Kamaloo |

In the steaming jungles of Chult, on the wild and rocky coast where pirates prey on the unlucky - even in the very heart of the tropical city of Tashluta, where the air is redolent with exotic spices and the streets are packed with exotic peoples; everywhere in the sweltering heat, something wicked grows in the hearts of humanity. A tide rises, and all the world will be washed away before it... unless some brave souls were to take a stand against it.
To beat back the savage tide.
I'm starting a Savage Tide Pathfinder campaign set in the Forgotten Realms near Chult, with 3pp considered if it's in my library or on d20pfsrd... though, with certain caveats (for example, I restrict psionics to a custom race, the thri-kreen, for flavor reasons). We'll also be testing some of the alternate rules, like armor as DR and the vigor/wound rules. Posting rate will be 3-4 times weekly, should daily be too strenuous a schedule to keep, but I expect more than a one-line response. The characters begin the game in Tashluta, capital of the Tashalar, in the middle of the Chultan peninsula, on the 1st of Mirtul, 1375 DR. It's 15-20 point buy (explained on the support site), min.7 after racial mods, max.18 before racial mods. The catch is that it will be a pbem based out of Yahoo Groups, rather than a pbp. Here's the support site, which shows the rules we'll be using and the four characters already chosen.
I'm looking for two more players. Would anyone be interested?
Recruitment will run for a week or two.

Peet |

I don't know a lot about Forgotten Realms. Never did play a game set there.
But I have to wonder if a pirate-themed Nagaji would suit. Apparently there are lizardfolk around the city where the game is set, and pirates too.
If so I might suggest Shakaro Jun. Shakaro was built for a Skull & Shackles game and would have to be re-themed for Faerun. I don't know a lot about Faerun and would need some help there. But my lack of knowledge about the world would be fairly suitable for a character who is basically an ignorant primitive.
Crunch would have to be re-done because the current version is based on a set of rolled stats. But reconfiguring the ability scores is pretty easy.

Peet |

Tashalans have been fighting with the lizard men and yuan-ti (and pirates, of course), and really hate them, so being a reptilian pirate probably isn't the best fit for this version of the campaign.
I'd prefer to use one of my character concepts that I already started rather than create a new one. I have a variety of characters from other games that died for one reason or another, and have too many posts under their belt to have their name changed.
Looks like you have a Rogue, a Swashbuckler, a Wizard, and a Bard. So you are probably looking for some healing and maybe a STR-based frontliner.
What about a Lizard-man that started off as a slave? I do like reptilians. The material states here that there are a lot of Lizard-man slaves in the city.
Here's the "heavies" that I currently have:
Dunganagar The Mad, a rather wild and obnoxious dwarf barbarian with a comically low DEX. He has the Fey Foundling feat to reduce his drain on party healing, but he still needs to be in a party with a decent healer. His background assumes a northern upbringing but that could be changed.
Sulan Kator, a half-orc goliath druid from a tribe of desert orcs. His magic mainly beefs his combat abilities, so he should not be considered a healer. He is CN and worships Azathoth "The Burning Sun" though so in a strictly good environment he might not be the best fit.
Qazag Qoroshúk, a half-orc cavalier. He was made for a kingdom building game, so his design is pretty odd, and would need to be fixed. But he is a fairly straightforward cavalier. He would eventually be a beast rider though so a game with a lot of dungeons wouldn't be good for him.
I also have these healers:
Zuru Chan, a Wayang witch with the Ley Line Guardian archetype, which mainly makes the witch a spontaneous caster, which I like. He doesn't have access to a lot of divine magic but he does get cure spells and also the healing hex. His background isn't really done because it was tough for me to find a game where he would fit. I am not sure if Wayangs would have a place in your world, but they are tropical guys.
Izússavar is the particularly weird one and I understand if you don't want him in your game. He is a nagaji and would start the game as a slave of some kind. He is an oracle of the time mystery, and was brought into the present from a time in the ancient past when reptilians ruled the world. He was made for a homebrew universe and may or not work depending on how flexible you are about the distant past.
I would be happy to submit any of these. Let me know what you think.

Joy |

After looking over the list of deities of the area, I've decided to go with a Cleric of Umberlee. I'll work up an avatar for her.
I see portfolios listed for the Faerun deities, but no Domains. Is there a list I am missing, do I just pick domains similar to the portfolios or are we no using domains?

Kamaloo |

Thanks, Banesama. :)
I think, with the talk of avatars and messageboard aliases that can't be changed, that I should point out again: this game will be a pbem. There's no need for an alias unless you insist on rolling your own dice.
Peet: The dwarf or wayang might be the closest choice, but the wayang description makes me think they'd have trouble in a city adventure/dealing with the non-wayangs? Also, with their attitude, note our rule on no lone wolves. I really think it would be better to make a character for this specific game.

Joy |

Skylla was born and raised in the Azure District of Sasserine. She was raised alone by her mother after her father perished at sea during a storm. He was a whaler and her mother worked at the Drunken Dolphin.
It was the story of the storm that took her father's life that caused Skylla to become fixated on storms and destruction they caused. It is why she eventually sought out the church (such as it was) of Umberlee.
As an adult, Skylla went against her mother's wishes and took up the profession of sailing instead of finding a safe landbound job to take. Nothing make her feel more alive than to be at sea in the middle of a storm. When the rest of the crew is huddled below deck, she can be found out in the bow or even up in the crow's nest, just letting the rain cascade down her and watching the lightning light up the skies.
Personality - Skylla tends to be tempestuous. She is not very good at taking her time and thinking things through. She'd rather just act on her first impulse and trust her instincts. This isn't to say that she is always short-tempered though.
Also, she tends to be rather friendly, at least with other working types. She feels disdain for most nobles and for anyone who can't see the beauty of storms.
Appearance - Skylla stands at 5'2", weighs roughly 106 and has the tanned skin of someone who works at sea. Her pale blond hair is straight and reaches down to her waist. There are usually multiple braids in her hair with strands of kelp intertwined with them in the fashion of followers of Umberlee.
On her build - Obviously Wisdom will be her highest stat and I plan to give her some skills that go with her life at sea.