
Wand Of Cure Light Wounds
100 GP of personal gear (backpack, alchemist items, etc)

as for feats
1- Toughness
3- Improved Natural Armor (Bestiary feat: Add's +1 to natural armor you already have, if you don't have it/ IE traded it away for energy resist) take the kobold feat that gives it too you)
5- Extra Lay on Hands

That should help balance you out and keep you able to keep up with any changes at the level you're at and help defend the group.

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The Small But Deadly feat is written in a vague manner, but depending on how your DM interprets it the feat might be really, really useful for you. You could even flavor the strength coming not from muscle but from conviction to his ideals or the blessing of his god, or something of the sort.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:

Though I have been advised against a mount for this game.

Small characters with smaller mounts have an easier time with indoor campaigns. If its all difficult terrain that would be a different story.

Schrödinger's Dragon wrote:
The Small But Deadly feat is written in a vague manner, but depending on how your DM interprets it the feat might be really, really useful for you. You could even flavor the strength coming not from muscle but from conviction to his ideals or the blessing of his god, or something of the sort.

Another way is to take levels in Occultist. The archtype Reliquin uses Wisdom instead of Int. The Transmutation school gives you two abilities. The first is a bump to a physical stat. The second is you can make your weapon magical always useful. Now for the final advantage spells. Two spells Enlarge Person and Lead Blades. One or the other increase your weapon damage. Take both since they stack.

Statboy wrote:
Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:

Though I have been advised against a mount for this game.

Small characters with smaller mounts have an easier time with indoor campaigns. If its all difficult terrain that would be a different story.

A riding dog is only medium-sized (think mastiff, Irish wolfhound or a large boxer) and the mounted combat feats aren't broken -- they mostly help you charge. That said, the dog would be an extra combatant (with attacks of his own) and you'll want to spend extra on barding for him. You'll need Handle Animal to do more than basic stuff with your bonded animal, and you'll need to know the rules inside out so the extras aren't something for nothing.

I would sit down and talk with the DM about this new direction and get some more insight on why she (rolled d4 for random pronoun) recommends against a mount. Let her know this is something you'd like to do, but you don't want to make her life more difficult.

All that said, I would love to see the Kobold calling his mangy mutt a "steed."

Getting a mount just does not fit the character. That was something his previous kolbold masters did. He was a slave before he died. That death is what lead to him getting resurrected and the plans for being a paladin were formed.

Difficult terrain is a thing that happens and that is another creature I have to keep safe in some rather nasty fights. Also some baddies might target it which I do not want to deal with.

Per the fear of the low strength. We roll stats and I got an 18 when went to str, the racial -4 too it to 14 but the stat increases at level 4 and 8 brought it up to a 16 and I have not bought gear yet so I could get it to a 18 in a little while. Mythic stuff later will take it higher.

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