What is the next Adventure Path hardcover?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Slim to none on both counts. For one, both of those APs rely heavily on OGL creations, which Paizo would have to completely rewrite to use.

On top of that these hardcovers tend to take someone off of other projects for a good chunk of time.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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GM_Drake wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Especially considering we essentially put out these hardcover versions about once for 8 or 9 Adventure Paths we publish, so in the end, at that rate, only about 10% to 15% of them will EVER be collected as hardcovers. Since that's such a small amount, we have to be REALLY careful about picking the perceived "best" ones... aka the ones we have proof that people bought a lot of or gave a lot of great reviews to.

Hi, James.

What would you say the odds are that Shattered Star and Return of the Runelords get hardcover editions?

Will PF1E APs that get done as future hardcovers be reprinted with the PF1E rules set, be updated using the PF2E rules set or would both options be available?

Not really interested in giving odds for things like this. MORE useful would be hearing from folks if they'd like to see something like that? Is there an interest in a remastered Return of the Runelords or Shattered Star? Let us know!

Since Rise of the Runelords already exists in a hardcover format, that's slightly easier for us to update than, say, Shattered Star, which only exists in the split-up-to-6-books format.

That said, any thing we update at this point will most likely be updated to use the Remastered rules and thus won't be OGL adventures. The rules themselves aren't a big deal in updating adventures as they are in updating PCs—the tricky part is handling monster and treasure swap-outs. For example, if we updated Rise of the Runelords, we'd have to replace the vargouille in the catacombs of wrath, Erylium would be come an imp, and the tentamort in Thistletop would have to change, since vargouilles, tentamorts, and quasits are OGL creatures.

This means that some Adventure Paths are easier to remaster than others. For example, Second Darkness would be a SIGNIFICANT task with all its OGL content, as would Wrath of the Righteous.

Anyway... we will continue to do hardcover compilations of Adventure Paths. Got nothing to announce or hint at yet though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Cori Marie wrote:

Slim to none on both counts. For one, both of those APs rely heavily on OGL creations, which Paizo would have to completely rewrite to use.

On top of that these hardcovers tend to take someone off of other projects for a good chunk of time.

They're higher than slim. Changing creatures and content from OGL to Remastered content is tricky but 100% possible; I've done that already myself with Rusthenge and Curtain Call.

As for the timing of things, now that the Narrative team is back fully staffed (and has been for a bit), and now that we have a project management team (which we've had for a while), these projects can be scheduled responsibly. I like to think that Kingmaker was the last one we had timing issues with, but that was as much the pandemic's fault and us just trying to do too much at once during the new edition as anything else.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well then count me in as someone who would love remastered Shattered Star and Return. Currently running Rise for a second time using my own conversion, and plan to move into the other two APs after that for a very long campaign with this group.

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I only care about new adventures. I'm not interested in going back into the past.

There's too many things I want right now.

Hellknights, for one. Tengu and Tian Xia travel adventure, for two.

It makes me sad that some regions will only ever get one adventure, and if it misses, that's it and the region won't be seen again for over a decade.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
GM_Drake wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Especially considering we essentially put out these hardcover versions about once for 8 or 9 Adventure Paths we publish, so in the end, at that rate, only about 10% to 15% of them will EVER be collected as hardcovers. Since that's such a small amount, we have to be REALLY careful about picking the perceived "best" ones... aka the ones we have proof that people bought a lot of or gave a lot of great reviews to.

Hi, James.

What would you say the odds are that Shattered Star and Return of the Runelords get hardcover editions?

Will PF1E APs that get done as future hardcovers be reprinted with the PF1E rules set, be updated using the PF2E rules set or would both options be available?

Not really interested in giving odds for things like this. MORE useful would be hearing from folks if they'd like to see something like that? Is there an interest in a remastered Return of the Runelords or Shattered Star? Let us know!

Since Rise of the Runelords already exists in a hardcover format, that's slightly easier for us to update than, say, Shattered Star, which only exists in the split-up-to-6-books format.

That said, any thing we update at this point will most likely be updated to use the Remastered rules and thus won't be OGL adventures. The rules themselves aren't a big deal in updating adventures as they are in updating PCs—the tricky part is handling monster and treasure swap-outs. For example, if we updated Rise of the Runelords, we'd have to replace the vargouille in the catacombs of wrath, Erylium would be come an imp, and the tentamort in Thistletop would have to change, since vargouilles, tentamorts, and quasits are OGL creatures.

This means that some Adventure Paths are easier to remaster than others. For example, Second Darkness would be a SIGNIFICANT task with all its OGL content, as would Wrath of the Righteous.

Anyway... we will continue to do hardcover compilations of Adventure Paths. Got nothing to announce or hint at yet...

Man, I for one would love a remaster of some of the old APs into Pathfinder 2nd edition. I think I'd buy every one that was released, especially if they came with a foundry release also. I have really fond memories of playing them in first edition and I'd love to introduce them to new groups with the updated rule system. With that being said, I think my top three would be:

1: Curse of the Crimson Throne
2: War for the Crown
3: Carrion Crown

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