Merellin |
So, I just wanted to make a topic to hear peoples ideas for eidolons. I got three ideas myself but would love to hear what ideas others came up with!
My first idea is a Angel Eidolon, Looking like a beautiful humanoid with angel wings, Using man made weapons and some curative magic.
My second idea is a Girallon, After my first character got brutaly mauled by one. Large, Two legs, Four arms with claws, A nasty bite. Grapple and maul.
And my last idea is a three headed devil dog, Medium canine with three heads that uses bite attacks and fire breath.
What intresting ideas do you all out there have?

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For quadruped, my favorite was a dragon-themed eidolon, with claws, bite, wings and breath weapon. Other quadrupeds could include a mount, perhaps even a faux unicorn with a gore attack, or a giant cat of some sort. A tauric form (like that of a centaur), that combines a quadruped with a humanoid upper torso, whether bear-ish, horse-y or bull-like, could also be a fun way to mix the best of both worlds, and have a quadruped that you can ride and also add some arms.
For humanoid, a Vudran/Indian-style 'rakshasa' with an animal head and four to six sword or axe-wielding arms is the number one with a bullet. Although an eidolon whose natural armor resembled a Hellknight's plate armor, accompanied by an Asmodean-themed summoner, could also be super-cool looking.
For serpentine, my least favorite of the original three base type, a winged couatl or uktena-looking winged serpent would be my first choice.
Later, they introduced an avian base form, and I was a big fan of that as well. A bow-using elven Summoner mounted on a flying eidolon could be cool, if there was only some way to give the eidolon a reliable ranged attack (like a manticore's spikes)... (The base concept of a flying-mount spellcaster is already doable right at level 1 with a size Small Druid riding a Roc, but I like the idea of mixing it up and doing it with another class, and being able to do it with a Medium race would definitely be a neat option.)

Azten |

Back in the playtest, when the SLA evolutions weren't so... bland... I used Eidolons to remake some of the aeons from Final Fantasy 10. Specifically Shiva, using Ice Storm and either Quicken SLA or Empower SLA to give the build some extra umph for a medium, humanoid eidolon.
Others inculde:
1) An 'axe beak' style eidolon that was protecting a boy and his twin sister, and had Skill Focus(Perform[Oratory]) so it could tell them stories.
2) A scorpion synthesist eidolon for a desert-dwelling gnome.
3) A winged serpent that was summoned out of it's summoner's sleeve or the back of his shirt collar for dramatic effect.

DRD1812 |
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I recently tried to think up the worst possible eidolon. The winner was "creepy pseudo-clone of existing party member." The result was the waifudolon.

blahpers |

I recently tried to think up the worst possible eidolon. The winner was "creepy pseudo-clone of existing party member." The result was the waifudolon.
/this is amazing

Dragonchess Player |

There's an entire list in Ultimate Magic.
You could always take a page or two from Resident Evil and have an eidolon version of a zombie dog or a "brain beast"/licker (0:17 - 0:39).

Sagiso |

Personally I'm looking forward to an opportunity to play a summoner with a skeleton stag eidolon.
Gore, undead appearance whenever I can invest in it, making it large and possibly huge to serve as a mount... There's probably more one can add to it for flavor, but it's almost 5am so I'm not going to peruse the evolution list right now.