Dr Styx |

Master Escape close enough?
Master Escape wrote:
A summoner can target his eidolon with this spell.
I must be miss reading this.
Cast this spell on your Eidolon, dismiss it, travel to where it came from.Can you actually teleport to where your Eidolon comes from?

UnArcaneElection |

^I don't think Master's Escape is supposed to be able to do that, since this requires crossing between different planes (which teleport doesn't do unless explicitly enabled in a spell description) although given that it is 2 levels lower than Plane Shift, but doesn't let you pick a plane other than your Eidolon's plane, and doesn't even let you pick a 500 mile radius circle within that plane (and you probably don't even know where in there your Eidolon goes when dismissed), and it doesn't give you a way to get back, this is probably not unreasonable from a balance perspective.