Shifter vs feral shifter, feral hunter and wild hunter

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Silver Crusade

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So, I've been reading the new shifter, and would compare it against the old feral shifter
, feral hunter, and wild hunter archetypes.

Comparing them, they are mostly alike, with the following differences:

full BAB
Wis to AC
Very limited aspect options
Very limited wildshape options

Feral shifter:
Level 9 casting
Full options in wild shape
Option for 'planar focus' feat

Feral hunter:
Level 6 casting
Free teamwork feats
Unlimited time on focus abilities
All animal options in wild shape
Option for 'planar focus' feat

Wild hunter:
Full BAB
level 4 casting
Ranger combat styles
No wildshape
Option for 'planar focus' feat.

So... Considering these, the shifter class strikes me as extremely niche. Only a build with a very specific fighting style in mind would be a reason to abandon the advantages the other classes give. Full BAB is nice, of course, but it's not that nice. Especially considering the high likelihood of a natural attack build.

Am I wrong? Am I missing something?

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Currently....I can see little reason to drop my Feral Hunter build, even though I have no intentions of using some of the options available to it because of character concept (planar focus for example)....the Shifter is simply too limited in what it can contribute in an adventuring day.

About the only thing in Shifter I can imagine wanting to do would be a Weretouched Shifter....but like you said, that's a very niche character concept.

The Ooze morph is conceptually neat....but until there is a FAQ clearing up it's many confusing elements, it's hard to say if it's really worth playing.

The Fiendish likewise is very niche, but usable for some character concepts if they clean up some of the conflicting mechanics in it.

The base Shifter would need a substantial overhaul for it to be anything I would be interested in playing.....and I think that's the only class presented so far that I can say that about.

I would add to the list Feral Striker (Brawler).

Full BAB
Brawler’s Flurry
limited aspect options
AC Bonus
Maneuver Training
No wildshape

Beastkin Beserker Barbarian:

Full BAB
limited wildshape options
7 rage powers

Silver Crusade

Hahaha! Now we're just listing other examples of other (better?) alike classes :D

But it really wasn't my intent to bash this class. I was just hoping that maybe there would be specific feats that would work so well for the class that it would suddenly be worth all it has 'lost', as opposed to the others named here.

As to the archetypes, there are some funny options! For example, I really like the idea of the elementalist shifter.

What I don't get, though, is why o why does the class disallow elemental strike to work with elemental form?

I mean, the 9th level feral shifter with planar focus can happily become that fire elemental with 2d6 (ok, not 3d6) extra fire damage, and they don't even have to pay a swift action every round! The elemental form will get better, the enhancement bonus will be no trouble (second focus), and the (funny) omnielementalist options are well set off by level 9 spells

I mean, was the combination considered too powerful? I can truly hardly believe that. The class doesn't even have bonus feats. This is all it has!

So... I'm really not missing anything, here? It's really like this?

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Yep, it's really that bad.

We have not yet looked at the new archetype of the warpriest - Feral Champion!!!

New monk Archetype also gives monk shifter claws.

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