How to incorporate a modern chapter into my Pathfinder – and the fallout.


Silver Crusade

Sky Lantern Players Do Not Read:

Hello All,

I am planning a story arc where the characters are trapped in the present day. And they will have to find their way home with the help of other character from the Pathfinder main world. In order to function in “real world” they are going to need to use skills that fantasy characters would not normally have. I play to create an event in game where they will be able to pick up useful skills and feats. My hope is that the skills/feats be very useful in “real world” but mostly useless on Golarion. For instance the ability to drive isn’t going to come up that often once they return home. But I do want them to get some stuff that is moderately useful. I am thinking of giving them English as a language. They won’t be able to use it much but it will effectively be a secret language just for the group.

They are unlikely to go to Numeria but it isn’t imposable.

My question for the Pathfinder forum at large is this. What skills and feats would be good to gift the characters with that would be helpful in modern world, but not disruptive in fantasy world? I would prefer tweaks to existing material (hence putting this in advice not homebrew) but am open to new stuff you think up as well.

You might want to look into either the Modern Path, or d20Modern, or Starfinder for some basic skill ideas - though some of those skills apply back into fantasy, many do not. Keep in mind the Retraining rules, as well!

D20 Traveller can reflect a modern era. Just restrict the Tech Level (TL) to between 5 and 7. Revolvers are introduced at TL 4, making TL 3 identical to Golarion's overall TL. TL 5 is approximately 1940's, TL 6 is approximately the 1960's, and TL 7 is roughly the 1980's on.

I looked through the d20 Modern SRD for a bit.
Here are some skills that aren't covered in a fantasy world.


Disable Security Device (actually covered under disable device in d20 modern, but it's probably different enough to warrant its own skill)
Computer Use (Int)
Craft (electronic)
Craft (pharmaceutical)

And here are some feats

Aircraft Operation (need 4 ranks in pilot, receive no penalties when flying one type of aircraft)
Drive by attack (get no penalty from shooting from vehicles)
Gearhead (+2 on Use Computer and Repair)
Medical Expert (+2 on craft(pharmaceutical) and treat injury)
Vehicle Expert (+2 on Drive/Pilot)
Vehicle Dodge (do something to get bonuses to AC in a vehicle)
Surface Vehicle Operation (like Aircraft Operation but for surface vehicles)

The d20 modern SRD has more info, though I'm 99% sure it only comes in the form of a bunch of Word documents, so keep that in mind.

The language barrier could be a problem. So could being obviously nonhuman.

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