Phantasm (1979)


If you liked the movie Phantasm (1979) list your top 2 reason why?

If you do not like the movie Phantasm (1979) list your top 2 reasons why?

kaboom! wrote:

If you liked the movie Phantasm (1979) list your top 2 reason why?

If you do not like the movie Phantasm (1979) list your top 2 reasons why?

I'll do both!

Like 1: Lots of great images - the mirrored balls, the yellow-blooded dwarves, the other world
Like 2: the Tall Man

Dislike 1: The plot doesn't make a bit of sense
Dislike 2: The plot doesn't make a bit of sense

I realize that technically this is just one reason, stated twice, but it seemed to bear repeating. ;)
No, I can't get the Kryten quote just right...

I think it's okay...if a bit overhyped.

When my wife's family was stationed in Germany during this time. They dropped her off at the base theater. She thought she was seeing "Fantasia". Imagine her surprise.

She also freaked me out when she said she'd never seen "Star Wars" when we first began dating. Then she thought about it, and said she had. She then described a scene from "Spaceballs".

Cue early relationship doubts.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

When my wife's family was stationed in Germany during this time. They dropped her off at the base theater. She thought she was seeing "Fantasia". Imagine her surprise.

She also freaked me out when she said she'd never seen "Star Wars" when we first began dating. Then she thought about it, and said she had. She then described a scene from "Spaceballs".

Cue early relationship doubts.

Did that mean other ... aspects ... of your relationship were far freakier than you initially imagined, mostly because she perceived them as normal?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

LOL... nah...sadly.

It's great. Phantasm is a surrealist horror film that brings dream logic kicking and screaming into broad daylight. The questions created by this film only grow larger with each new installment in the series.

It's an extremely impressive film when you consider the circumstances under which it was made. That said, it doesn't do much for me, although I'm pretty atypical in my response to horror films.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Scrimm v. Freddy.

Still mucking around in dreams, boy? Watch this old man make reality bend over.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

1. The Tall Man. As horror villains of the period went, taciturn alien necromancers were light on the ground. Couple that to the late great Angus Scrimm's performance in the role and you've got one my all-time favorite villains.

2. The plot makes no sense and it's not really supposed to. As I say about the fate of one character, "he's about to be already dead." The part of me that loved Slaughter-House Five really jittered and jived on the dimensional and temporal lunacy- which later films would expand upon, but which had a presence from the beginning.

I enjoy the movie, simply because it's so absolutely bizarre. A eldritch abomination, or whatever the Tall Man is, masquerades as an undertaker so he can turn dead people into his dwarf zombie slaves and send them back to his world/dimension? And he defends himself with flying silver spheres that spike into your skull and suck your brains out?

Phantasm is almost as weird as Zardoz, and far better written.

Eric Hinkle wrote:

Phantasm is almost as weird as Zardoz, and far better written.

I'm going to watch both this weekend.

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