Ready action

Rules Questions

2 combatants at either side of a closed door take a ready action to shoot the one behind the door as soon as the door opens.

The door opens.

Who gets to shoot first?

No, Han Solo is not one of them :)

Grand Lodge

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since they both ready an action use there initiative roll to see who shoots first.

Grand Lodge

or!!!! play it like ship battle both get the shot at same time XD

Eh, well. Which is it? :)

Pretty sure there is no explicit awnser in this case. You might for example also argue that the character who's teammate opened the door gets to get a shot off first, so that brings the total up to 3 reasonable ways to handle this situation, and none of them are explicitly true or false as far as I know, becouse the rules don't cover any of this.

No official rule as far as I know.

I'd simply do an initiative roll.

I would resolve it in the regular initiative order.


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Valiant wrote:
No, Han Solo is not one of them :)

I would never shoot first!

Grand Lodge

Assuming Starfinder hasn't changes things, you normally can't ready actions outside of combat. They're ready for combat, the door opens, they're in combat, they roll initiative.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
Assuming Starfinder hasn't changes things, you normally can't ready actions outside of combat. They're ready for combat, the door opens, they're in combat, they roll initiative.

Markov has the right of it.

Ravingdork wrote:
Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
Assuming Starfinder hasn't changes things, you normally can't ready actions outside of combat. They're ready for combat, the door opens, they're in combat, they roll initiative.
Markov has the right of it.

The situation can be in combat already. Already stated people took a ready action, as such, they are already in combat.

In combat, a door is closed.

In combat, one person readies to shoot the guy on the other side.

His enemy had the same idea. While combat is still raging around them.

Then one other person opens the door.

So, I assume there are no rules as written for such a situation? (of course we can think of rules to solve it, but hey. Are there rules for this?)

Grand Lodge

My GM for one of my SFS sessions said the ready rules had changed where you end up in initiative. I don't see anything specific in the ready action rules, but it would be nice if that were clarified.

In PF, if a bad guy readies to shoot me when I get within range, and then Heal-bot readies to heal me if I get within range, then it's unclear whether the heal or attack goes off first. But it is clear that both end up before me in initiative count.

In SF, the heal goes off before my movement, the attack goes off after. But it's way less clear how iniative ends up afterwards. Is it Heal-bot, Me, Baddie (the order in which the actions got resolved)? Is it based on initiative modifiers (and separate from the order things get resolved?) Is it both (order resolved, init mod breaks ties?)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Valiant wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
Assuming Starfinder hasn't changes things, you normally can't ready actions outside of combat. They're ready for combat, the door opens, they're in combat, they roll initiative.
Markov has the right of it.

The situation can be in combat already. Already stated people took a ready action, as such, they are already in combat.

In combat, a door is closed.

In combat, one person readies to shoot the guy on the other side.

His enemy had the same idea. While combat is still raging around them.

Then one other person opens the door.

So, I assume there are no rules as written for such a situation? (of course we can think of rules to solve it, but hey. Are there rules for this?)

I just don't buy it. People don't point guns at closed doors while "combat rages all around." They focus on the enemy already in the room with them.

Grand Lodge

There are still cases like "I ready to attack her when she gets into melee range" where multiple readied actions trigger. Pathfinder isn't clear here either. Order in which they were readied is the way I've normally seen it played, but I wouldn't blink at highest initiative or roll-off initiative if a GM ran it that way.


Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

My GM for one of my SFS sessions said the ready rules had changed where you end up in initiative. I don't see anything specific in the ready action rules, but it would be nice if that were clarified.

In PF, if a bad guy readies to shoot me when I get within range, and then Heal-bot readies to heal me if I get within range, then it's unclear whether the heal or attack goes off first. But it is clear that both end up before me in initiative count.

In SF, the heal goes off before my movement, the attack goes off after. But it's way less clear how iniative ends up afterwards. Is it Heal-bot, Me, Baddie (the order in which the actions got resolved)? Is it based on initiative modifiers (and separate from the order things get resolved?) Is it both (order resolved, init mod breaks ties?)

When multiple readied actions trigger at the same time, I generally resolve them in the order that the characters readied the actions, though I don't know that it's actually stated in the rules to run it that way. The ready an action rules do say that "This changes your initiative count to the current initiative count for the remainder of the combat," so I've been running it in order of initiative modifiers at that point.

Grand Lodge

refer to earlier posts.

Grand Lodge

also team a could run into room have someone close door and then one of them ready to shoot, while team b runs up ready action to shoot then someone opens door. all 3 first ops work IMO. also I never liked that cant ready action out of combat, if you readied up that means you have started combat against something(where they know it or not)

Liberty's Edge

Ravingdork wrote:
I just don't buy it. People don't point guns at closed doors while "combat rages all around." They focus on the enemy already in the room with them.

Like all combat, it is situational. If my party had the other "bad guys" under control, and I know the "Biggest Bad Guy" went behind the door, yea, I could see me readying and action to shot him when the door opened and not be focused on the other enemies.

Kagerage wrote:
also team a could run into room have someone close door and then one of them ready to shoot, while team b runs up ready action to shoot then someone opens door. all 3 first ops work IMO. also I never liked that cant ready action out of combat, if you readied up that means you have started combat against something(where they know it or not)

If they don't know it, isn't that just a surprise round?

Liberty's Edge

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Surprise round is for when someone is not aware of the other party. The example given is while the party is in combat and thus are aware that there are other people, just not sure where they are (because they are behind a door and may come back out!)

I myself would rule this as a duel, determine the shot with a sleight of hand roll off, or a dex check at least. Seeing as there session to be no rules that rise to resolving two rEadied actions poised for the same reaction, it seems to me reflex at that point. But, one can also argue how the gunfire works simply on which direction the door opens. :P

I was talking about him complaining that you can't ready out of combat. Not all surprises mean being completely unaware of the enemy, just unprepared for combat. I let players with quick draw get surprise round for example if they suddenly escalate an otherwise non aggressive situation.

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This is easy to resolve:

By the rules, the ready action goes off after the triggering action. This moves the person who readied the action to that point in the initiative order. In this case 2 characters ready for the same trigger.

The event triggers. Both players are moved to that point in the initiative order. Both characters have the same initiative value. The actions, however, go off simultaneously as they both go off following the trigger. Both characters shoot each other. Damage and effects are resolved independent of the action of the other opponent.

Grand Lodge

Malk_Content wrote:
I was talking about him complaining that you can't ready out of combat. Not all surprises mean being completely unaware of the enemy, just unprepared for combat. I let players with quick draw get surprise round for example if they suddenly escalate an otherwise non aggressive situation.

true, but if i chose to ready for them to shoot first....

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