Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)

3.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)
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Look Your Enemies in the Eye!

Get up close and personal with Melee Tactics Toolbox! The new tips, tricks, and tactics in this volume enable your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character to perform a huge variety of daring deeds in hand-to-hand combat, whether you’re dashing around a foe to flank it by yourself or inspiring allies to hold the line on a castle wall.

Melee Tactics Toolbox is a player-focused manual that makes the most of in-your-face abilities, spells, and weapons, in addition to providing a plethora of new rules options to make you even more formidable in combat. Each Pathfinder Player Companion includes new options and tools for every Pathfinder RPG player. Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • Tips on how best to fight in melee, including suggestions for rules options that can give you an edge, as well as general tactics available to all characters.
  • Dozens of new kinds of magic armor and melee weapons, weapon special abilities, and wondrous items to hinder your foes or protect you from close-combat attackers.
  • Thirty new feats to bolster your staying power in close combat, including combat, style, and teamwork feats.
  • An illustrated guide comparing more than 20 different styles of swords, including the falchion, katana, and urumi.
  • Tons of new spells, equipment, weapons, class archetypes, and character options, including a new bardic masterpiece.
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Paris Crenshaw, Ron Lundeen, and David Schwartz.
Cover Art by Milivoj Ceran.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-732-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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3.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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A Real Grab-Bag of Stuff


You don't have to guess what sort of stuff is in the Melee Tactics Toolbox. If you like mixing it up face-to-face, there's a reasonable chance the assortment of feats, equipment, spells, and more will have something that piques your interest. The book also contains some general tips on tactics, useful for newer players to the game. Like most books in the Pathfinder Player Companion line, this is a 32-page, full-colour offering, divided into two-page sections. The interior artwork is really impressive, and I have to particularly call out the great shot of the Iconic Brawler punching out a troll on page 3. You can judge the front cover art yourself. The inside front-cover has capsule descriptions of four fighting schools and war colleges in the Inner Sea region of Golarion: the Aldori Academy, the Crusader War College, the Grand Coliseum, and the Tempering Hall. I thought it was a useful shortcut for coming up with a background for a character. Maybe someday I'll do a "graduate students" campaign where every PC has to be a student at a fighting school, wizard's academy, or bardic college! The inside back cover is a "Combat Options Overview" that has a chart of what type of action various things (like combat maneuvers and combat feats) require, along with basic definitions. I really should print it out for new players. Anyway, now onto the content.

The first five pages are the table of contents, a "For Your Character" page that summarizes what sort of stuff you'll find in the book, a "Rules Index," and a two-page Introduction. I guess this would be useful if I were deciding whether or not to buy the book, but the book is short enough that I would rather have more content than multiple pages describing that content. The Introduction does contain some reasonably good advice for different types of melee encounters, and a useful sidebar that I haven't seen elsewhere summarising the *seventeen* different types of feats in Pathfinder! Okay, maybe those PF2 fans have a point about bloat . . .

"Up Close and Personal" contains some good advice on offensive melee tactics along with suggestions of which feats to take to support various builds. It introduces seven new feats for close-combat, some of which have become pretty common with certain builds, like Artful Dodge and Circling Mongoose. On the whole, the new feats look pretty well-written and fairly powerful.

"On the Defensive" is the flip-side: advice for protecting yourself in melee combat (such as the benefits of different types of armor, whether or not to use a shield, etc.). There are three new feats, with one ("Just out of Reach") something that would come in very useful in certain APs like Rise of the Runelords. There's also a new Cavalier archetype called the Castellan; there aren't a lot of Cavalier archetypes, but this one is really only useful in a very niche sort of campaign centered around fortifying and protecting a castle.

"Mass Melee" contains some advice (again, with specific suggestions for feats and class options) for when the battlefield is crawling with multiple combatants on each side. When I ran homebrew campaigns, I used to love tossing twenty or thirty low-CR mooks on the battlefield, but a few years of playing exclusively APs and PFS have gotten me used to the PCs outnumbering the enemies. This section contains five new feats; I used Harrying Partners (making Aid Another last for an entire round) to good effect for one PC, and I know Phalanx Formation (eliminating soft cover for reach weapons) is really useful for a lot of builds. There's a new bardic masterpiece ("Battle Song of the People's Revolt") that looks pretty great, and a bland Fighter archetype called the "Drill Sergeant" (basically, it gives them the Cavarlier's tactician class feature).

"Unarmed and Dangerous" is really designed for monks and brawlers. It contains six new Style feats (3 for "Cudgeler Style" and 3 for "Kraken Style") and a very brief Bloodrager archetype ("Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy"). I've never gotten into Style feats so I don't really have an opinion, and the Bloodrager archetype pays a heavy price (one fewer spell known per spell level) to get better at unarmed combat.

"Melee in a Pinch" was a clever idea: what to do when you weren't expecting a fight (or, at least, when a fight slides into a situation you're not ready for--like underwater, while grappled, etc.). I know I've taken the "Aquatic Combatant" feat (no penalties on melee attacks underwater, and your weapons do full damage), for example. There are eight more feats in this vein. There's also a "Makeshift Scrapper" archetype for Rogues that are about improvised weapons, and it looks okay but not amazing.

"Anatomy of Melee Weapons" is something very different: poor drawings of several different types of swords and very basic diagrams of the different parts of an axe, mace, and sword. For most of this stuff, Wikipedia and Google Image search would be better.

"Melee Weapons" introduces sixteen new weapons. At this stage in the development of Pathfinder, I'm not really sure they're necessary. The only new one here I've ever seen someone use was the Elven Branched Spear just because it was an elven weapon that had reach and a x3 Crit modifier.

"Tools and Equipment", on the other hand, contained loads of good stuff. An armor truss is almost a must-have for solo adventurers who want to wear heavy armor, while "exemplar weapon salve" allows you to turn that story-based background weapon into a masterwork weapon suitable for enchantment. I would like to scare a player so much that they start regularly using Sunderblock, but it hasn't happened yet.

"Magic Armor" contains a good assortment. Advocate's Armor is really clever (getting hit by a crit has a chance to put a lesser geas on the attacker), an Alchemist's Suit could be great fun (get hit by a crit and automatically apply the effects of one of eight vials stored within it), and my caveman shaman really needs to get the Mammoth Hide armor.

"Magic Weapons" didn't do as much for me. I liked the Diplomat's Traveling Stick and could imagine characters it would be perfect for. One of the weapons, the Pirate's Arm, is just bizarre.

"Armor and Weapon Special Abilities" presents some pretty niche material, but it's an interesting array.

"Wondrous Items" has a mostly unremarkable selection. I do really like the Anchoring Bracers, and would love to see the surprise on a gamer's face when they try to have their character teleport away from a tough battle.

"Melee Spells" finishes the book, containing ten new spells. Most spells are assigned to four or five different classes, but I'd guess magus and bloodrager would get the most out of the selection. Some of the spells are cast by swift actions, which is particularly useful.

Overall, Player Companions like the Melee Tactics Toolbox are just a big grab-bag of stuff. Some of it's great, some of it's dumb, and most is mediocre. Having this book is excellent for something like PFS, as sooner or later you'll almost surely want an option that appears somewhere within these pages. I also think the advice given on melee combat is reasonably useful, even if it's rather concise.

Interesting Read with Un-interesting Options


Basics: This book is all about the aspects of melee combat and on that premise it delivers.

Mechanics: There are some fantastic options mixed in with a lot of poor options that will not fare well. Feats are important choices and most of these feel like they are better suited for an NPC.

Theme: This is where it shines giving you ways to bring melee combat alive if you don't mind toning down the power level or taking niche options. The new weapons inside are my favorite part especially the Orc Skull Ram.

Execution: It was unbalanced but shined in some examples with weapons and combat styles.

Summary: If you know there is content in this book you want your character to use pick it up. Choices can be sub-optimal or niche so diving in to explore may result in a less than stellar experience with this thematic piece.

Decent book, but little that stands out


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Like Ranged Tactics Toolbox, Melee Tactics Toolbox is primarily a book of character options, this time focusing on mêlée combat. Like its companion, it doesn't actually spend a great deal of time on the tactics of its title, but does have scores of new feats, weapons, magic items, and more. Also like its companion, it seems to be desperately trying to create new things for something that doesn't really need any new things added to it. By itself or in conjunction with Ranged Tactics Toolbox, Melee Tactics Toolbox will likely be a useful resource for players, but in conjunction with the scores of other books out there, it will likely be mostly forgettable. It's not a bad book; it just doesn't really stand out.

Ring Side Report- RPG Review of Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolb


Originally posted at Throat Punch Games, a new idea everyday!

Product-Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox
System- Pathfinder
Producer- Paizo
Price- $12
TL; DR- a one-feat-book 77%

Basics-Why do it from afar when you can hurt them up close! Melee Tactics Toolbox provides every up close and personal character with several new options ranging from spells, items, feats, class options, and even new archetypes much live every other player companion product.

Mechanics or Crunch-This is a major crunch book for players, but I wasn’t amazed. There are several new options, but nothing here immediately made me want to build a character based around that theme. Some of the new options seem like new expectations just for expansion sake as the archetypes underwhelmed me like the rogue archetype that strips out all the rogue powers that make a rogue a rogue. Nothing here is objectively bad, but it’s not as amazing as I expected. 4/5

Theme or Fluff-This book has a bit of theme, but not as much as I wanted. You get a few bits and pieces but not near as much as the world books the Paizo puts out. It feels light. 3.5/5

Execution- This book has a ton it it, but it feels a bit overstuffed. There are many things in the book, but it feels a bit like things were thrown in because of the melee thing and that was the sole reason that they made the cut. So, things didn’t flow as well as other books. Also, much of the execution was a bit off as there were a few too many walls of text to really draw me into and through the book. But, as a counterpoint, the book does have a nice font, decent layout aside from a few too many text walls, and some nice art. However, as a counterpoint to that, the book still has the standard Paizo price for its splatbooks which is a little high anyway. 4/5

Summary-This is my least favorite Paizo Pathfinder book to date. Overall, it’s not a horrible book, but compared to Paizo’s other products, I wouldn’t suggest you start with this one. Honestly, this is a one-feat-book meaning that you will find exactly one thing from this book that might, sometimes, help you PFS character. And, you will buy it so you can show your PFS GM the feat/spell/item, so you can legally use it in your game. But, truth be told, you can pass this book by and be ok even if you are a greatsword only fighter. Too many options that are not worth the price, little world and character story, and a less than stellar execution make this a book that won’t find its way into many Pathfinder collections. 77%

MMMMM crunchy


Amazing, useful, thematic and clever feats and abilities for those who like it mix it up hand to tentacle with golarions nasties.

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That sounds awesome actually.

Feros wrote:
Lanowar wrote:
Is it possible to expand a little on the Kraken Style feats?
Hmmf. By spreading it our I'm detailing A LOT of these feats, but since it isn't all at once...

Those are awesome feats, my Monk is definitely going to be taking those.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Axial wrote:

A) What the heck is a Planson?

B) What's the Elven Branched Spear like?

Others have covered the planson, but the elven branched spear has several branches below the spear head with small blades at the tip of each.You get +2 on AoO attacks caused by movement. It allows Weapon Finesse even though it isn't light, and elves treat it as a martial weapon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mythraine wrote:

Whats is:

Phalanx Formation
Press to the Wall
Redirect Attack ?

I would like to make clear that all I am doing is giving a rough overview of the feats and including their prerequisites (if any). For exact wording and rules, buy the book! :)

Phalanx Formation:
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Allies don't provide soft cover for opponents while you wield a reach weapon.

Press to the Wall:
Prerequisites: Step Up, base attack bonus +3.

If you are the only one threatening an opponent, you can use any solid object that can't be moved through as a flanking ally.

Redirect Attack:
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Int 15, Dodge.

When an opponent who you alone threaten misses you, you can redirect that failed attack onto another adjacent foe.

I think I am going to pick this one up. I like "Press to the Wall". I don't enforce Phalanx Formation, and every game I have been in has ignored it to my knowledge, but in case I do run into someone that does enforce it, it is nice to know about. Now that I think about it, the feat should ignore soft cover from anyone not just allies to be worth taking. I don't like the 15 int requirement for Redirect Attack. I will be house ruling that part away, if nothing else.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Littimer wrote:

What's the wording on Stick Together? Trying to determine if it would be useful for my Inquisitor. Does it require you to begin adjacent to the ally? Do you have to end adjacent to the ally? etc etc.

Also, what are "Circling Mongoose" and "Mirror Move?" Thanks in advance.

Yes Stick Together requires you to be adjacent before and after the move.

Circling Mongoose:
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6.

You can take a full-attack action against a foe and after each attack move 5-feet as long as you stay adjacent to that foe. You can draw AoO doing so. If the first attack hits, the second attack is considered flanking regardless of actual positioning. Each subsequent attack is also considered flanking as long as you keep hitting.

Mirror Move:
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +4.

Once per day for every 4 levels you have, when an opponent you alone are threatening uses a combat feat, you can as an immediate action use that combat feat yourself.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
DM Sothal wrote:

Don't know as much about the rest of the companion, but I LOVE the back inside cover: "Combat options overview"!

Detailing what is what type of action, and detailing the differences between those: Free action, swift action, attack action, melee action, standard action, and full-round action.

That page alone is a heaven-sent.

Printing out this one for my players and myself...

Damn, that actually sounds terrific.
Goodness I hope so. Writing that took forever.

I just checked the 2 pages titled "Action Types" in the Strategy Guide: Those don't even mention 'Attack action' or 'melee action' and how they are special special standard actions and how they (not) interact.

Really that back inside cover page is better than those two pages in the strategy guide.

deuxhero wrote:
Barachiel Shina wrote:
Wait, Artful Dodge lets you take ANY feat that asks for Dex but you can use Int instead, or is it only feats that have Dodge as a prerequisite?

Note there are only 5 feats with a dex requirement and dodge prerequisite, and several of those have follow up feats.

Dex with Int is probably the least useful (After all 5 replacing con anyways) prerequisite replacement possible. There isn't a single non-caster class in first party PF with an int focus, and the only other characters who really like a high int are dex focused. Most feats with a dex requirement are ranged combat (still uses dex to hit), using you dex modifier for stuff, TWF (Requires the user be in combat. Alchemist is better off using mutagen for natural attacks. Maybe there are some investigators out there who could use it. Shame its yet another feat on a feat heavy build option) and some monk feats.

I see.

I ask cause I use both 3.5e feats and PF feats in my game so there is a larger variety of feats for PCs of mine to grab.

LoneKnave wrote:

Also don't forget that you can key your Diplo, bluff, disable device and UMD off of INT.

You can? Via feats or from archetypes?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
doc the grey wrote:
What's the machete get and the racial weapons?

The machete is an OK slashing weapon that adds +1 to Survival checks in the wild.

The elven branched spear I covered above.

Gnome Pincher:
A 2-foot rod topped with four blunt claws. You squeeze the handle to close the claws, which allows you a steal or disarm maneuver at a +2 bonus.

Halfling Rope-Shot:
A short rope with a sling bullet wrapped in a monkey’s fist knot at one end and is tied in a small loop on the other. You place the loop around your wrist, and this allows you to recover the weapon as a swift action should you drop it or be disarmed. You swing it like a flail. +2 to Sleight of Hand to conceal it and halflings treat the weapon as martial.

The orc skull ram I covered here.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dread Knight wrote:
I don't understand Shrug On can you explain it a bit more?

Shrug On—More Detail:
Usually it takes minutes to don armor. In this case, you grab the piece of armor that covers the most area and throw it on you without properly fastening it up. This gives you some, but not all, of the protection the armor would normally give. Useful for a surprise attack at night after the armor was taken off.

Armor check penalty and max Dex are both 2 worse in this state, and it provides no magical bonus. Medium armor grants +3 protection, while heavy grants +5. Better than nothing if you are armor dependent for your AC. Light provides no benefit, so this is really restricted to armor-centric characters rather than rogues and the like.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:
LoneKnave wrote:

Also don't forget that you can key your Diplo, bluff, disable device and UMD off of INT.
You can? Via feats or from archetypes?

Usually via traits. Ultimate Campaign had Pragmatic Activator and Precise Treatment as magic traits, which allow you to use Intelligence for Use Magic Device and Heal, respectively, and also brought in the Bruising Intellect social trait, which allows you to use Intelligence for Intimidate checks. Additionally, Pathfinder Society Primer brought in Clever Wordplay as a social trait, which allows you to choose any Charisma-based skill and use Intelligence instead of Charisma for that skill, and Quests & Campaigns introduced Student of Philosophy as a social trait that allows you to use Intelligence in place of Charisma for Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true (but not other uses of Diplomacy or Bluff).

There is also the possibility of taking the feat Diabolical Negotiator from Inner Sea Gods, which lets you use Intelligence or Wisdom in place of Charisma for Diplomacy checks. Additionally, in Advanced Class Guide, they introduced the Esoteric Linguistics feat - allowing you to use Linguistics in place of Use Magic Device for activating scrolls or in place of Spellcraft for identifying scrolls (but can't use Linguistics to emulate having a high enough ability score to cast a spell from a scroll if you don't have it) - and the Orator feat, which allows you to use Linguistics in places of a Bluff check to tell a falsehood or conceal information, in place of a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of a creature, or in place of an Intimidate check to force a creature to cooperate.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would also like to add that Redirect Attack has Dodge, Int 15, and Dex 15 as prereqs. With Artful Dodge, this drops to Int 15. So some feats that can use Artful Dodge as a base are in this book. Investigators could benefit from this stuff quite well, as could any Int based character that wants to mix it up in combat.

Especially when combined with studied combat and studied strike.


Well, with three archetypes covered, may we also get a few spoilers about the drill sergeant?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
That sounds a lot like a goedendag if I'm spelling it right. I remember that they were used by local militias against knights by the Flemings at the Battle of the Golden Spurs.

Yep, that's a culturally different version of what is essentially the same weapon.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tonlim wrote:
Well, with three archetypes covered, may we also get a few spoilers about the drill sergeant?

Drill sergeant replaces bravery with cavalier tactics. He only gets weapon training with one weapon group (though it scales). Weapon training 2 is replaced by greater tactician. Weapon training 3 is replaced with weapon trainer, which grants nearby allies some of his bonuses from his weapon group. Weapon training 4 is replaced by master tactician.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tonlim wrote:
Well, with three archetypes covered, may we also get a few spoilers about the drill sergeant?

Drill Sergeant—Details:
Lose bravery and weapon training 2-4. Gain the cavalier's tactician ability, as well as greater and master tactician at 9th and 17th respectively. Modifies weapon training 1 so that his weapon training in that group goes up by 1 for every four levels thereafter, but gains no extra groups. At 13th level, any allies using a weapon from his trained weapon group that can see and hear him within 30 feet get half his weapon training bonus.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow. Seems like I may just have a new favorite fighter archetype!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is an Estoc to a Rapier what a Sawtooth Sabre or Aldori Dueling Sword is to a Longsword? A la Dark Souls?

Or is it more of a Lance/Bastard Sword kind of thing going on?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It is to a Rapier what a Bastard Sword is to a longsword.

Damage: (S)2d3 (M)2d4 18–20/×2 P

You can use Weapon Finesse with it if you are proficient with it (Exotic). It can be treated as a two-handed martial weapon, but Weapon Finesse only applies if you can use it one handed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Feros wrote:

Ahh. Very cool, thanks for the share.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nardoz Zardoz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Are you looking for something like the Tiny and Large Weapon Damage, but for bigger critters?

Yep! That's precisely what I'm talking about.

There is a very extensive thread going on the rules questions forums about the topic. It's the most FAQ'd topic ever, with 500+ requests and over 10 pages of discussion. e#1

Seems like time to really address this topic.

As I predicted a few weeks ago, Mark Seifter was already working on it.

The Size/Damage FAQ!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Nardoz Zardoz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Are you looking for something like the Tiny and Large Weapon Damage, but for bigger critters?

Yep! That's precisely what I'm talking about.

There is a very extensive thread going on the rules questions forums about the topic. It's the most FAQ'd topic ever, with 500+ requests and over 10 pages of discussion. e#1

Seems like time to really address this topic.

As I predicted a few weeks ago, Mark Seifter was already working on it.

The Size/Damage FAQ!


While that does in fact codify damage scaling, might I suggest it is a touch...complex?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
While that does in fact codify damage scaling, might I suggest it is a touch...complex?

And effort was made to invalidate as little previous info as possible, have natural attacks and weapons use the same rules, and maintain consistency.

Most people won't need the chart, especially not on the fly, as the most common options are covered in the various books. But if you get a weird corner case, you're going to have a weird corner result.

I have been waiting for something like Drill Sergeant for a long time.

Complex? I like this chart. Instead of the old "giant table o' dice", this makes it much simpler to represent and implement.

I often don't care for some of the things 'changed' in Pathfinder (that aren't character classes), but this is definitely one I approve of!

Drill Sergeant seems neat. Does it get to count Teamwork feats as Combat Feats for the purposes of its class-based bonus feats? Cause that'd be really awesome.

Problem with that chart is it doesn't inform how to continue increasing beyond 12d8/16d6?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

There's a separate thread for people who actually want to discuss the FAQ. I only linked to the FAQ because it had come up in relation to this Player Companion. Let's keep this thread focused on Melee Tactics Toolbox. :)

Really? How high do you want them to go?

They assume at that point that the reader of the table can do math.

Let's try it.

6D6 as a weapon damage going to the next 'size' up is what? Don't look at the 6D6 entry. Break 6D6 in half. 3D6 + 3D6. 3D6-->4D6. Thus, 4D6 + 4D6 = 8D6.

NOW look at the chart. 6D6 becomes 8D6 on it's own.

The math checks out.

I'm gonna break your 16D6 in half. Becomes 8D6 + 8D6. 8D6 becomes 12D6. 12D6 + 12D6 = 24D6. But wait, let's cut it into fourths instead! 16D6 = 4D6 (x4). 4D6-->6D6. 6D6 (x4) = 24D6.

EDIT: Note, I put this here since the 'separate thread' link did not work when I saw it.

Feros wrote:
Tonlim wrote:
Well, with three archetypes covered, may we also get a few spoilers about the drill sergeant?
** spoiler omitted **

Is Drill Sergeant's ability still called "weapon training" (so it works with the gloves of dueling)?

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Arturius Fischer wrote:
EDIT: Note, I put this here since the 'separate thread' link did not work when I saw it.

The url has been fixed. Let's move all weapon size talk over to that thread.

Feros wrote:
Mythraine wrote:

Whats is:

Phalanx Formation
Press to the Wall
Redirect Attack ?

I would like to make clear that all I am doing is giving a rough overview of the feats and including their prerequisites (if any). For exact wording and rules, buy the book! :)

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Fantastic! And I do appreciate the info Feros. I loved Ranged Tactics Toolbox when I picked it up from my FLGS, so this is definitely now on my list when I get the cash. I reckon the upcoming Dirty Tactics Toolbox will be a no-brainer as well.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:
I'm surprised that no one's begun swooning over the new bardic masterpiece in this book. Absolutely, unquestionably, incredibly amazing.

I know what my bard will be taking come the next level...

Liberty's Edge

I'm looking at the spell blade tutor's spirit and whether it would help my magus.

Am I correct in thinking that the spell would reduce the penalty to attack from spell combat: both with the melee attacks, and also the attack roll from a touch spell (possibly delivered through the weapon as a spellstrike)? So a 5th-level magus would have no attack penalty from spell combat at all?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
deuxhero wrote:
Feros wrote:
Tonlim wrote:
Well, with three archetypes covered, may we also get a few spoilers about the drill sergeant?
** spoiler omitted **
Is Drill Sergeant's ability still called "weapon training" (so it works with the gloves of dueling)?

Yes, it is still weapon training. It has just been slightly modified.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Arturius Fischer wrote:
Drill Sergeant seems neat. Does it get to count Teamwork feats as Combat Feats for the purposes of its class-based bonus feats? Cause that'd be really awesome.

Only as long as the Teamwork feats are also Combat feats, as usual. (Since most Teamwork feats ARE Combat feats as well, this isn't much of an issue IMO)

Any new uses for skills like they did in Giant Slayer's Handbook with the Bluff and Stealth skills?

Shadow Lodge

Feros wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
What's the machete get and the racial weapons?

The machete is an OK slashing weapon that adds +1 to Survival checks in the wild.

The elven branched spear I covered above.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

The orc skull ram I covered here.

is the machete essentially a slashing short sword then? D6 dmg 19-20 crit that kind of thing?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:
Any new uses for skills like they did in Giant Slayer's Handbook with the Bluff and Stealth skills?

No. There is a feat that lets Acrobatics combine with evasion for a cool, cinematic move and that's all.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
doc the grey wrote:
Feros wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
What's the machete get and the racial weapons?

The machete is an OK slashing weapon that adds +1 to Survival checks in the wild.

The elven branched spear I covered above.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

The orc skull ram I covered here.

is the machete essentially a slashing short sword then? D6 dmg 19-20 crit that kind of thing?

Spot on. That is exactly how a machete works.

What does Heroic Leader, Just Out of Reach, and One Eye Open do?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:
What does Heroic Leader, Just Out of Reach, and One Eye Open do?

Heroic Leader allows you to not consider allies (including AC's Familiars & similar) to be threatening a foe under the right circumstances.

Just out of Reach gives you a dodge bonus to your AC versus attacks from melee attackers that have a reach greater than 5'

One Eye Open allows you to make Perception tests while asleep that don't take the 'while asleep' penalty. You also can wake up automatically if you succeed on your perception check against a danger while asleep.

Would circling mongoose allow a character that relies on sneak attacks to get the sneak attacks on all iterative attacks?

Grand Lodge

havoc xiii wrote:
Would circling mongoose allow a character that relies on sneak attacks to get the sneak attacks on all iterative attacks?

That is how I read it and it made me giggle with delight.


My vanguard slayer will love this I think.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

What could possibly be the advantage of not counting allies as threatening foes per Heroic Leader?

Silver Crusade

I know the bloodrager archetype was covered, but what brawler mechanics will they get?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
What could possibly be the advantage of not counting allies as threatening foes per Heroic Leader?

Order of the cockatrice cavalier, solo maneuvers feat, axe to grind combat trait, Mivoni duelist regional trait...might be some others. But there are a few things that give you a bonus if you're the only one threatening an opponent.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Luthorne wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
What could possibly be the advantage of not counting allies as threatening foes per Heroic Leader?
Order of the cockatrice cavalier, solo maneuvers feat, axe to grind combat trait, Mivoni duelist regional trait...might be some others. But there are a few things that give you a bonus if you're the only one threatening an opponent.


Dark Archive

Paladin's get holy lance for their 2nd level spell --- much better

I was looking for a feat to use weapon finesse on a quarter staff or a feat to make shields better for defense rather than offense but otherwise everything I am hearing is good

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