Is there an Occult (Psychic) Wizard Class?


Silver Crusade

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I am trying to find an Occult class based on the Wizard. The Psychic seems to be based on the sorcerer and I didn’t see an architype to alter the wizard for a psychic flavor in Occult Adventures.

Some people suggest the occultist
But I think they're wrong.

Silksworn occultists do make powerful intelligence based arcane casters however, might be worth a look.

What exactly are you looking for in an "occult" wizard?

If you're looking for a prepared psychic class, you won't find one. All Psychic magic is spontaneous.

The closest you might get is the Psychic class itself.

The Occult flavor seems to me as: Wizard branched into two classes: Psychic as the raw casting power, and Occultist as the school user.

(The true psychic sorcerer is either Kineticist (as emphasizing the limited powers by limiting them to an element) or the Psychic Bloodline)

So, anyway, Psychic or Occultist. Depends on which flavor you want. Either is wizard-y

Silver Crusade

I like the spell book aspect of the wizard. That is what I am looking for.

Sovereign Court

Wizards already have many psychic spells on their spell list. I don't think there is really much of a point to make a psychic wizard to be quite honest.

Unless the issue is, you want the wizard to have all the psychic spells...that's another story entirely.

TimrehIX wrote:
I like the spell book aspect of the wizard. That is what I am looking for.

So you are looking for someone who isn't practicing psychic magic? Because spellbooks are thematically far-far away from psychic magic...

The closest thing would be an tome eater occultist archetype, who uses a book as his implement, and can drain energy from scrolls and books to regain mental focus...

Psychic Magic is thematically always spontaneous, rather than prepared.

The Amnesiac might be able to create an effect similar to what you want.

Silver Crusade

Ok, what I am hearing is that what I am looking for does not exist. So I made an archetype. Feel free to take a look if interested.

Try taking the Blood Arcanist archetype and selecting the Psychic Bloodline. The Bloodline doesn't state that you become a spontaneous caster so you should still use your spellbook to prepare your spells.

Silver Crusade

Gisher: Thanks that is pretty much exactly what I wanted.

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