Solarian revelation: Radiation stacking poison

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Dark Archive

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According to the Radiation revelation: Radiation (Su)

As a standard action, you can emit an aura of low-level radiation. Creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened. A sickened creature recovers as soon as it moves out of your aura, and a creature that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to your radiation for 24 hours. This is a poison effect (see page 415). The radiation lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode.

Poison effects in Starfinder have new functionality compared to Pathfinder and move someone up the poison track with condition modifiers. The level 1 poison effect (weakened) is similar to sickened. Since it says it is a poison effect does it ALSO make a person weakened. And if you keep them in your aura does that poison stack as well.

Poison says: Upon initial exposure, regardless of whether she succeeds at her saving throw, the victim loses a number of Hit Points equal to the poison's DC – 10. If a victim is exposed to multiple doses of the same poison, she must attempt a separate save for each dose and progresses to the next state on the poison track with each failed save.

Besides moving up the poison track, does the revelation also give hit point (bypass stamina and straight to hit point, ouch) damage as well. This could make Radiation very powerful indeed if one or both of these attributes are true.

Dark Archive

I don't have the book, but I'm going to guess that is not the intention. I suspect the note that it is a poison effect is for applying bonuses to the save (Dwarves?) or immunity (Skeletons?).

Dark Archive

Yeah, don't think it probably is the intention. Especially since it doesn't spell out the type of attribute the poison would affect. Although, there is a section for Radiation in general that describes what Radiation does, and it is a Con poison. I would have thought that if this was their intent, it would just reference Radiation itself instead of describe the actual effects.

Grand Lodge

I don't know why they would reference a page number for a "type" clause.

Radiation as written is very nasty, which is probably why almost all armor gives bonuses to save against it or in some cases grant immunity to the 'low' intensity provided by the revelation. It's an incurable (without magic) poison that can inflict a disease (radiation sickness).

Against well armored opponents it's mostly useless. Against lightly armored opponents its pretty grisly.

I think this whole revelation is going to get errata that is only needed because they were trying to save page space. It's like giving someone a supernatural ability called "Fireball" and then referencing the Magic section.

Dark Archive

True. I want it to be better, so I'm hoping. Didn't realize how bad (nasty bad) radiation was until I looked it up. And from what I was just reading, it seems that most monsters won't have stamina points (just hitpoints), so I guess the going to hitpoints isn't as "big of a deal" from an PC class, unless there are going to be a lot of encounters vs classed NPCs, in which case it's almost like a bypass DR typey thing.

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