How much flesh warping is it going to take to make a Balor Demon look rabbit-ish?


And can someone draw me a picture of what that would look like?

There is a legitimate reason for this I swear!

Is Monty Python somewhat related to this request?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Is Monty Python somewhat related to this request?

Actually a very insane Arcanist but there is a grail involved.

Is James (Jimmy) Steward involved...

Jason Wedel wrote:
Is James (Jimmy) Steward involved...

Wow I wounder how many people can even catch that reference these days. No no Harvey.

Does it want to be a rabbit?

If yes, 700 gold for a scroll of Beast Shape II to use with its massive UMD modifer.

If not, Baneful Polymorph.

If this is only a change in appearance and the mechanics dont change I would just go with a flavor based reason. As an example there have been golems with slams attacks that have had different shapes than the normal golem. Since it is just an artistic change no extra money is spent.

If the rabbit form makes the demon worse there should also be no cost. Just say he was cursed or something.

Basically, you dont need mechanical justification for everything. If fleshwarping was not in the books and an author wanted to do it they would just say it happened.

In addition there is no way to answer the "how much" because there is fleshwarping has no value attached to it that can described with an amount. If it used a point system like animated objects do that would be different.

I just did a Yahoo search for "demon rabbit" and there's some good stuff there. Pokemon Pikachu Deadpool also looks like a rabbit.

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