New Envoy Suggestions

General Discussion

The Exchange

Just picked up CRB, was planning on building Envoy. All the rules on Gear and stuff are still pretty confusing. Building a character for organized play. Everything seems so expensive, and I'm not really sure what weapon types are good and stuff so what do you guys suggest regarding weapons and armor? What equipment should I pick up? Thanks guys.

Shadow Lodge

Only level 1 and 2 equipment for a first level character until more guidelines come out
Somewhere it states equipment avaible to characters normally their current level plus 1
This is suppose represent finding/ knowing people to get better equipped

If you want to deal out respectable ranged damage, spending your first level feat on Longarm Proficiency and grabbing an Azimuth Laser Rifle or a Hunting Rifle would be a good idea. The Small Arms that Envoys start with are the weakest weapons in the game.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Big thing I would say is to pick a lane with the envoy.

You can go generalist with them but you would be more successful if you knew which "line" of Improvisations you were going to specialize in and use your feats and such to support that style.

I'd say the best way to build one is either go for Unwieldy Heavy Weapons + a smattering of STR to handle the bulk, or Unwieldy Advanced Weapons + Heavy Armor.

Unwieldy weapons are just too good to pass up.

Compare a Mach III Swoop Hammer (14d10, reach, unwieldy) and a Curved Dimensional Blade (12d10). So you get +2d10 damage and reach out of the trade.

Secret Wizard wrote:

I'd say the best way to build one is either go for Unwieldy Heavy Weapons + a smattering of STR to handle the bulk, or Unwieldy Advanced Weapons + Heavy Armor.

Unwieldy weapons are just too good to pass up.

Compare a Mach III Swoop Hammer (14d10, reach, unwieldy) and a Curved Dimensional Blade (12d10). So you get +2d10 damage and reach out of the trade.

I agree with the unwieldy with an envoy, as they have a lot of good functionality and action economy with move actions so that they shouldn't be full attacking every round.

Side note: One main issue with unwieldy that I just read is you can't use them for an AoO which is somewhat limiting but not deal breaking. I still agree that unwieldy is a good option on Envoys.

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Could pick up IUS for AoOs.

The Exchange

Thanks guys, appreciate all the help.

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Sample Build:
NG Android Xenoseeker Envoy || 10str 12dex 12con 12int 10wis 17cha ||
Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Computers, Culture, Diplomacy, Disguise, Engineering, Life Science, Piloting,
1. Skill Expertise(Diplomacy), Longarm Proficiency
2. Get ‘Em
3. Slick Customer, Versatile Specialization
4. Long-Range Improvisation
5. Skill Expertise(Bluff), Improved Dirty Trick || 10str 14dex 14con 14int 10wis 18cha || Skill: Stealth
6. Improved Get ‘Em
7. Convincing Liar, Enhanced Resistance(Kinetic)
8. Clever Feint
9. Skill Expertise(Disguise), Weapon Focus(longarm)
10. Clever Attack || 10str 16dex 16con 16int 10wis 19cha || Skill: Perception
11. Cunning Disguise, Iron Will
12. Don’t Quit
13. Skill Expertise(Computers), Great Fortitude
14. Inspiring Boost
15. Expert Forger, Improved Iron || 10str 18dex 18con 18int 10wis 20cha || Skill: Medicine
16. Quick Inspiring Boost
17. Skill Expertise(Engineering), Improved Great Fortitude
18. Draw Fire
19. Well Informed, Lightning Reflexes
20. True Expertise, Clever Improvisations || 10str 19dex 19con 19int 10wis 21cha ||

Get 'EM and Improved Get 'EM are a fantastic party buff. Clever attack allows you to both attack and make the target flat footed. You could build a heavy weapons expert out of this. For that, I would go human and leave int at 10 and instead pump Str and go mercenary background for more carrying capacity (though any background that boost a main stat would work).

Your stats would then be as follows
1. 13str 12dex 12con 10int 10wis 16cha
3. 13str 12dex 12con 10int 10wis 18cha
5. 15str 14dex 14con 10int 10wis 20cha
7. 15str 16dex 14con 10int 10wis 22cha
10. 17str 18dex 16con 10int 10wis 23cha
14. 17str 20dex 18con 10int 10wis 25cha
15. 18str 22dex 20con 10int 10wis 26cha
20. (doesn't matter, you are not here long enough)

Then for feats as a human you would want
1. Heavy Armor Prof, Longarm Prof
3. Versatile Specialization
5. Heavy Weapons Prof
7. Weapon focus(heavy)
9. Versatile Focus [You can pass on this if you are committed to only using heavy weapons]

With Get 'em, Clever attack, and Weapon focus, you get an effective +6 to hit. Which means you cap out at +28 (15BAB + 6 DEX + 2WF + 2FF + 2GE) to-hit. You more than keep pace.

The Exchange

First of all, thank you. What is WF and GE? I think I'm leaning towards a different class but this is still cool.

I think WF is the Weapon Focus feat (which gives a bigger bonus to Envoys than it does to Soldiers due to the Envoy's lower BAB) and GE is Get 'Em, the improvisation.

Seems like a plasma pistol would be fine. Line weapon, so potential for more damage to multiple enemies, mixes well with your move action abilities. Weapon Focus and Get 'Em, look like great choices. Quick draw and an operative weapon for AoO may not be a bad choice. Drop when you need to reload, quick draw a new one of you need it.

A level of Soldier for heavy armor wouldn't hurt much, and gives the option for bigger weapons...

Envoy does seem to require having a specific goal in mind from the start. I build my 1st level envoy with 2nd-skin armor and a tactical dueling blade, spending the rest of the starting budget on random gear. Build a human to get two first level feats (Jet Dash and Mobility), and ended up with an Envoy that reaches targets much faster than other party members for melee. Planning on getting unarmed feat and mixing kick attacks and pistols later, as well as dipping a few levels into solarian for the rest of the skills and an AC boost.

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