The Doshko


Sovereign Court

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So I was looking at different weapon choices to buy at Level 1. Since we can buy items that are CL+1, that means I can buy a Flame Doshko, ember. The 1d8 fire damage is fine, but, Wound? If I attack someone, and I crit, then they could possibly face making a Fort Save vs. DC 16ish or get dismembered!? Am I the only one that thinks this is a bit excessive at Level 1?

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I find it a bit AWESOME, personally.

Crit and take somebody's whole arm off? Yes please!

Get crit and have an excuse to get an awesome cyber-arm? Double yes please!

Scarab Sages

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Laffite5150 wrote:
So I was looking at different weapon choices to buy at Level 1. Since we can buy items that are CL+1, that means I can buy a Flame Doshko, ember. The 1d8 fire damage is fine, but, Wound? If I attack someone, and I crit, then they could possibly face making a Fort Save vs. DC 16ish or get dismembered!? Am I the only one that thinks this is a bit excessive at Level 1?

Remember, that weapon would cost 3/4 of your starting cash, leaving you nothing for armor, another weapon, or food. Plus, since you kill most monsters you fight anyway. . . Seems not so much a big deal

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And if the GM thinks it excessive, they can always make it unavailable.

But dismemberment isn't going to be a worry every enemy you fight.

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If you hit some level 1 dude with a Doshko, assuming you are building your char to wear it proficiently, and crit, he probably will be dead. Dismembered is the least of his problems :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Don't worry too much about the lack of gear. The moment you murder another humanoid, you can just take his stuff to augment your kit.

Laffite5150 wrote:
So I was looking at different weapon choices to buy at Level 1. Since we can buy items that are CL+1, that means I can buy a Flame Doshko, ember. The 1d8 fire damage is fine, but, Wound? If I attack someone, and I crit, then they could possibly face making a Fort Save vs. DC 16ish or get dismembered!? Am I the only one that thinks this is a bit excessive at Level 1?

HAHA okay that is about the pefect type of weapon for somebody who likes to Disarm their opponents. Then look all sheepish to people about being a very literal person.

Replacing a limb with a prosthetic is only 100 credits, but I'm still not a big fan of the wounding weapons. It looks like every melee character will end up missing limbs at some point.

Scarab Sages

Melkiador wrote:
It looks like every melee character will end up missing limbs at some point.

This is an huge exaggeration. This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment. Then they need to roll an natural 20, you need to fail an easy fort save, and they need to roll that result on the critical wound table. You could play for years and never lose a limb to a weapon with the wound critical effect.

Liberty's Edge

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Imbicatus wrote:
This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment.

This part is factually incorrect. NPCs who use equipment at all use it exactly as PCs do.

Scarab Sages

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment.
This part is factually incorrect. NPCs who use equipment at all use it exactly as PCs do.

Sorry, but your statement is factually incorrect. In the first Starfinder society scenario, (The commencement), there are enemies with tactical batons. A tactical baton in their hands deals 1d6 damage, but in a Pcs hands, it does 1d4

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
VampByDay wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment.
This part is factually incorrect. NPCs who use equipment at all use it exactly as PCs do.
Sorry, but your statement is factually incorrect. In the first Starfinder society scenario, (The commencement), there are enemies with tactical batons. A tactical baton in their hands deals 1d6 damage, but in a Pcs hands, it does 1d4

What!? Screw that!

That's total horse s@@~. God I hope that's not the way Paizo has decided to handle NPCs...

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OR the early development tactical batons were 1d6, later changed to 1d4 and modifying the scenario written who-knows-where during Starfinder's development the mooks' stat block got left in the detritus. ;)

Yeah. Until alien archive comes out we can't be completely sure of anything.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So going through First Contact, and Dead Suns I all NPC's with weapons that exist on the CRB equipment list have the exact same stats. A couple of things, like the goblin junknlaser and the sarcesian tactical sniper rifle aren't listed in the CRB equipment sections so they may or may not be arbitrarily assigned. This doesn't seem to be the case. Npcs weapons and armor seem to be the exact same as PC's. The only differences seem to be that noc's don't get their dex bonus to AC, and they get the weapon specialization bonus starting at CR 1, when PC's get it at lvl 3. And even if the stars given for weapons and armor aren't the same as listed in the equipment section (which it seems they are the same) that in no way means these values are arbitrary. You'd have to provide more evidence than one npc in one SFS NPC, that could too easily be chalked up to a typo or error, especially considering this is the first printing of a brand new role playing game. Look at any other "recent" rpg release and it's corresponding errata, there are always tons of typos, spelling errors, etc that have to be corrected. Let's try to not jump to conclusions based on one Npc's weapon stat

Considering that the enemies in Dead Suns 1 follow the same weapons damage as what they're equipped with, I'm assuming the Commencement thing is a Beta Rules error.

Liberty's Edge

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VampByDay wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment.
This part is factually incorrect. NPCs who use equipment at all use it exactly as PCs do.
Sorry, but your statement is factually incorrect. In the first Starfinder society scenario, (The commencement), there are enemies with tactical batons. A tactical baton in their hands deals 1d6 damage, but in a Pcs hands, it does 1d4

And the Sarcesian in First Contact says it does 1d810 damage with their weapon, too.

But all the other enemies everywhere do appropriate weapon damage exactly as PCs. My assumption is that the facts I mention above are typos (or, as others note, possibly legacy issues in the case of the 1d6 batons) rather than damage being defined by CR. Which wouldn't make a lot of sense given that several statted enemies of the same CR all do very different amounts of damage.

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
VampByDay wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
This is only going to happen if the enemy is using a wounding weapon, which is unlikely as npc damage is based on cr, not equipment.
This part is factually incorrect. NPCs who use equipment at all use it exactly as PCs do.
Sorry, but your statement is factually incorrect. In the first Starfinder society scenario, (The commencement), there are enemies with tactical batons. A tactical baton in their hands deals 1d6 damage, but in a Pcs hands, it does 1d4

And the Sarcesian in First Contact says it does 1d810 damage with their weapon, too.

But all the other enemies everywhere do appropriate weapon damage exactly as PCs. My assumption is that the facts I mention above are typos (or, as others note, possibly legacy issues in the case of the 1d6 batons) rather than damage being defined by CR. Which wouldn't make a lot of sense given that several statted enemies of the same CR all do very different amounts of damage.

I don't care how impractical it is, i want a d810. Aside from that a new limb is only 100 credits, even the Black Knight from holy grail could get a grip and get back on his feet at character creation.

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'Tis but a scratch.

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