Do the effects of the Gunslinger's Dead Shot stack with the Vital Strike feat?

Rules Questions

Just wanted a definitive yes or no, as no one can seem to agree on this.

JakeCWolf wrote:
Just wanted a definitive yes or no, as no one can seem to agree on this.

No, they don't stack. Performing the Dead Shot deed requires a full-round action while using Vital Strike requires to perform a specific kind of action: the attack action. The attack action is a standard action. So or you perform the Dead Shot deed as a full-round action or you benefit of the the effect of a feat in the Vital Strike chain of feats doing a single attack as a standard action applying the effect of the feat, not both.

if you can find a way to make it a standard action you can but it will need a 6 level dip(i think) into a prestige class

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