Slyme |
I am thinking about adding a Kitsune Mesmerist to my stable of PFS characters, but I am not sure which way to go with it.
I could go all-in on getting my DC on enchantment spells as high as possible (Start with a 20 Cha, take Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Varisian Tattoo for +3 more on DCs, etc) Choose mostly enchantment spells to either debuff enemies or SoS them.
Or, I could go for a more moderate build...go for respectable DCs, more varied spell selection, etc.
If I go all in, I could pretty easily get my DCs on even level 0-1 spells into the mid 20s, if I start dropping high DC SoS spells left and right, it could cut short a lot of encounters and leave the other players and GMs feeling a bit frustrated. With Psychic Inception, not even mindless/immune enemies would be safe.
On the other hand, I am kind of at a loss for how to build it if I don't go that route...
How would you feel as a player (or GM) if someone showed up to a table you were at and proceeded to shut down almost every fight with 1-2 spells?
Gray Warden |
First of all, Varisian Tattoo does not add +1 to DC, but to caster level.
Secondly, I'd go full enchantment. PFS already offers a variety of challenges. Some combats will be trivial thanks to a well timed Sleep, but they won't be all like that.
If you want to add variety to your build, I suggest taking the Fox Shape feat. Psychic spellcasting allows you to cast in fox shape without any hindrance, while enjoying a nice +5 bonus to AC and a huge boost to Stealth.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
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In my experience, you don’t want to go full enchantment for a number of reasons, the biggest being that 1) not everything you fight can be enchanted and 2) some things will have such massively high Will saves that you won’t reasonably affect them with enchantments. It’s good to try and have a handful of spells that target Fortitude and Reflex, or at least have a backup plan for when enchantment is not your best option, whether that is feinting or getting into combat yourself or whatever.
Spellcasters are strongest when they have answers for as many situations as possible.
Slyme |
First of all, Varisian Tattoo does not add +1 to DC, but to caster level.
Secondly, I'd go full enchantment. PFS already offers a variety of challenges. Some combats will be trivial thanks to a well timed Sleep, but they won't be all like that.
If you want to add variety to your build, I suggest taking the Fox Shape feat. Psychic spellcasting allows you to cast in fox shape without any hindrance, while enjoying a nice +5 bonus to AC and a huge boost to Stealth.
Ah, misread the tattoo a bit, I was just skimming through looking at ways to bump up DCs. I'll have to consider Fox Shape...that could lead to all sorts of shenanigans :)
In my experience, you don’t want to go full enchantment for a number of reasons, the biggest being that 1) not everything you fight can be enchanted and 2) some things will have such massively high Will saves that you won’t reasonably affect them with enchantments. It’s good to try and have a handful of spells that target Fortitude and Reflex, or at least have a backup plan for when enchantment is not your best option, whether that is feinting or getting into combat yourself or whatever.
Spellcasters are strongest when they have answers for as many situations as possible.
With Bold Stare: Psychic Inception, that is much less worrisome.
The Mesmerist spell list is pretty limiting, almost everything in there is designed to mess with things minds, lots of illusion and enchantment, a decent amount of divination, a fair amount of necromancy for some reason...the rest is pretty slim.
Grandlounge |
Grease, Blindness, Obscuring Mist, Shadow Trap, Ray of Enfeeblement, Alter Self, Blistering Invective, Glitterdust, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Haunting Mists, Pyrotechnics (lantern staff), Stricken Heart, Twilight Haze, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Jester's Jaunt, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch.
The list goes far beyond this there is freedom of movement, arcane eye, restoration. There are broader lists, but I have never had trouble contributing with my eyebiter having picked a broad range of spells carrying wands and scrolls.
Gray Warden |
One thing to note that as amazing (and accurate) as it is to be a tiny fox and bend people to your will with a swish of your tail, a number of enchantments are language-dependant, and mots people don't understand yips and shrieks.
Considering he wants to take Spell Focus and Greater~ (as he should), Fox Shape won't arrive before 5th level. By that time, he should be able to afford a Ring of Eloquence, since it costs only 3.5kgp.
Fine etchings spell out the alphabets of four languages around the inside of this finely crafted silver band. The wearer gains the ability to speak and understand the four languages whose alphabets are inscribed on the ring. Normally the languages are Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Gnome. Less often, such rings are attuned to Giant, Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon, and rings with different sets of languages might also exist. The wearer retains the ability to speak in these languages even if she assumes a form normally unable to do so (such as a druid wild shaped into a wolf).
The ring also makes it easier for the wearer to find the correct words to express herself, granting a +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform (oratory) checks. Also, if the wearer is deafened and attempts to cast a spell with a verbal component, the chance of spell failure is reduced to 10%.
Slyme |
Gonna have to remember that ring...and it is cheap too, only 3500gp.
I think I might just go full force into enchanting...I have characters for just about everything else, and this is for PFS, so I can pick and choose adventures that his focus would be more useful on, while avoiding adventures heavy in things like undead and elementals.
I'll work on a build and post it here later this evening to see what folks think of my ideas.
Velisruna |
I wouldn't count on Psychic Inception to help your enchantments land as it still gives the target a 50% chance of ignoring it each round. The mesmerist list has plenty of good non-enchantment spells to take to round you out any way and I highly recommend using them. Some examples from my mesmerist would be: Grease, Glitterdust, Blindness/Deafness, and Enervation. You can still focus on enchantment but you will be more effective in fights that don't suit your tactic if you have a back-up plan.
Slyme |
I will probably pick at least 1 non-enchantment spell per spell level, and I can always pick up a few Spell Lattice
Slyme | is what I have so far...20pt buy and built up to level 12 since that is where most PFS content ends.
I am open to suggestions if you have any.
Class: Mesmerist
Race: Kitsune
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Faction: Dark Archive
Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 19
All stat level ups to Cha
Traits: Power of Suggestion
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1: Charm Person, Command, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Silent Image, Sleep
2: Hold Person, Inflict Pain, Invisibility, Minor Image, Tongues
3: Charm Monster, Confusion, Jester's Jaunt, Major Image
4: Dominate Person, Greater Invisibility, Mindwipe, Modify Memory
1. Consummate Liar, Hypnotic Stare (-2), Painful Stare
Mesmerist Trick: Compel Alacrity
Feat: Realistic Likeness
2. Towering Ego
Mesmerist Trick: Mesmeric Mirror
3. Touch Treatment (Minor)
Bold Stare: Psychic Inception
Feat: Spell Focus: Enchantment
4. Mesmerist Trick: False Flanker
5. Manifold Tricks (2), Mental Potency (+1)
Feat: Fox Shape
6. Touch Treatment (Moderate)
Mesmerist Trick: Mask Misery
7. Bold Stare: Disorientation
Feat: Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
8. Hypnotic Stare (–3)
Mesmerist Trick: Spectral Smoke
9. Manifold Tricks (3),
Feat: Improved Initiative
10. Touch Treatment (Greater), Mental Potency (+2)
Mesmerist Trick: Fearsome Guise
11. Glib Lie
Bold Stare: Sapped Magic
Feat: Extend Stare
12. Masterful Trick: Mental Fallback
Mesmerist Trick: Meek Facade
Anyone know of any specific magic items I should buy along the way besides all the standard stuff (magic armor, cloak of resistance, ring of protection, etc)?
Gray Warden |
You could take Two-World Magic instead of Power of Suggestion, and select Acid Splash, which is added to your spell list.
If you are out of spells, your enchantments don't work, or you just want to save on slots, shoot acid at enemies under your Hypnotic Stare. While at first it only deals 1d3+1 dmg, it automatically scales with levels (at 4th level it will become 1d3 + 1d6 + 2). It isn't astounding, I know, but it's fine considering it's way better than a backup crossbow, you can do it all day long, even in fox shape, and it only requires you to spend a trait.
I don't really like the Realistic Likeness feat, mainly because doesn't do much more than a good old Charm Person. I would move Spell Focus, Greater~ and Fox Shape at 1st, 3rd and 5th level (in any order you like), and take Intense Pain at 7th. Next level, it will give +2 damage to your allies against enemies under the effect of your Hypnotic Stare, which is not bad (and +1d6 to your Acid Splash :P).
Also: armor won't help you while in fox shape. I suggest you buy a chain shirt (maybe masterwork) you'll use until you get Fox Shape, and then start buying Bracers of Armor.
Mister Socks |
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Going all in on enchanting is tough, since as a mesmerist you don't have a ton of spells per day. I do, as many others recommend fox shape. Also consider getting the Cunning Caster feat to hide your spellcasting. Who would think of the fox as the source of magic?
Below is a list of ways to buff spell DC's. They may not all be PFS legal, but some of them aren't too tough to get.
Eldritch Heritage Greater
Arcane Bloodline
Eldritch Heritage, Greater (Ultimate Magic) This can only be taken at character level 17 and you need charisma 17, but by selecting Arcane bloodline's 15th level ability, you can net +2 DC bonus to a school of magic. (Feat)
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile (Rasputin Must Die!) Spells with the fear descriptor increase the dc by 4 (profane bonus). (Spell, wizard/cleric 2)
Arcane Concordance
Arcane Concordance (Advanced Player's Guide) 10ft emanation centered on you, gives arcane spells within the area a +1 enhancement to their DC, and allows a couple of free metamagics to be applied to it. (Spell, Bard 3)
Sharesister (Pathfinder Society Field Guide) Both targets have to be same gender, but allows you to give someone bonuses to CL and Spell DC's, at the cost of negative levels. A bit risky, best used if you like buffing people. (Spell, Cleric/witch 3)
Coward's Cowl
Coward's Cowl (Agent's of Evil) +1 to DC of readied spells aslong as you don't move closer to your enemies. (Spell, Alchemist/wizard/cleric/bard/mesmerist/shaman/psychic/witch 1)
Sacred Space
Sacred Space (Advanced Race Guide) Good spells, spell-like abilities, and channeled energy to damage evil outsiders, gain +2 to the DC. If the space contains an altar, shrine, or permanent fixture to your diety, it increases to +4. (Spell, Paladin/cleric 2)
Silver (Alchemy Manual) used as a material component will increase the DC of illusion spells by 1. (item)
Deific Obedience Mahathallah
Deific Obedience (Inner Sea Gods) Mahathallah grants +2 DC to illusion spells. (feat)
Dead Man's Headband
Dead Man's Headband (Ultimate Equipment) will increase the DC of any fear effect you create by 1. Note: it takes the headband slot, maybe see if you can combine it with a headband of int. (magic Item)
All-Seeing Eye
All-Seeing Eye (Giant's Revisited) +1 insight bonus to the DC of divination spells you cast. (magic item)
Dragon CraftingPerfume
Draconic Perfume (Dragonslayer's Handbook) increases charm subschool DC by 2 (Rosewood and Myrrh) or compulsion subschool by 2 (Sulfur and Honeycomb). (item)
Oakstewards' Favor
Oaksteward's Favor (People of the River) increases the DC of any enchantment spells the wearer casts against animals by 2. (magic Item)
Serpent Belt
Serpent Belt (Ultimate Equipment) increases poison by 4, whether your GM takes that to mean DC is up the them. (magic item)
Elemental Focus Greater
Elemental Focus/Greater (CRB) adds +1/+1 DC of spells with the energy type you select. (feat(s))
Outlander, Lore Seeker
The trait Lore seeker (campaign trait for ROTRL) lets you pick 3 spells to increase the DC and CL by 1 each. (trait)
Eastern Mysteries
The trait Eastern Mysteries (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play) allows 1/day to increase a spell DC by 2. (trait)
Spell Focus Greater
Spell Focus/Greater (CRB) Increase the DC of a chosen school of magic by 1 (stacks with elemental focus). (feat(s))
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus
Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus (Gods and Magic) Increase the DC of spells that are augmented by writing by 1. (Magic item)
Rod of the Wayang
Rod of the Wayang (Ultimate Equipment) +1 DC to spells of the shadow subschool. (Magic item, Rod)
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Scarf of the Suggestive Dance (Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark) increases a bard's fascinate and suggestion bard performance DC's by 1. (Magic Item)
Perfect Golden Lute
Perfect Golden Lute (Ultimate Equipment) Increase all bardic performance DC's by 2 if using the lute. (Keep in mind this is an artifact, and up to GM territory if it's ever seen or owned) (Magic item, Artifact)
Player's Prize
Player's Prize (People of the River) Scribe it with a person's name and drop it into that person's pocket, they take a -2 (will save) against your bardic performances. (Very pricy option if you really can swing it) (Magic item)
Wizard Hook
Wizard Hook (The Price of Infamy; Skull and Shackles Book 5) is a +1 hook hand that gives +4 attack on touch spells and +1 to the DC of touch spells delivered via the hook. (Magic Item)
Hollywreath band
Hollywreath Band (Ultimate Equipment) +1 CL and DC to spells that affect plants.(Magic Item)
Robe of the Overmind
Robe of the Overmind (Psychic Anthology) +1 DC to spells with mind-affecting descriptor. (Magic Item)
Focused Spell Metamagic
Focused Spell (Advanced Player's Guide) adds +2 to the DC of a spell against 1 target, when the spell targets more than one creature. (feat, metamagic)
Gray Gambler's Hat
Gray Gambler's Hat (Inner Sea Gods) adds 1 to the DC of any enchantment (compulsion) spell you cast. (Magic Item)
Mouthpiece of the Dominion
Mouthpiece of the Dominion (Pathfinder #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors) gives a +1 DC to any sonic or language-dependent spell or spell-like ability, and +1 DC to audible bardic performances. It also increases your bite attack by 1 step. (Magic Item, Slotless (kinda))
Honorable mentions:
Below we have misc stuff that may not directly increase a spell's dc, but still worth noting.
Draconic Malice
Draconic Malice (Legacy of Dragons) Lets you cast fear spells on normally immune creatures. (Spell, Antipaladin/bard/wizard/bloodrager/cleric/inquisitor/mesmerist/psychic/sham an/witch 3)
Mesmerizing Tattoo
Mesmerizing Tattoo (Blood of Shadows) Whenever the bearer uses the hypnotism occult skill unlock, casts an enchantment spell that targets a single creature, or uses the hypnotic stare class feature, her target takes a –1 penalty on Will saving throws for the ability’s duration and the DC to affect the target with the hypnotism occult skill unlock is reduced by 1. (Magic Item)
Ability Focus
Ability Focus (RPG Beastiary) Increase a single special attack's DC by 2, check with your dm first. (Feat)
Sinner's Wage
Sinner's Wage (Champions of Corruption) If used as a focus component for a charm or compulsion spell below 5th level, the target takes a -2 penalty to resist acting against its nature. (Magic item)
Myrrh (Alchemy Manual) Spells of the abjuration school are cast at +1 CL for the purpose of CL checks and Dispel Checks. (item)
Genius Avaricious
Genius Avaricious (Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince) Mammon's Mantle: grants up to a +5 untyped Charisma bonus which heightens DC's of charisma based casters and SLA's.
Bilious Talisman
Billious Talisman (Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness) Grants a +4 to Charisma, but not too easy to get. (Magic Item)
Slyme |
The Acid Splash thing is a good idea, I'll probably go that route...Power of Suggestion is just so fun and flavorful though :)
Cunning Caster is not PFS legal unfortunately. Imagine the shenanigans you could pull off if it was.
Looking through the list of DC improvements now, a few potential things in there.