Frencois |

Powers may allow or require you to reroll 1 or more dice; each
such power can let you reroll dice only once in a single check or step.
I read it as yes as long as you have different legal powers you can reroll once per power.
Standard limitations still apply (not two cards of the same type played by the same character and so on).So for example you have in hand two blessings that you can discard to reroll. You could not use them both. But if you and another character have each one copy of that blessing, you could reroll twice.

SimonB |

I beg to disagree on this one. There is a clause "take the new result" which means you can use only one reroll power per check. See this thread:

Longshot11 |

I beg to disagree on this one. There is a clause "take the new result" which means you can use only one reroll power per check. See this thread:
I believe there was quote from Vic (iirc) that said they specifically changed "take the second result" to "take the new result", so it's not ambiguous that you CAN use multiple reroll powers. The ambiguity is not all gone, obviously, but we have a ruling on the subject, so...
Think about it mechanically: *nothing* in the rules forbids you to reroll to your heart's content. Every limitation only comes from the availability/legality of current card and powers.
So when a power tells you "take the new result" - you *take* it - and now that's the result that becomes a valid target for all the other "you may reroll your result" powers on the table.
The "take the second/new" is there only in the context of its own power, i.e. "You got your 'normal' result and now I (the power) allow you to generate an alternative result; from both of those, the latter should be considered your 'normal' result, until further modified"

Hawkmoon269 |

I believe there was quote from Vic (iirc) that said they specifically changed "take the second result" to "take the new result", so it's not ambiguous that you CAN use multiple reroll powers. The ambiguity is not all gone, obviously, but we have a ruling on the subject, so...
Also, here is one time Vic said to treat the old wording for this like the new wording. I personally treat all the old "take the second result" as "take the new result".

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The original wording on reroll powers was "take the second result,"and the rulebook itself didn't say anything about whether you could use multiple reroll powers. In this ambiguous state, there was no official FAQ resolution, but my "floor ruling" was to treat the word "second" literally.
When we officially dealt with the ambiguity, we went opposite the floor ruling, introducing the "take the new result" wording and adding a clause to the rulebook that says you can apply multiple reroll powers.