Unchained Eidolon Swallow whole


Scarab Sages

Was wondering if anyone got some suggestions for a Swallow Whole build.
I'd prefer a Psychopomp Eidolon.
I'm thinking about limiting it to a Bite attack for 1½ times str to dmg.

Any suggestions? should I look at another subtype so I could get poison and disease? or could it be done for this archtype?

Silver Crusade

Swallow whole is quite a bad ability. It requires 5 evolution points just to start (2 Grab [bite] + 3 Swallow whole), and Summoner level 9. At that level, you only have 7 evolution points, which means you cannot take also the Large evolution, and therefore you are stuck to swallowing at most Small creatures. Furthermore, not only escaping is not difficult, as the prey just needs to inflict a few hit points damage, but it also invalidates the whole ability as long as the damage is not healed.

I'll leave the advice to other users, but I think that, if you want a Swallow whole companion, you'd be probably better off with a Druid/Hunter/Beast Rider Cavalier with a Giant Frog animal companion, and then a level dip into Mammoth Rider. [With Beast Rider Cavalier you don't strictly need to dip into Mammoth Rider as you can get a Large Frog via its 7th level class feature]

Otherwise, if you want to go summoner, I suggest also taking the Breath [Acid] evolution and the Noxious Bite feat. This way, your preys will hopefully be nauseated when swallowed, and won't be able to escape.

Scarab Sages

I like the feats you suggested, however I hope to play the character in PFS, which means I can't take the feats as they are monster feats.

I'm not really all that hyped about playing a summoner, what I'm hyped about is making a summoning character focused around Psychopomps. MAss attacks have been done far to often on summons which lead me to look elsewhere.(swallow whole)

I would have a few extra evolution points compared to your assume points however. at lvl 9 i'll have 7 from level, +1 from psychopomp, +2 from FCB for a total of 10 evolution points at lvl 9.
I agree Swallow whole isn't great, which is part of the reason i seek advice in how to make it workable and if it is so without having to go for the aberant subtype and so might as well drop the idea.

Dark Archive

Playing as a half elf for the racial favored class bonus and taking Extra Evolution as often as you can will be a huge help here. By level 9 you can have as many as 11 evolution points to play with. Picking up Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Weapon Focus (your Grab attack) and Greater Grapple will be very good for the Eidolon's feat path.

Eidolons' version of Swallow Whole is normally pretty bad due to the low base HP making it easy to cut your way out and the inability to use SW again until you heal the wound. However, building to suck up ghosts could be pretty useful! Not only does Spirit Touch let you get away with it, but incoporeal beings tend to have pretty awful CMD/CMB. That, and your blanket immunities will prevent a lot of their retaliatory attacks.

I was thinking of a similar design, actually, minus the Swallow Whole. Some kind of Pharasman Guard Dog.

Okay, here's a starting build, just for an eidolon

quadruped psychopomp (for the spirit touch and the eventual DR)
0: bite, arms, legs (free)
2: grab (tied to bite) (2 points spent)
4: rake (3 points spent)
8: large (7 points spent, +1 from 8th level)
11: swallow whole (10 points spent, +1 from 8th level)

1: Weapon Focus (bite)
3: Dirty Fighting
6: Improved Grapple
9: Greater Grapple
11: Rapid Grappler

So here's a grappling eidolon with frankly a lot of sub-optimally spent points who might just be able to eat people. Failing that, it could probably bite a bad guy and rake it to pieces with the many attacks you get from your many grapple checks + rake attacks.

What are some spells and/or other tricks that a summoner could use to

a) make it harder for a victim to escape a grapple
b) make it harder for a victim to use their natural attacks against the eidolon (caustic blood looks nice)
c) steal or break a victim's light or one-handed weapon

Suggestions appreciated! Om-nom-nom!

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