SFS #1-06: A Night in Nightarch

GM Discussion

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Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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This is the GM discussion thread for my newest scenario, #1-06 A Night in Nightarch. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know and I'll clarify anything that seems unclear. All feedback, positive or negative, is also welcome! I hope you enjoy running it!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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I can't wait to play this!

Advocates 3/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

So, I have a question about the chronicle sheet...

Playing a non-standard race requires permanently slotting the Personal boon. How can a half-orc benefit from the second benefit of this scenario's Personal boon if that slot is already full?

1/5 **

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Lindley Court wrote:

So, I have a question about the chronicle sheet...

** spoiler omitted **

Based on what was said in another post, that second option is put in there in case the powers that be decided to make the first part an unrestricted option at a later date. Thus not wasting the boon.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Boons are the one thing I didn't write, but what Perdue said makes sense. Anyone have a link to that post?

1/5 **

found it: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2up2g?Alien-Archive-AR-ETA#37

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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The wording for these was somewhat tricky, because I didn't want to split it into two separate boons (spacing is weird, and we want to use these types of boon in the future.)

Despite the boon type of Personal, the boon in this scenario can be overlaid on top of an existing half-orc, even though that slot is filled with a race boon. Should half-orcs ever become "always available" then the boon might occupy that personal slot; admittedly, I'd come out with some specific errata for that if it happened.

But for now, the secondary effect of the boon is overlaid on top of an existing half-orc boon.

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This may be obvious but for purposes of this boon is another earned version of the same Chronicle considered "from another source" i.e. can I earn a half-orc through playing 1-06 and then earn through gming a second version of this chronicle and apply the bonus stats to that first half-orc.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Shaudius wrote:
This may be obvious but for purposes of this boon is another earned version of the same Chronicle considered "from another source" i.e. can I earn a half-orc through playing 1-06 and then earn through gming a second version of this chronicle and apply the bonus stats to that first half-orc.

You sure can, though earning the second Chronicle will consume replays.

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

One of my players asked the following:

"Could I decide to throw away every digital device I have, buy new ones, and therefore "get rid" of the negative boon of AbyssHead Download ?"

Of course this presupposes the boon is negative, which I'm not so sure it is.

1/5 **

My character specifically downloaded it to give it to Ziggy. To expand his musical tastes. Now I cannot get rid of it... ::sighs::

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Another question, during the scenario there is a skill challenge which has 6 skill checks (of different skills), based on the number of successes you are granted certain bonuses at various times during the scenario, additionally, if you get 3 of 6 successes you can get one success toward the two required(of several options) for the secondary success condition.

Because of the nature of additional benefits being derived from these successes, I ruled that the players could not take 10 on these checks. I used as my justification two components, the primary justification was the following lines from take 10, "taking 10 is almost never an option for a check that requires some sort of crucial effect as a key part of the adventure's story." I ruled that this was a crucial effect as a key part of the adventure's story because it was directly implicated by the secondary success condition. Secondarily, I ruled that negotiating with a Drow in Nightarch was an inherently stressful situation and therefore taking 10 was not available under the "you can’t take 10 when the GM rules that a situation is too hectic or that you are distracted."

While I realize that the ability to take 10 is ultimately GM discretion and therefore up to table variation, do others think that taking 10 should be available in this situation?

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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I'll leave the question about getting rid of the boon for Thurston to answer. Personally, if I'll get to play the scenario in the near future, I'll definitely want to keep the boon. Maybe you'll get to meet Abysshead when they play a gig in Absalom Station, or who knows what. The possibilities are endless, but you'll never find out if you don't have the boon. :-D

I usually allow taking 10 unless it's during combat or a similar situation, but you make a good point. Also, if the players are able to guess the DC early on in the encounter, they can metagame the rest of the encounter and take 10 on all checks they can automatically succeed at. Currently, I'm leaning toward not allowing taking 10 in that encounter, but I'm curious to hear what other GMs think.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Shaudius wrote:
This may be obvious but for purposes of this boon is another earned version of the same Chronicle considered "from another source" i.e. can I earn a half-orc through playing 1-06 and then earn through gming a second version of this chronicle and apply the bonus stats to that first half-orc.
You sure can, though earning the second Chronicle will consume replays.

Wouldn't this situation entail applying the boon twice to the same character? Thus getting credit twice for the same adventure on one PC? I thought this was disallowed.

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Joe Jungers wrote:

Wouldn't this situation entail applying the boon twice to the same character? Thus getting credit twice for the same adventure on one PC? I thought this was disallowed.

The boon is applied to a different character than the one the chronicle is applied to(or I guess technically the same one if you play this with a half-orc). You don't apply the chronicle sheet to the same character twice you apply a boon earned from a chronicle to the same PC twice, as far as I'm aware there's only a prohibition on the former not to the latter.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Shaudius wrote:
Joe Jungers wrote:

Wouldn't this situation entail applying the boon twice to the same character? Thus getting credit twice for the same adventure on one PC? I thought this was disallowed.
The boon is applied to a different character than the one the chronicle is applied to(or I guess technically the same one if you play this with a half-orc). You don't apply the chronicle sheet to the same character twice you apply a boon earned from a chronicle to the same PC twice, as far as I'm aware there's only a prohibition on the former not to the latter.

Got it - this is a weird situation where playing this on PC X grants the ability to play a half-orc as PC Y. Later you GM this scenario & apply the credit to PC Y, gaining the boost Due to to pre-existing 1/2 orc access. Strange.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

A clarification on something that was mentioned in a review.

Once the final encounter started, since we weren't given any preparatory time to heal up and reposition, the extra waves of guards and thugs, as well as the final enemy only didn't turn into a TPK because of time.

That doesn't sound right. The Development section in B5 says "You should allow the PCs to take a 10-minute rest and spend Resolve Points to regain lost Stamina Points." The final encounter begins only after the PCs activate the robot.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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Answering questions that came up in a review.

As one player at my table pointed out, why isn’t house Z getting the weapons back for us?

Firstly, House Zeirerer facilitated the trade deal, but their part of the deal--arranging the negotiations--is already done. Secondly, Villyth is no longer a member of the house, see the boxed text on page 6:

"House Zeizerer officially disowned her months ago."

Also (page 4):

"I understand that she is something of a rebel, and as far as I know, her actions were not sanctioned by her house.”

In other words, House Zeirerer is not responsible for her actions just because her last name still happens to be Zeirerer. That said, Ceobarn Zeirerer does understand that even an ex-member of the house may make them look bad, which is exactly why the PCs can convince Ceobarn Zeirerer to lend them some aid. As the Perception skill check on page 6 suggests, Ceobarn has been looking for Villyth:

"...the search term “Villyth Zeizerer” is visible on Ceobarn’s computer screen, which indicates he is not as indifferent about the rogue noble as he says." So, yes, he's been looking into it, but no, it's not a top priority. To him, it's very annoying but ultimately, he thinks it's House Xicton's problem.

Or why isn’t house X showing up demanding the shipment back so they can complete the sale – wouldn’t they lose all of the credits the Starfinders would have paid for the shipment otherwise?

As mentioned above, Villyth has been disowned, so trying to get the guns back from House Zeirerer would be useless because they don't have them. Ceobarn doesn't even know where the guns are until the PCs find them. That said, as the Culture skill check on page 6 suggests, the Xictons are pissed and they probably blame House Zeirerer regardless:

"Posit that the attack made House Xicton look weak, and if Villyth goes unpunished, House Xicton may seek retribution against House Zeizerer."

At any rate, as mentioned in the scenario, House Xicton is a lesser drow house while House Zeirerer is the most powerful drow house on Apostae, so the Xictons can't just kick in the door and demand answers. It's likely they'll try to get their revenge in a less direct way.

Or did the Starfinders pay 100% up front before taking possession of the weapons (a dumb move, to be sure)? Given that this is “the future”, could the Starfinders just cancel the payment (since this is presumably an electronic transfer of credits) and/or demand house Z give them a comparable weapons shipment instead of having to go convince the family of the group that stole the weapons that the people who bought the weapons should be able to track down and acquire (steal back?) the weapons they rightfully own in the first place?

They can't demand House Zeirerer to give them a comparable weapons shipment because, as mentioned above, they're not responsible for Villyth's actions.

Regarding the payment, Naiaj mentions the following on page 4:

"I personally oversaw the negotiations, and only recently returned to Absalom Station to deposit the down payment owed to House Xicton.”

It's only a down payment, and sure, the Society should be able to cancel the payment. But you see, that's not the reason Naiaj sends the PCs to Apostae. The real reason is this:

"...the Scoured Stars incident also resulted in the Starfinder Society losing a lot of valuable equipment."

"Gear shortages continue to plague the Society..."

"While we are explorers, right now, battle-ready firearms are sorely needed."

"Their firearms are high-quality and come at reasonable prices."

"The Starfinder Society expended much of its social clout with the Pact Worlds’ other prestigious organizations in an effort to preserve itself following the Scoured Stars incident. This action saved the Society, but has left it unable to call upon many organizations for further assistance."

"After calling in a lot of favors and holding lengthy negotiations, we managed to secure a deal with the drow of Apostae to obtain a shipment of weapons."

In other words, they need high-quality guns but they're short on money, they've already called in a lot of favors, and it was very difficult to arrange the deal. If the arms deal falls through, they might not get another chance to obtain high-quality guns.

If the Starfinders steal back the weapons from house Z, do they have to pay house X at all since house X didn’t actually deliver the weapons?

That's above the PCs' pay grade--Venture-Captain Naiaj will take care of that. Anyway, if the Society doesn't pay for the guns, it's going to make any future deals with the drow of Apostae--or any other organization in the Pact Worlds--a lot more difficult.

Also, it's important to remember that drow have a very different mindset than humans (and many other races of the Pact Worlds) do. You can't expect them to do something because it's the right thing to do. They generally only do something if it benefits them. It may be useful to read up on drow before running the scenario so you can better appreciate why things work the way they do on Apostae.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Why not allow taking 10? The time frame on this in-game is hours. Admittedly I despise the d20 and its swingyness. Overall, I think it should be an option as it can allow more time for flavorful storytelling and less focus on rolling dice and adding numbers.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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And finally, a few clarifications.

Q: What happens if the PCs skip the first level and go straight to the basement without encountering the drow guards?

A: As mentioned on page 8, "If any one of the drow notice the PCs or hear loud or unusual sounds, he raises an alarm, and all four rush in to defend the building."

Operating a massive freight elevator definitely causes "loud sounds". As for "unusual sounds", it's been mentioned not once but twice that of the people present in the building when the PCs arrive, only Malindeil has a key card that can be used to operate the elevator. If Malindeil is in her office, then who's using the elevator, and how? Intruders! Alarm, alarm! One of the drow is usually in the meeting room right next to the elevator, so even if the elevator were relatively quiet, she'd likely notice.

Page 8: "Additionally, Beidnach’s key opens the door to the control room, Ellandail’s key opens the door to the laboratory, Malindeil’s key can be used to operate the elevator, and Raimsael’s key opens the door to the workshop."

Page 10: "Operating the elevator requires a key card; Villyth has one, and one of her drow minions, Malindeil, has another."

If the PCs are planning to skip the first level, the GM should warn them that the elevator may cause loud sounds. If they still want to go straight to the basement, the drow will follow and attack shortly after the PCs have started exploring the warehouse.

Q: How does Villyth know the PCs are in the warehouse if they don't trip any alarms?

A: The scenario is indeed silent on the issue, but when a group of non-drow spends nearly 20 hours hacking databases and asking around about Villyth and her warehouse, she's going to find out sooner or later, and naturally, she'll go back to the warehouse to check if everything's ok.

I can think of a number of other reasons why she'd know someone has infiltrated the warehouse; for example, as the messages in area A5 suggest, the drow regularly use messaging software to communicate. When the drow guards suddenly cease to communicate, she's going to be suspicious.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Saashaa wrote:
Why not allow taking 10? The time frame on this in-game is hours. Admittedly I despise the d20 and its swingyness. Overall, I think it should be an option as it can allow more time for flavorful storytelling and less focus on rolling dice and adding numbers.

When I read Shaudius's comment on taking 10, I noticed that Paizo had added the following clause to the take 10 rules (which was not there in Pathfinder): "taking 10 is almost never an option for a check that requires some sort of crucial effect as a key part of the adventure’s story". What that really means--well, I don't know, it's a very vague statement. But it might mean that whenever a skill check determines how successful the PCs are at a plot-relevant task (rather than just being a knowledge check that reveals some nice-to-know info), taking 10 shouldn't be an option. I may be wrong.

In any case, my comment on taking 10 above wasn't intended as errata or a clarification. Just wondering if Paizo intentionally wanted to change how take 10 works.

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Saashaa wrote:
Why not allow taking 10? The time frame on this in-game is hours. Admittedly I despise the d20 and its swingyness. Overall, I think it should be an option as it can allow more time for flavorful storytelling and less focus on rolling dice and adding numbers.

I'm confused by this comment, taking 10 takes just as long as doing the action normally so the time frame doesn't actually matter.

I think ultimately the problem with take 10 in Starfinder is that the numbers are finely tuned such that the DCs scale to about a 50/50 success allowing taking 10 will basically mean auto success in every situation that calls for a dice roll, why play a dice based game if you can automatically succeed without rolling on everything outside of combat, it makes skill focused encounters way less than meaningful than combat ones. That, in my opinion, takes away from storytelling way more than any number swing possibly could.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Shaudius wrote:
Saashaa wrote:
Why not allow taking 10? The time frame on this in-game is hours. Admittedly I despise the d20 and its swingyness. Overall, I think it should be an option as it can allow more time for flavorful storytelling and less focus on rolling dice and adding numbers.

I'm confused by this comment, taking 10 takes just as long as doing the action normally so the time frame doesn't actually matter.

I think ultimately the problem with take 10 in Starfinder is that the numbers are finely tuned such that the DCs scale to about a 50/50 success allowing taking 10 will basically mean auto success in every situation that calls for a dice roll, why play a dice based game if you can automatically succeed without rolling on everything outside of combat, it makes skill focused encounters way less than meaningful than combat ones. That, in my opinion, takes away from storytelling way more than any number swing possibly could.

Yeah, the adjusted math may be the reason they updated the take 10 rules for Starfinder.

As for the time frame, I agree--there's no mention of time constraints in the take 10 rules. The key words mentioned in the take 10 section are "under pressure", "during times of great stress", "in immediate danger", "distracted", and "a situation is too hectic". Considering how important the arms deal is for the Society, the PCs are definitely under pressure to do well.

So, still leaning toward not allowing take 10 in that encounter, but as mentioned, this is not errata or a rules clarification, just my opinion / interpretation on the take 10 rules.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As I don't have the scenario, I thought I'd ask here- where does the Abysshead boon come from? I don't recall anything being mentioned in-scenario, but the boon wasn't crossed out on my chronicle.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

shadowhntr7 wrote:
As I don't have the scenario, I thought I'd ask here- where does the Abysshead boon come from? I don't recall anything being mentioned in-scenario, but the boon wasn't crossed out on my chronicle.

If the PCs find Villyth's spider plush toy in one of the private offices and download the Abysshead album, they get the boon.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ah, so that's what it was for. GM had asked if we'd messed with the plush, but none of us saw any reason we would have. Probably shouldn't have the boon then.

Sovereign Court 1/5 Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Parkersburg, West Virginia—Vienna

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fwiw, I super enjoyed running this scenario and my table did as well. At this point our local community loves the idea of collecting music on their chronicle sheets so the fact Abysshead had an album on it immediately sold them.

We also thought the drow coming back from the party was funny and had a distinct personality that they enjoyed.

Running it, i wish the names of the four guards and the keys they carrie did had been in a pull out box in the pdf. In the midst of running it I found it a little difficult to find.

Finally, I want to give the author kudos for integrating sniping, often people are interested but the maps are too small to really make it worthwhile. Integrating sniping from a building outside the building containing the fight was a super awesome idea and really made it seem like a modern heist. Not only that, but there is something to be side for shots ringing in through windows to make a player feel like a clever hero.

Overall, well done.

Now there just needs to be a Spotify playlist of music to simulate Abysshead that I can play for the payers in the future!

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

I am really looking forward to running this.

I do have a couple of questions though:

Are we supposed to give additional information from pages 7-8 in the order listed, or can we give it based on what the players seem most interested in?

The album boon, is there no way to download it to an isolated system? That would be the smart way to do it. Download it to a single computer and then inspect what it does.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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BretI wrote:
Are we supposed to give additional information from pages 7-8 in the order listed, or can we give it based on what the players seem most interested in?

You can give the players a list of the bolded keywords (Access codes, floor plan, etc.) and let the players choose based on what they think are the most useful types of info.

The album boon, is there no way to download it to an isolated system? That would be the smart way to do it. Download it to a single computer and then inspect what it does.

Yes, they can certainly do that. However, they don't have to download the album in order to attempt the DC 24 Computers check mentioned on page 11--they can attempt the check immediately when they receive the download invite. That way, if they succeed, they can make an informed choice about downloading the rare but potentially harmful album.

I hope you'll enjoy running the scenario!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

After running this scenario with my group, I have a little feedback from the GM's perspective. This is with a level 3 group.

Part 1:
The group got 4 out of 6. Had a blast as the GM acting like a stuck up drow noble that knows he's better than his current company. This was well designed. DC of impressing Ceobarn felt just about right.

Part 2:
This includes the search, and the upper floor. The option to find out additional info with good rolls on the hacking/street sweeping was a nice touch. The group completely blew their first sneak, and alerted all 4 guards in the first group. Fight was decently challenging, as drow enforcers have high enough AC to rival that of the PCs. Nice. Only suggestion is that for a level 3 encounter, the guards really should be using something better than azimuth laser rifles, as most damage barely scratched my PCs. Looting the upper floor was thorough. One PC fell for the spider plushy.

Part 3:
Conversation with Ipqik was fast, added character. With the exception of grimmilak, the 1/2 CR half-orc guards were complete pushovers. Even then, combat lasted only 3 rounds. Group missed the opportunity to rest for 10 min because someone got over excited and started the forklift bot as the last orc was being taken down, so the combat moved straight into Villyth sending reinforcements. Again, half-orcs were pushovers, drow enforcers were a good challenge...and then we got to Villyth. Villyth would have been a challenge, if not for the PC that scored a bleed crit on their first attack. Villyth had zero healing options, and medicine is trained only, so she bled to death over the course of the fight.

Final thoughts

The scenario was well designed. Group had a lot of fun. Only parts that could use improving were the lackluster half-orcs, and the fact that Villyth was easily taken out by a lucky condition that she had no way of removing. The group all survived, and this was without the recommended 10 min rest to recover stamina in between the grimallak fight and the drow reinforcements.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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Adder007USA wrote:

After running this scenario with my group, I have a little feedback from the GM's perspective. This is with a level 3 group.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Final thoughts

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad to hear that for the most part, you and your table enjoyed the scenario! I'll admit that the half-orcs were meant to be easy to kill to make the players/PCs feel powerful&competent, but sounds like the overall difficulty of the half-orc encounters was too easy. Also, I'll definitely try to remember to give BBEGs a few healing serums in future scenarios!

Thanks again!

2/5 5/5

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Are you willing to take responsibility for the fact that I've had:

"One Night in Nightarch makes a hard man humble
One Night in Nightarch makes the tough guys crumble"

stuck in my head for days now while prepping this adventure?

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Jhaeman wrote:

Are you willing to take responsibility for the fact that I've had:

"One Night in Nightarch makes a hard man humble
One Night in Nightarch makes the tough guys crumble"

stuck in my head for days now while prepping this adventure?

Heh, I'm sure it's Thursty's fault. :-D (Paizo chooses the titles for our adventures.)

That song though (One Night in Bangkok), wow, I actually hadn't heard it before. It was... interesting. :-D

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikko Kallio wrote:
Jhaeman wrote:

Are you willing to take responsibility for the fact that I've had:

"One Night in Nightarch makes a hard man humble
One Night in Nightarch makes the tough guys crumble"

stuck in my head for days now while prepping this adventure?

Heh, I'm sure it's Thursty's fault. :-D (Paizo chooses the titles for our adventures.)

That song though (One Night in Bangkok), wow, I actually hadn't heard it before. It was... interesting. :-D

Not something I'm familiar with!

If you want to know the actual inspiration for this scenario (and I totally put it in Mikko's outline): It was John Wick. I wanted a scenario where the PCs could "John Wick" everything.

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Mikko Kallio wrote:
Jhaeman wrote:

Are you willing to take responsibility for the fact that I've had:

"One Night in Nightarch makes a hard man humble
One Night in Nightarch makes the tough guys crumble"

stuck in my head for days now while prepping this adventure?

Heh, I'm sure it's Thursty's fault. :-D (Paizo chooses the titles for our adventures.)

That song though (One Night in Bangkok), wow, I actually hadn't heard it before. It was... interesting. :-D

Not something I'm familiar with!

If you want to know the actual inspiration for this scenario (and I totally put it in Mikko's outline): It was John Wick. I wanted a scenario where the PCs could "John Wick" everything.


2/5 5/5

Once thing I've noticed while prepping this, and granted it's probably unlikely to happen: there's no actual drawbacks or penalties (as far as I can tell) if the PCs spend more than their "24 hours of diplomatic immunity" on Nightarch. The set-up makes it seem like the deadline is of the utmost concern (down to allowing skill checks to shave a half-hour on the time it takes to get to the warehouse), but nothing *actually* happens if the PCs decide (for example) to do additional research and take their chances, or if their initial approach goes badly and they decide to retreat and hide to rest up for a night before making a second raid, etc. None of the victory conditions explicitly depend on meeting the 24-hour limit, and (despite the aura of danger), there are no additional encounters to throw at them. Like I said, probably a hypothetical concern (my group is pretty good at sticking to expectations) but just something I thought I'd flag for other GMs to be aware of.

2/5 5/5

If the office level is placed on "lockdown", do the drow operatives' keycards still work for the specified doors, or do they have to be hacked?

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm seeking clarification on this comment, because this exact situation will soon happen to me, and I want to handle it appropriately:

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Shaudius wrote:
can I earn a half-orc through playing 1-06 and then earn through gming a second version of this chronicle and apply the bonus stats to that first half-orc.
You sure can, though earning the second Chronicle will consume replays.

In SFS, can we not play a scenario we've GMed, or GM a scenario we've played, without using replays?

Admittedly I'm still in that newbie stage where I think as a Pathfinder, and not as a Starfinder.

2/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there “read to players” boxed text missing where the PCs first see the forklift and guards? There’s lead-in language but then just regular GM info.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

Jhaeman wrote:
If the office level is placed on "lockdown", do the drow operatives' keycards still work for the specified doors, or do they have to be hacked?

The intent is that the full lockdown mode disables all methods of opening the doors except the override codes, which the PCs can acquire in the "obtaining additional information" part.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jhaeman wrote:
Is there “read to players” boxed text missing where the PCs first see the forklift and guards? There’s lead-in language but then just regular GM info.

Can't find it now, but I think Thurston commented on that somewhere on the boards. I included some boxed text in the encounter, but it was removed in development, and they forgot to change the preceding paragraph. You can safely ignore the lead-in language.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5

006400 wrote:

I'm seeking clarification on this comment, because this exact situation will soon happen to me, and I want to handle it appropriately:

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Shaudius wrote:
can I earn a half-orc through playing 1-06 and then earn through gming a second version of this chronicle and apply the bonus stats to that first half-orc.
You sure can, though earning the second Chronicle will consume replays.

In SFS, can we not play a scenario we've GMed, or GM a scenario we've played, without using replays?

Admittedly I'm still in that newbie stage where I think as a Pathfinder, and not as a Starfinder.

You get a chronicle for playing it and a chronicle for GM'ing it. So yes, you can get a Half-Orc and a bonus as well. I just used my Legacy Race boon with my GM chronicle from this scenario.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Awesome, thank you!

2/5 5/5

Thanks Mikko, I appreciate you helping out and answering questions. I ran it last night. It didn't go well for the PCs (only one PC made it out alive!), but that wasn't the scenario's fault. I'll post a review in the next week or two.

2/5 5/5

If a PC dies in this one (even in the last encounter), that means they don't get any boons, even the half-orc boon to apply to a new character, right? I think I gave a player the wrong answer on this one and am going to have to fix my mistake.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"For all your getaway van needs, call Hurts. Hurts rent a van, where bullet hole insurance is free "

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My lodge has several music buffs (myself included), audiophiles, and sound engineers in it. Because Starfinder Society scenarios are sometimes incorporating music into some of the stories of Season 1, we have been loving the challenge of finding neat stuff to try and "fit" these sounds as they're presented in-game.

For Abysshead, a few of us put ourselves to the task of figuring out - "What does Space Drow 'agrosynch' sound like?"

And so, for your GMing pleasure, here are the best options our local Starfinder GMs have come up with so far!

1: John 5 - Black Widow of La Porte (instrumental)
2: Korn - the "Path of Totality" album (instrumental versions)
3: RoseScythe - Metal covers of VNV Nation songs <~ my own favorite option

(Personal note - RoseScythe has a wide variety of really neat stuff out there, and coincidentally has a song called Abyssal Remnants to fit the "Abysshead" theme, and another one called Ravenous Entities that was written specifically with sci-fi feel to it!)

I hope that you enjoy these offerings, and that they help you bring this scenario more to life for your players!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"I was expecting them to have musical plows and pitchforks and tractors. "

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

personally, I thought it was like the 'NOW that's what I call music" of the Drow agro-synth world. Which explains the Adware code to me.

Dark Archive

I'm waiting for the opportunity to spoil the concert of Star Sugar HeartLove with this album

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